
Chapter 1018 Because I know too well

Lin Feng's temperament has always been like this, he will say what he has, at least in the professional field related to e-sports, he has never been vague and polite.

And this sentence is sharp enough in itself.

You know, this is the juncture of the upcoming S6 World Finals. The three major LPL teams in the national server are all preparing for the battle so intensely, and Li Xiaochenxing, the captain of God's ace mid laner, just made a breakthrough yesterday and found a way to overcome the bottleneck of strength. way.

But in this case...

A certain person commented so abruptly, it was as if a basin of cold water was about to be poured on someone's fighting spirit.

Anybody else would be offended by hearing that kind of talk, no matter how refined they are.

But fortunately...

The person who heard this was Dawn Chenxing.

Because he already knew the origin of Lin Feng's identity in front of him, and personally experienced the opponent's level of strength, so he realized that such words from someone's mouth are definitely better than anyone in the national server or even the professional e-sports circle in the world. Both are more qualified and weighty.

Not for anything else, just because the person in front of him... is the biggest rival of F-Han Shihao, who was once the world's number one mid laner.

And the person who knows the depth of a person best must be his opponent.

Taking a deep breath, Li Xiaochen stared at Lin Feng again, this time in a more solemn and even respectful tone:

"In your opinion... now I am against F, what are my chances of winning?"

This question is inherently difficult to answer.

Everyone is already a professional player at the top level of strength, and they are basically equal to each other before. Moreover, in the e-sports field, it often depends on the performance of the team. To say how much, this kind of thing makes it easy for the most professional people in the circle to dare not make an assessment.

But Lin Feng answered without hesitation:

"Twenty percent."

Then he paused:

"Probably... less than 20%."


In the national service LPL division,

Dawn Chenxing is already recognized as the strongest mid laner, occupying the number one position in the national server for a whole season.

And even looking at the world, with his strength as one of the seven kings of the world, or even at the uppermost level of the seven kings, the only ones who can hold him firmly are the four emperors who go up to the top of the pyramid.

Even, you have to know that before Lixiao Chenxing led the God team to fight against the South Korean Fate team, and even defeated the Moon Emperor Moon among the four emperors head-on.

That's why there is a saying in the circle that the Four Emperors are not invincible.

Dawn Chenxing can also be regarded as the most well-known example of the success of challenging the Four Emperors beyond the realm.

Until now...

When the strength of the single captain of the God team is even about to break through and improve again from the realm of the half-step four emperors, and pass the ultimate threshold that almost all professional e-sports players are struggling to pursue, it stands to reason that in such a new state Now that he faces the Four Emperors again, his chances of winning should be further improved anyway.

But at this moment, Lin Feng's answer was extremely cruel.

Twenty percent.

Even, maybe less than 20%.

This is the odds that Li Xiaochenxing, who is in a brand new state, can have when facing the existence of the leader of the Four Emperors.

Yes, you have indeed defeated the Moon Emperor who is the last of the four emperors; yes, you are indeed stronger than before, and may even let you face several other four emperors again For the strong, the odds of winning will be higher than before.

But your chances of meeting F are still only 20% at most.

Lin Feng looked at the dawn stars, and said seriously:

"If it was before yesterday...you might really only have a 10% chance of winning."


Even though he had already made corresponding psychological preparations in advance, when he heard such an answer from someone, Li Xiao Chenxing still fell into a long silence, and he smiled wryly again after a long while:

"Less than 20%..."

"It's even lower than I expected."

The wry smile also comes from the heart.

Because for a professional mid laner who is almost at the top of the pyramid, it is not easy to hear and admit this reality.

But he couldn't argue.

Not only because the person answering in front of him should be the one who knows Han Shihao's existence best, but also because in the past several fights and countless times of research and study of the SSK team's game videos, he himself also had a deep understanding of the four of them. The emperor's head has a deeper understanding of the realm of strength.

And the more you know...

The more shuddering emotions will be born in my heart.

In fact, for a top professional mid laner, this kind of emotion is very inappropriate, but every time he sees the world's number one mid laner's various passers-by rankings and even the video of the game, Li Xiaochenxing will feel helpless in his heart. This feeling of powerlessness... seems to be irresistible.

Moreover, he is already getting stronger.

He is already working hard to improve his strength and seek opportunities to break through the bottleneck.

But it seems that whenever I try to improve, break through and climb to a new height, I can always find that there is a peak standing majestically higher and farther away, as if it is always out of reach.

It's really... a reality that can take a toll on one's confidence and easily become depressed.

Lin Feng comforted:


"That's all well and good. If you met him before you received this period of training, it would be even more useless."

Such words really have no consoling effect at all, Li Xiao Chenxing shook his head with a wry smile, suddenly seemed to think of something, looked up at Lin Feng, and asked cautiously:

"Then... what if it's you?"

This question is worth asking.

And it is only worth asking when the target of the inquiry is Lin Feng.

Because compared to Dawn Chenxing, who is half a step away from the threshold of the Four Emperors, who is only a short chance away from the threshold, someone has already steadily passed the threshold and truly entered the realm of the Four Emperors.


This question made Lin Feng pause for a moment, as if thinking for a moment, and then said:

"My words should be slightly better than yours."

"Twenty-five percent."

"Well, no more."

The tone is firm.

Also incredibly candid.

Li Xiao Chen Xing was a little dazed again when he heard it: "You too... only have that little confidence?"

Because in his opinion, through these two days of training and fighting, he has already understood someone's strength very well, even compared to the old four emperors like Moon or Phoenix, he is the top of the four emperors in the true sense. Mid laner.

And the same as the Four Emperors...

It was the old enemy who probably knew Han Shihao best back then.

But now, the answer given by someone, the certainty of winning the battle... is still only in the early 20s?

Lin Feng finally put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hands, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's because I know that guy too well, so I know how difficult it is to overthrow that guy..."

There was also a bit of helplessness and melancholy in his tone.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Xiao Chenxing finally couldn't help asking his last question:

"How strong is that person now?"

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here, the next chapter looks like around twelve o'clock sharp, roll away the code words, the weather has suddenly cooled down recently. . so cold. .

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