
Chapter 1077 Those 4 People

A wave of players in the middle changed heads one by one.

In fact, except for a clockwork demon who may have become a green leaf in this wave of confrontation, the rest, whether it is Jiaoyue or Jianji, are impeccable in terms of selection, operation, and even the results of the harvest.

The wave of bright moon just now cannot escape.

The position is too far to the left, the pressure line is too deep, and flashing is useless to escape. Jian Ji flashes to chase and follow up, and the clockwork slows down the second company of QW... Maybe even no clockwork is needed, Jianji is alone Deep pursuit can still chase the bright moon to death.

So I can only choose not to retreat but to advance, to take the risk of jumping over the tower and forcefully kill first to pull a back.

On the other hand, there is of course no problem with Jian Ji's choice.

Teammates can't save——

Then choose to take the head of Haoyue to bury his teammates.

Ordinary people will probably be shaken and feel that it is useless to catch up after seeing the terrifying instant damage of Jiaoyue's set just now, and the remaining almost full health state after crossing the tower, at least they will hesitate a little...

But in fact, if there is a moment of hesitation, the distance will be opened by someone's bright moon and the escape will be successful.

Tian Tian didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately flashed a strong cut, followed by the second-stage displacement of the Q skill.

The last thing is to use the big move to break through the four flaws in an instant and complete the single kill at a dizzying speed.

From this it can already be seen that:

The current powerful combat power of the two heroes in the blue side and the purple side's top laner, as well as the terrifying strength of the controllers of the heroes on both sides.

"It's mainly a problem with the controller."

In the spectator seats, the head coach of the God Club had glaring eyes, and Shen Sheng gave the following conclusion:

"If the controllers weren't these two on the field...anyone else, even if they were controlling the same level and equipment development of Haoyue and Fiona, it wouldn't be so scary."


The head coach of the Hayami club who also came over to stand with God's head coach at some point next to him couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Is it my illusion?"

"Bright Moon and Sword Fairy.


"Yuan Shen and that little brother Lin Feng."

"There is an inexplicable similarity between the two in terms of certain styles of play or philosophies."

The head coach God next to him smiled wryly and shook his head:

"If you want to say that... then I also have the same 'illusion' as you."


It's not an illusion.

It can even be said that they have reached the level of head coaches. The two bigwigs of the two clubs do have a keen perception that ordinary people cannot match, and they have vaguely...judged some things that few people can guess. to the truth.

It just so happened that there was more than one person who knew the truth in the spectator seats under the stage.

"The round god of the top order."

"The mid laner... this one."

Dawn Morning Star's eyes slowly swept across the two heroes Jian Ji and Hao Yue on the giant LCD screen on the stage, and there was some complicated meaning in his tone:

"Fortunately, it's just the opponents who are divided between the teams on both sides."


"If it's on the same side, the other side of the opponent is about to collapse at this time."

Not exaggerating at all.

Because before he said these words, he had actually done some deduction silently in his heart, imagined the situation where a certain person and Tian Tian were assigned to the same team, and then substituted himself into the other team of the opponent. single position -

There is no suspense in the conclusions drawn.

must lose.

Even having Huangxue Yege as his ADC teammate is not enough.

And this kind of judgment, even if it is just a common-sense conjecture, is enough to make Dawn Chenxing feel extremely alert and awe-inspiring:

turn out to be……

Only two people like that on the field are needed.

It is actually qualified enough to be the life and death enemy of his entire main team of the God team.

And it's just two people...

As if he had guessed what Li Xiaochen was thinking beside him, Shi Hang glanced towards the seat where Li Shishi was sitting not far away:

"And that one."

"He's only just returned now, and just started to get back to the state he was in back then. If it's true that the guy on Eleven can get back to the level he was back then..."

Shi Hang just clicked his tongue twice before continuing, but Dawn Chenxing was able to comprehend the meaning without any effort.


And that Li Shiyi's jungler.

In the past two days, he has also experienced the former's level of jungle strength. Although it is not amazing, and there is definitely a lot of lack of personal operation ability, but the awareness is definitely at the first-line professional level, and more importantly One point is that the opponent's strength has not even recovered beyond three or four achievements and already has this level, if it is at its peak state...

Someone's mid laner.

Tian Tian's top order.

Li Shiyi's jungler.

That is enough to abruptly increase the combat power of this combination.

And in addition—

There is one more crucial thing.

"Back then... there were five of them." Lixiao Chenxing murmured almost subconsciously.

This is really enough to make him, the strongest mid laner in the national uniform, and even an existence that has reached the half-step Four Emperors state, be shocked. Existence is enough to be suffocating, and existence like this... There were five people in that team back then.

It is conceivable that the team in the S1 season of the national server——

When those five people gathered together in their peak state and competed on the field.

after all.

What kind of scene and demeanor it is.


There is another faint dark cloud pressing on the heart of Dawn Morning Star, that is, even if the team headed by someone back then could be so strong that the current generation can't even imagine and unattainable, they are still in the original S series. Lost in the final battle.

At that time, what level of strength should their opponents have reached?

In a corner of the spectator seats, Tang Bingyao turned her head to look at Li Shiyi who lowered her head at the side who didn't know when, and suddenly felt that Fengzi, a former partner with a calm and gentle personality, seemed to have suddenly become a little depressed and silent.

"The SSK back then...isn't called SSK yet."

On the other side, No. 3 suddenly said this in a cold voice.

Number five nodded slightly:

"Yes, after winning the world championship from S1, their club was reorganized in the middle of S3 and officially changed its name."

No. 3 gave a "hmm", then raised his eyebrows slightly:

"I remember... when the reorganization happened, the five-man lineup of their original S1 team seemed to be the only one left with the guy surnamed Han?"

"Is there any news about the other four people?"

As soon as the words were finished, No. 1 turned his head to look at him. Seeing the noncommittal expression on his old friend's face, No. 3 shrugged his shoulders: "It seems that I was belatedly aware of it, and you guys have already checked it out." Is it over?"

No. 1 paused for a moment, then looked away from No. 3 and turned to look at the stage again. He didn't choose to answer directly, but just casually put down a sentence:

"Don't mention this matter in front of those boys."

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The update is delivered, the two updates are done, go to sleep, friends, good night, good night.

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