
Chapter 1017

Lin Feng was not overly surprised by the question asked by Li Xiaochenxing who was sitting next to him.

Because even though it was half a year later, in the All-Star game in Modu at that time... Li Xiaochenxing, who was the strongest star-level mid laner in the national server, also played.

At that time...

I was an ordinary spectator off the field, but I was forced by that guy F to pretend to be a lucky spectator to participate in the interactive exhibition game by pretending to randomly select seats, and the whole game from beginning to end... naturally all fell on this From the eyes of the mid laner captain of Team God's trump card.

Say nothing else.

Don't be humble either.

But indeed, in that confrontation match, he and Han Shihao faced each other in the bottom lane ADC, and the fight was really intense...

The tens of thousands of spectators in the entire event venue were thrilled to see it. Even the professional players in the guest seats and the coaches and leaders of the major e-sports clubs were so shocked that they couldn't control it. That event... So impressed.

To be precise, even compared with other world-class All-Star players on the field at that time, it is estimated that he, the so-called "lucky audience", left the deepest impression and memory on people.

After all, an ordinary passerby was able to compete with the world's No. 1 mid laner, even if he was playing against an ADC, but with Han Shihao's hero pool and level of strength... such a result is enough to shock the entire e-sports circle It's been a while.


Lin Feng raised his head and glanced at Li Xiao Chen Xing again.

It's not just as simple as remembering that he played in the All-Star Exhibition Game...

Before finally leaving yesterday, the mid laner captain of the God team got his ID from himself.

Of course, this is not surprising.

You must know that in the All-Star Game half a year ago, in addition to old opponents like Phoenix, even Autumn, who was second in the Four Emperors, guessed his Maple identity meticulously. Li Xiaochenxing's reaction was already considered slow when he had played professionally back then, and had to answer by himself in the end to solve the other party's doubts.

Dawn Chenxing smiled wryly:

"Can you not have an impression... Don't be too impressed.


He also smiled wryly because his reaction was too slow and dull. Think about it, an ordinary passer-by audience could fight Han Shihao to that extent at that time, how could such a thing happen, and there were tens of thousands of people in the entire competition venue at that time However, Han Shihao chose someone alone. Where is such a coincidence, he should have guessed someone's identity a long time ago...

Shaking his head and temporarily putting aside such self-defense, Li Xiaochen stared at Lin Feng again:

"However... I really didn't expect that you would come to be our training partner."

This is also invisibly revealing the meaning of guessing someone's identity.

And it is indeed a sincere tone from the heart.


Who would have thought that.

The seemingly ordinary boy who is a training partner actually has such a well-known background and status in the e-sports circle back then. If you think about the situation of someone in the All-Star Game as an ordinary passer-by audience, it really makes people feel emotional or A word of complaint... This is really an addiction to playing pigs and eating tigers.

Lin Feng shrugged, showing a look of nothing to do with himself:

"Oh, okay."

"Senior No. 1 and Miss Xiao Wu called me over. Anyway, there's nothing to do recently... just treat it as a help."

His tone was indifferent.

Li Xiao Chen Xing nodded, and then solemnly said to Lin Feng, "Thank you."

This was not the first time he thanked Lin Feng, but this time he wanted to be more serious.

Because the identity is different, the meaning will naturally become different.

Yesterday, I was just thanking an ordinary partner who helped me.

But today...

It is based on the identity of the other party.

The former national server and perhaps the world's strongest legendary player can really be said to be "condescending" to help as a sparring partner. This is definitely a great favor no matter what the situation is.

As for Li Xiaochenxing's solemn thanks again, Lin Feng still accepted it calmly.

After expressing his sincere thanks, Li Xiaochen paused for a moment, and finally couldn't hold back and asked in a low voice:

"Back then... F already recognized you, right?"

"When the game ended in the backcourt, did you say anything?"


People are always gossip and curious.

This point, even a top professional player like Li Xiao Chen Xing is no exception.

In fact, this matter is really worthy of curiosity. In the past S1 season, the relationship between the two top legendary mid laners in the world and their old enemies finally met again after many years. What kind of conversations are there?

At this moment, one of the parties involved at that time was standing in front of him, Li Xiao Chenxing naturally did not want to miss this rare opportunity to find out the truth of the gossip.

And it's not just him, if it wasn't for the fact that there is no place here, Huang Xue Yege, who also knew the identity of someone yesterday, would probably come over now, and even so, look at the other side of the dining table in the distance The appearance of Huangxue Yege trying to prick up his ears towards this side shows that the other party is also paying great attention to the conversation here.

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing:

"Ah, of course I recognized it."

"But... I didn't say anything, I just said hello, it's quite normal~"

This is also true.

Probably the only thing he did at that time was to help Sister Xue, who was doing an on-site interview on behalf of Douyu TV, to trick that guy into being an interview guest. After all, that guy was quite a face...

Li Xiao Chen Xing was a little dubious: "Is that all?"

He thought that it should be a classic scene of the reunion of old enemies after a long absence, and there should be some lines like declaring war on each other again.


Not without it.

Recalling the words that Han Shihao said to himself in the backstage of the arena and before he left, Lin Feng's eyes flickered slightly. Of course, there was the meaning of inviting a new battle in it, otherwise...he wouldn't be so urgent now. Recover faster and become stronger.

Shaking his head, putting these thoughts aside temporarily, he lowered his head and took a mouthful of rice in the bowl, before Lin Feng spoke vaguely to Dawn Chenxing beside him:

"Don't talk about my business."

"You should think about your next S6 finals first."

As he spoke, he chewed and swallowed the food in his mouth with some difficulty, then drank a large bowl of soup, burped and satisfied, then raised his head and looked at the mid-lane leader of the God team in front of him:

"Although it is gratifying to be able to improve your strength and find a way to break through the bottleneck, that's right..."


"In your current state."

"Facing that guy, it's still hard to play."

Lixiao Chenxing was slightly taken aback, then fell silent for a while, then a wry smile appeared on his face again:


"I know."

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The update is here, the next chapter should be later, I suggest you read it tomorrow morning, get out and continue coding.

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