
Chapter 1033 No reply

Pudong, Lujiazui.

The brightly lit night view of Shanghai is clearly and grandly seen through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the suites on the fifty-floor Hyatt Hotel.

Holding the mobile phone that had just hung up, No. 3 came out from the back room, looked up at No. 5 sitting beside the bed and No. 1 standing leisurely in front of the French window with arms crossed, and said:


"It took a little work...but the guy agreed to meet us."

"The location is about London."

The tone is as casual as an understatement, but although he said "it took a little effort", in fact, if others know the truth, they will be deeply shocked, because the person whom the number 3 made an appointment on the phone just now, from the previous generation to the Today's new generation may have never sold anyone's face for more than ten years.

In fact...

Perhaps even relying on the face of No. 3, he could not easily invite that mysterious and withdrawn existence who was so solitary that he never had contact with other strong men of the previous generation.

In the end, it was actually because of a certain sentence conveyed by No. 3——

"The guy on the 1st said that this meeting will make your biggest wish come true."

Number three frowned and looked at the man standing in front of the window:

"Hey, I'm blowing it out for you, but it's not like you don't know that guy's temper. If he thinks we're fooling him... it's going to be a bit troublesome."

With No. 3's fearless character, even if he meets Korea's Lee Do-jae or Europe's most mysterious crow, Crow, he won't care much, but it happens to be the one on the phone just now... Let him always It's a little jealous and admirable.

Number One in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows nodded noncommittally:

"Thanks for your hard work."

"You don't need to worry about the rest. When the time comes... I'll come and talk to him face to face."

As he said that, he turned around and looked at his fiancée who was sitting by the bed: "Xiao Wu, let's book the ticket to London instead, and we'll take the train to Manchester the next day."

Number Five, who had a laptop on his lap, nodded slightly, then tapped on the keyboard with his slender and fair fingers nimbly and quickly,

Soon he raised his head and showed a playful expression that no one else could see to his fiancé and his former partner and old friend standing next to him:


"Get it~"

"Then we should arrive in Manchester one day earlier." No. 3 touched his chin, and suddenly thought of something: "By the way, if we want to visit that girl, wouldn't it be better to say hello in advance?"

No. 1 paused for a moment, then looked at No. 3 approvingly: "Your third son, you are much more reliable and caring than before."

Number Three rolled his eyes angrily: "Don't be poor."


If it were for anyone else, No. 3 would not and would not bother to think about so many thoughtful things, because the vast majority of people are not worthy of his attention at all, but the person who was hospitalized in Manchester St. The young girl, but it is rare for him to favor, admire and even like one.

is a special case.

Number five smiled slightly: "Well, let me call Baozi first, it should be daytime at her place."

As she spoke, she picked up the mobile phone beside her and quickly dialed a series of numbers. A burst of "beep beep" came from the receiver, but slowly, as the monotonous call continued, No. 5's face However, his expression changed slightly, with a bit of surprise and doubt:

"No...is there anyone to pick it up?"


At home, by the bedside in the bedroom, after typing the four-character message, Lin Feng looked at the phone screen for a long time, and then took a deep breath, as if this would give him enough courage again.

at last.

He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

He clicked the confirm send button.

So a four-character message was successfully sent out, but Lin Feng suddenly lost his strength as if he was relieved, and lay down on the bed with a bang, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

At the same time, in a direction that Lin Feng didn't notice, through the half-hidden door of the bedroom, the whole process of someone taking a mobile phone to send a text message just now was secretly watched by Su Xue outside the door. At this moment, looking at someone lying on the bed staring at the ceiling in a daze, Su Xue couldn't help but smile knowingly, and gently closed the door again.

This kid...

Finally took the initiative to take that step ah.

Su Xue couldn't help feeling much lighter. After all, compared with her own future career development prospects, she actually cared more about her younger brother's concerns.

It seems that a message has passed, and with the character of the girl in Manchester on the other side of the ocean, she must have been extremely happy when she saw this message, and now counting by time zone, the British side should be daytime--

In other words, this kid will probably receive a reply from Baozi soon, right?


And indeed it should be.


For Lin Feng, he naturally also clearly knows the current time in the region and time zone where the person he sent the message to is at the moment.

Once the information is sent, it should naturally be seen soon.

When such a thought flashed through my mind, the feeling of relief just because I sent the message a moment ago suddenly tensed up again in the next moment, so someone sat up from the bed again with a whoosh, staring at Looking at the screen of his mobile phone.

He sent the information.


How will the other party react when they see it?

Will you reply him with something?

And if he replied, what should he say to the other party, maybe even if it was a direct phone call, would he answer it? I haven’t heard the girl’s voice for more than half a year. Maybe it’s okay to type and send a message. But if he was asked to speak directly...would he not be able to speak?

For a moment, all kinds of messy thoughts flocked to fill Lin Feng's head into a mess, and he lost all sleepiness at once, and his heart was full of nervousness beyond expectations, nervous... What kind of reply will the other party have?

Half an hour passed.

Forty-five minutes passed.

An hour passed.

After plugging in the data cable to the mobile phone that reported the power warning reminder, Lin Feng continued to stare blankly at the screen on the mobile phone screen, and after he sent the message "How are you lately?" No more reply.

Did you not see the message yet?

This was Lin Feng's first reaction, and then he began to calculate what time it is in Manchester, England. It seems to be in the afternoon, maybe he is still in class, but it's not right. Today is the weekend, isn't it? Taking a nap or something else caused me to miss the message he sent?

Perhaps this should be the first time someone has been so concerned about gains and losses, and it is only because of such a trivial matter.

But maybe...

For Lin Feng, this is not a trivial matter.

Because if you just didn’t see the information, then it wouldn’t be a big problem, but there is another situation——


The other party has seen the message but has not replied?

When such thoughts could not stop arising in his mind, Lin Feng only felt his heart suddenly tightened.

that girl...

Could it be that you don't want to reply to your message?

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here, the past two days have been too busy. . . Happy Christmas Eve, friends, be happy.

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