
Chapter 1078 A More Difficult Game

Even if you have never seen it with your own eyes, some things are logically deduced, but it is enough for people to know and learn a lot.

For example, looking at Lin Feng and Tian Tian on the field at this moment, one can't help but think of the amazing and even moving strengths of the other three members who fought side by side with these two back then.

Another example is thinking that if the legendary team in the national server in the S1 season had the existence of this level of strength, then how dazzling and unstoppable that team would be.

Another example……

If the team led by someone back then was already so strong, how terrifying and unfathomable would the other Korean team that defeated him head-on in a BO5 in the final S1 World Finals be.

Follow the logic all the way back.

Some truths of the past that were shrouded in the fog of time seem to become clear little by little and gradually appear before the eyes.


Some things, at this time and in this situation, can still only be kept secret by a very small number of those who experienced it back then.

On the 1st, the tone seems to be casual, but it is actually a solemn warning to remind his old friends, not to mention certain things in front of a certain person and several other people, precisely because they have too many other things to worry about right now. .

Just like sitting in the hall of Longteng e-sports stadium at this moment, they are also waiting for some news from Manchester, England that may come back at any time.

But for Lin Feng at this moment——

He also has extremely difficult and troublesome problems to worry about right now.


On the court, the game time has come to the 13th minute.


A signal marker was placed on the Xiaolong Fjord in the small map, and at the same time, the voice channel of the blue team sounded an extremely anxious and fast warning reminder from the Hayami Jungle Prince:


"The widow was just in the river crab position, she might have gone down!"

And almost at the same time.

Summoner's Canyon went down the road, and a wave of war broke out suddenly.

Soon, a female system's kill notification sound came from the bottom lane——

"An-ally-has-been- (A friendly hero was killed)."

On the side of the blue team on the stage, in front of the computer screen on the ADC seat, the ADC members of the Hayami 1st team watched the game screen in front of them turn into a black and white TV and their life turned into a cold corpse lying on the ground Master Jin, clenched his fists and thumped the table with great annoyance and regret:


at the same time--

On the purple side, Obama, who is controlling his own ADC, pulled back and retreated. Huangxue Yege also sent a signal to his support teammate Thresh:

"Okay, don't chase."

"Be careful and steady, don't be greedy."

The main support team member of the God team controlled his soul-locked warden with some reluctance to give up the pursuit, and glanced at the blue side support bull head who was fleeing away with residual blood on his face. I feel sorry but I also agree with the views of my ADC teammates:

"Well, it's okay to hit him a little bit."

In this wave of bot lane battles, the blue army's warning from the jungler hadn't had any effect at all.


Regardless of whether he was in the crab position just now, the widow did not appear in the bottom lane at all.

The purple side's ADC Obama cooperated with the auxiliary Thresh, completely in a 2V2 situation, forcibly killing the opponent's blue side's ADC's life master head-on.

The next moment, the same bad news came from the road:

"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

The angle of view of the camera quickly moved towards the top road of Summoner's Canyon.

It can be seen that the blue side's top lane outer tower has been demolished into ruins by the opponent's purple side's top laner sword girl, and the blue side's top laner dog head has already been forced to retreat far away towards He retreated in the direction of his second tower.

Don't dare to defend the tower at all.

Otherwise, even the dog's head might have to be kept by the opposite sword girl.

The situation is really getting more and more difficult for the blue team on the field.

In the front row of the spectator seats, Dawn Chenxing turned to look at Shi Hang: "This game is more difficult than your previous round."

Shi Hang was speechless, and nodded slowly in recognition.


You must know that in his game just now, at least in the early and mid-term, the Hayami team led by his mid-laner Jess was able to play a certain rhythm and advantage, and was turned over by the opponent in the mid-term. The blue side army has already begun to fall into a passive position a little bit.

This is not the fault of someone who is the middle single Jiaoyue.

It's really just because the opponent in this one is stronger.

The bottom laner with Huangxue Yege in charge of ADC Obama is already more aggressive than the bottom lane combination of the KG team in the previous game, and the more important point is that this top laner sword girl selected by Tian Tian It is also far more threatening than the top laner Gnar in the previous game.


As far as Shi Hang is concerned, he has no doubt that even without the existence of Huangxue Yege, if Tian Tian directly selected Jianji instead of Gnar in the last round, then their Hayami team may have been in the early stage of the last round. Big problems are going to happen.

A... Yuanshen who showed a strong aggressiveness can only be described by the word "horror".

And in this case——

Even if someone's mid laner Haoyue is still developing very well, how should he deal with this situation?

Shi Hang's eyes couldn't help but look towards the blue square army on the stage. In front of the computer screen on the middle seat, someone's face was hidden behind the screen and his expression could not be seen clearly.


"The opposite side is about to open the dragon."

In the voice channel of the blue team on the stage, the jungler's princes quickly reported.

On the road, the Kotou team member who was retreating to the second tower of his house spoke cautiously:

"Why don't you let it go?"

"This wave...is not suitable for fighting."

Yes, although the first spawned dragon is the fire dragon, if the opponent's purple team gets it, the situation will become worse for their blue team, but at this time they really don't seem to have the ability to deal with it. The ability of the opponent to scramble for the dragon.

The ADC playmaker is dead and hasn't been revived yet.

At this time, the top lane dog's head has not yet finished cooling off the teleportation. If he really wants to rush over to cooperate with his teammates to help grab the dragon, it is not a big deal to win the team, and it will also delay his development rhythm when he goes on the road and eats a large wave of soldiers. In that way, the top laner of the Hayami team is indeed more inclined to seize the time to develop for a while.

Of course, the most important point is still that if this wave of dragons starts a group, their blue side doesn't have much confidence.

As if agreeing with the thoughts of his teammates on the blue side, Lin Feng nodded:

"Um. "

"Don't use the dog's head, let's go on the road and concentrate on making up for the development first."

But then...

His next command arrangement suddenly turned around:

"The bull head and the prince are ready."

"Cooperate with me."

"Try it out."

Then when several teammates subconsciously showed astonishment and astonishment... a certain person explained with a nonchalant expression on his face:

"It doesn't matter, this wave can be played and watched."

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The update is here, the next chapter should be around 9:30, get out and continue coding.

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