
Chapter 1034 Forget it

early morning.

Opening the curtains, the bright sunlight spills into the living room through the window lattice, the last bit of greenery still glows on the branches outside the window, and a few sparrows are nesting and chirping and dancing.

It also makes people feel lighter and happier.

Su Xue, who woke up early this morning, was indeed in a very happy mood. On the one hand, she was going to go to the headquarters of the Shanghai E-sports Association to hand in the materials this morning, and basically all the channels had been opened in advance and there were acquaintances. It can be said that After this wave of materials is submitted, an expedited visa will be obtained soon, and the trip to Europe for the first match of the S6 finals is already imminent.


Now the first sister is being broadcast live on the League of Legends section of Douyu TV, she has never traveled abroad properly!

In the past this time, no matter what, I had to go shopping in western European countries and go shopping in luxury stores in shopping malls. Oh yes, I had to take some beautiful photos. When I came back, I could talk to those old people who disliked her in the live broadcast room. Shuiyou fans are showing off and showing off.

And this is only one aspect.

On the other hand, what makes her happy is that last night, she gave a long speech as a sister to educate a certain brat, and it obviously had a great effect. The quiet investigation at the door... Oh no, it should be called reasonable concern, that kid finally took that step.

Maybe it was a WeChat or text message?

It's actually easier to call.

But it’s also okay to send a message. Although the boy is usually rough and cheeky, he is still quite timid when it comes to this kind of relationship. It’s not bad if he can take this step. Moreover, with his personality, he will definitely reply when he receives a text message. come over.

That back and forth...

Two little guys, the knot will be solved soon! ?

Oops, the problem that has lasted for more than half a year, in the end, she still needs to be explained by Su Da, the anchor of Su Da, and see, it can be easily solved immediately!

While thinking happily, Su Xue suddenly remembered that the kid still had to go to school today, it’s almost the end of the day, and he was still lying in bed, could it be that he really had a relationship with Baozi from the other side of the ocean last night? Chatting for too long, that's not okay——

So she took a step and walked towards Lin Feng's bedroom. When she came to the door and reached out to knock, the words were already on her lips:

"Hey, get up, the sun is drying your butt——"

The voice did not fall.

The door of the room was just opened from the inside, which almost didn't startle Su Xue, but when she saw the figure in front of her clearly, she was really shocked again:

"Hey hey?"

"You you you... what's wrong with you!?"

Su Xue couldn't help but widen her eyes, looked up and down the person in front of her, and finally her eyes fell on the former's face.

A mess of hair like a bird's nest.


It was a pair of eyes with thick dark circles that looked like they hadn't slept all night.

In the end, there was a haggard to lifeless face.

"Oh, Miss Xue-"

Lin Feng who opened the bedroom door looked at Su Xue who was standing there with a dumbfounded expression on his face, and said hello, but his voice seemed weak, Su Xue was completely dumbfounded: "You...what's the matter with you? "

Was it true that he texted and called Baozi last night and stayed up all night?

"Didn't rest well."

Lin Feng nodded and admitted that his tone was quite normal, but he still looked listless and lifeless.

Su Xue couldn't help but cautiously asked, "Last night... how was it?"


A certain person raised his head to look at Su Xue in a daze, as if he hadn't rested all night, which caused his brain's reaction speed to slow down a lot: "What's the matter?"

Su Xue couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly asked directly: "Didn't you send a message to Baozi yesterday? How is it?"


Lin Feng subconsciously nodded with some belated awareness: "Sent it."

"And then!?" Su Xue asked impatiently.

Waiting for a completely unexpected answer:

"She didn't text me back."

for a moment.

Su Xue was also completely stunned.


Originally, in the opinion of Su Xue and even other people who were close to Lin Feng, the biggest difficulty in solving the problem should have fallen on Lin Feng.

Because when that girl left, she actually took the initiative to leave a letter for Lin Feng.

And later on, it was also because Lin Feng was angry with his childhood sweetheart that he was reluctant to contact him all the time.

That being the case—


When Su Xue finally managed to do someone's work last night, allowing him to take the initiative to take that step to send a message to the girl on the other side of the ocean, all follow-up problems should be easily solved .

Su Xue herself really thought so, that's why she woke up in such a happy mood in the morning.

But she really never thought about another question——

When one of the two parties involved in this matter, that is, after Lin Feng took the initiative to take that step...

just in case.

the other side.

The other party did not give a response?

It was originally a situation that was not considered at all, but it happened at this moment or last night, so even Su Xue was caught off guard by Lin Feng's answer, opened her mouth to say something but found that she said everything He couldn't speak, and in the end, he had a quick brainstorm and reluctantly offered comfort:

"Hey...it's okay."

"Don't think too much about it, maybe, maybe there is something wrong with the steamed stuffed bun, and it's not necessarily true if you haven't seen the news?"

"Oh yes, and what you sent was a mobile phone text message, maybe she changed her mobile phone number after going abroad? Or you can send a WeChat, or I can try to call her that number?"

In desperation, Su Xue began to think of various ways, but she really didn't want things to go in the worst direction.


It's really the other party who doesn't want to respond.

Then this result was really a big blow to Lin Feng, he finally mustered up the courage and made up his mind to take a step, but then bumped into a cold wall.

But it's really wrong!

How could Baozi be unwilling to reply to the news!

Puzzled, Su Xue was so anxious to get angry that she even temporarily put aside the fact that she should go out to do business right now. She took out her phone and wanted to call the girl on the other side of the ocean. It must have been a misunderstanding or an accident. You must figure it out immediately, otherwise it will be a big trouble if you make a misunderstanding...

But the next moment, Lin Feng's voice suddenly sounded:


Su Xue was stunned when she heard this, and she couldn't help but pause for a while. She raised her head and looked at Lin Feng in front of her. The latter took a deep breath and shook her head:

"Sister Xue, don't bother."

"I am okay."

Then he paused as he spoke, as if he was finally readjusting his mood and returning to calm:

"If she doesn't want to reply... that's fine."

Lin Feng glanced at Su Xue again: "Sister Xue, you have something to do in the morning, don't worry about me, go to the Electronic Association quickly, I'm going to school too."

Su Xue looked at a loss:

"Then, that matter..."

Lin Feng was slightly silent: "Forget about it."

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around 8:00 p.m., get out and continue coding.

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