
Chapter 1099

At the moment when the purple side's wild widow was killed.

The top laner heroes of the blue and purple sides finally teleported to the ground at the same time.

Following Tian Tian's attack signal, the truly fierce battle finally started at this moment.

The moment of landing.

Under Tian Tian's control, the Wushuang Sword Girl has already shot towards the target Jiaoyue not far in front of her with a Q skill "Empty Slash" like lightning!

Ping! ——

There was a crisp explosion.

A flaw on the side of the Bright Moon Goddess was hit by Fiona's slender fencing sword, and the blood bar above her head suddenly dropped by a full bar!

At the same time, the purple team's ADC Obama, under the control of Huangxue Yege, cooperates with his teammate's mid laner, and is aiming at the opponent, the blue team's jungler Prince, who is rushing to the front, and launches a pouring output of firepower!

The Paladin Ranger raised his two guns like lightning.

Two straight A shots!

Answer Q!

"Body-penetrating Holy Light" penetrated the body of the target prince Jiawen, and in the next second, it quickly connected to the passive flat A two-shot burst, and at the same time, the clockwork demon's QW skill controlled the magic ball for two consecutive shots, The blood volume of the blood bar above the prince's head is also plummeting rapidly under the fire of the two purple heroes in C position!

At the same moment—

On the blue side's side, Lin Feng's voice suddenly sounded in the team's voice channel:

"Bull head, weak!"

And even without waiting for Lin Feng's reminder, almost at the same time when the sword girl Fiona cut her face, the shadow puppet who is the blue side's auxiliary bull head has already set a summoner skill [Weakness] on it without hesitation. The target Wushuangjian Ji's body!

A platinum cage of light suddenly appeared, covering Fiona's body!

Suddenly, Jian Ji's body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire!

The output is greatly reduced!

Another moment.

Lin Feng manipulated the bright moon to backhand the cool down Q skill "Crescent Strike" like lightning, and swung a silver-white arc of energy.

Pierce through the bodies of Sword Fairy and Thresh in front of you!

A flat A is aimed at the sword girl and cuts down!

Trigger passive extra damage!

The "Moon God Sprint" of the big move suddenly started in this flash, and rushed towards the target sword girl almost face-to-face!


Still at the same moment.

The reaction speed was almost extremely fast, and it could only be that he had made a prediction in advance. In this time of no more than one-tenth of a second, the top laner sword girl on the purple side instantly backhanded!

The mind-eye knife of the W skill is suddenly opened!



Brutely forcibly parrying the sprinting move of the goddess of the moon, which is impossible to be blocked by the reaction!

Face-to-face counter-control, stun the target!

The chaotic battle made it impossible for most of the players watching the battle to catch this scene at all, but the only people like Shi Hang, Dawn Morning Star and Li Shiyi could see it clearly. Immediately moved:



The Moon Goddess under someone's control has almost used the combo combo to the extreme. As long as you keep looking for the enemy hero with the passive moonlight mark as the target, Diana's ultimate move will be effective if the mana is sufficient. It will be constantly refreshed and reset, and it will continue to deal tons of explosive damage.

But this time...

Jian Ji's lightning-like backhand W skill parry blocked Jiaoyue's ult attack and stunned the target.

It is tantamount to forcibly stopping and interrupting the output rhythm of Goddess Bright Moon!

The blue square army on the stage is here.

In front of the computer screen, the pupils of Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly for a moment. At this time, his bright moon fell into a state of dizziness, while the purple ADC Obama not far away from the opposite side had already concentrated fire with the cooperation of his teammates. Killing took away his teammate Jungle Prince, and was quickly shifting his target to chase him.

to die.

At such an urgent and dangerous moment, someone couldn't help but grumbled inwardly.

His bright moon...

The speed of the big move is fast enough.

And he is a close-faced R person.

In this way, he was forcibly blocked by Sword Fairy's W, which was easily impossible for the fat man before, so the recent training has really improved the fat man's state.

As a former partner and friend, it is natural to be happy to know this.

Can be used as the current opponent...

This is really bad news.


Although the purple side on the opposite side has a fat top laner sword girl coming in to disrupt the situation, but their blue side's army is here...

There is also a top order dog head, it has come!


Finally at this moment, when the top laner Sword Ji under Tian Tian's control aimed at the dizzy target in front of her, Jiaoyue, and was about to start outputting, suddenly the teammate's angry and anxious voice came from the team's voice channel. shout:


"The dog's head is behind!"

At the same time, the spectators from several clubs in the spectator seats couldn't help but exclaimed as if they had noticed something.

The location of the teleportation is different from that of Sword Fairy. It was teleported to the opponent's purple side F6 field exit just now. Although it was a little late at this moment, it finally caught up and entered the battlefield!

Huangxue Yege's ADC Obama cooperated with his mid-laner teammate Clockwork just to get rid of the threat of the prince, and was about to switch to someone's mid-laner Bright Moon, but just when he controlled his Holy Gun Ranger's E skill "Cruel" The moment when the "chasing" moves forward and is about to raise the gun to level A and shoot...

It was as if a huge invisible force suddenly descended.

The figure of the Holy Gun Ranger was suddenly pressed down!

Like being stuck in a muddy swamp.


In the blink of an eye, the hair on the back of Yege Huangxue stood up, and the alarm bell in his head rang crazily. He didn't need any reaction to realize at the first moment... This is the W skill "wither" of the single dog head on the opposite side.

And at the same time.

Behind the two C heroes on the purple side, the Desert God of Death, who had activated his ultimate move and descended like a demon god, entered the arena with a death scepter in his hand, striding like a shooting star!

E skill "Soul Flame" is activated!

A circle of icy blue flames burned in the river, encircling the bodies of the purple ADC Obama and the mid laner Clockwork!

Lower your armor!

Another moment.

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, the dog's head suddenly handed over a [Flash], and instantly narrowed the distance to the target ADC Obama. A Q skill "Soul Draining Blow" swung the scepter at Lucian and smashed it down!


It was like a heavy sound that shook the soul.

In an instant, the blood bar on Obama's head plummeted!

The members of several clubs watching the game in the audience seats, including the team leader and coach, were all moved in horror:

This hurts!

That's right... just now everyone still subconsciously ignored the damage power of the dog's head that gradually developed during this period of time.

Especially in the current team battle situation.

When the heroes in almost every position on the purple side surrendered most of their skills, and even the ADC Obama, like the wild snow night song, also surrendered the flash and E skills displacement, a dog head who entered the field thurs...

It's really like a terrifying chariot that harvests heads.

Completely unstoppable!

Flat A.

Under the activation effect of the ultimate move, the Desert Reaper's Q skill quickly finished cooling down again, and another "Spirit Draining Blow" was so outrageous that it was unreasonable to hit the Holy Gun Ranger's forehead again!

boom! ! ! ——

The heavy muffled sound made all the spectators in the spectator seats feel their scalps tingle and their eyelids twitch wildly!

Just two clicks.

Two Qs.

Lucian's blood bar had bottomed out instantly under the dog's head's desert scepter!

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around eleven o'clock, go away and continue to code.

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