
Chapter 111 Anxiety and the Grass

In the battlefield in front of Dalongfjord in the river, in fact, this wave of decisive team battles between the blue and purple sides has actually been completely determined by the confrontation between the ADC heroes on both sides.

And this moment—

Between Draven and Vayne, it seems that the winner will finally be decided.

In front of the computer screen, Tang Bingyao's operations are almost as fast as she can achieve, even faster than in normal training or competitions. She is operating without thinking and purely relying on intuition and inertia. Flat A.


The cold and sharp spinning ax plunged into the body of the target Vayne!

Another splash of blood splashed out!

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd watching the battle, but fortunately Draven's A draw did not have a critical strike effect, otherwise Vayne's blood volume might be cut to the bottom with an axe.

Tang Bingyao's eyes became brighter when she saw the small amount of blood remaining in the opponent Wei En's blood bar, and the excitement in her heart was almost overflowing. Finally, she couldn't wait to continue to quickly control her glorious executioner to move Press forward!

It's just... a little bit!

In this wave of confrontation, she has finally met an opponent who is not inferior to her in terms of operation.


Hand speed.

It can be said that apart from Fengzi, who seldom played AD with her, Yege Huangxue on the opposite side should be the first person in such a long time who can compete with her to this level in pure operation, which is even more so. Can arouse her competitive heart.

And now... It was clearly only a little bit close to be able to kill Wei En on the other side!

Victory is at hand!

However, it was also at this moment, when almost all the watching God players on the field suddenly felt nervous and worried for the blue Fang Xue Yege's ADC Wei En, on the back row of the crowd, No. 1 and No. 5 The expressions on the faces of the two did not change much.


When No. 5's gaze quickly swept across the battlefield in the river and fjords, and noticed the movement and direction of the blue ADC Vayne, the light in her eyes suddenly flickered slightly.

The number one next to him seemed to be in tacit understanding with his beautiful fiancée, squinting slightly:

"A little... in a hurry."


The confrontation between ADC and ADC, especially in the late stage and late stage, is about micromanagement and hand speed, but again... the details can never be ignored.

At this time, an ADC is required to be calm enough from beginning to end.

Not only do you need to know how to avoid the greatest danger in the first wave in the early stage of team battles, but as long as you are still alive on the field, as long as you are operating the output, you must maintain the highest vigilance and caution at all times.

Tang Bingyao has already done more than half of it.

Even in the situation just now, after avoiding the opponent's first wave of firepower, he boldly chose to rush forward and force the cut, which is already beyond the reach of most ordinary professional ADC players.

can be left...

There is still a little half.

Often it is this small half that really determines the watershed between "strong" and "top" for an ADC player.

Tangtang has already done a good job in the first half, even to the point where No. 1 and No. 5 can't find too many faults, but at this moment, when she sees that she can kill the opponent ADC Wei En, girl However, there were some turmoil and fluctuations in my mood that shouldn't be there.


A little urgent and impatient.

And it is precisely this kind of change of mentality that will cause the players to make a little mistake in the most critical closing link, or... to ignore some details that should not be ignored.

No. 1 and No. 5 in the back row of the crowd watching the game saw it.


Lin Feng also vaguely grasped something at this moment, and his eyes quickly passed over the blue Fangshang Shan Dashu, the opponent who was blocking the way in front of him, and landed on Delevingne and Wei En who were not far away.

And when he glanced at the figure of the blue ADC Vayne, and found the direction in which the night hunter retreated intentionally or unintentionally during such a fierce battle and exchange of blood——

The pupils in Lin Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he shouted in the voice channel of the team almost without thinking:


"Watch out for the grass!"


Watch out for grass.

Often such four-word warnings are also very common in ordinary passerby games. They are usually used to remind teammates to guard against opponents who may lie in ambush in the grass for ganks, so that their teammates will not be too aggressive and fall into the opponent's trap.

But these four words also have another meaning.

That represents a different situation.

A sort of……

It is relatively rare.

At this moment, although Tang Bingyao had already heard Lin Feng's warning call from the team's voice channel, the girl was concentrating on the final stage of the fierce battle with the opponent ADC Wei En. Confused thoughts flashed subconsciously in his mind, but he didn't really understand the meaning and danger hidden in this sentence from someone's mouth.

So the ADC Delevingne under the control of Tang Bingyao moved forward again and pressed in.

Pick up an axe.

W skill refresh reset.

With the last bit of mana, the last "bloody sprint" was released, and the Glory Executioner, whose movement speed suddenly increased, quickly approached and plundered the target, the night hunter Vayne!

Vayne backed away.

From the time when he was only half blood left, the night hunter under the control of Huangxue Yege seemed to have entered this rhythm of fighting and retreating. It seemed that his momentum had been completely suppressed by the opponent's ADC Draven.


If someone notices the ADC seat on the side of the blue army at this moment, they will find that the face of Huangxue Yege in front of the computer screen has not changed in the slightest panic at this moment, and the operation in his hand is still fast and stable. ...It is still getting sharper and sharper a little bit!


The Executioner of Glory, who was chasing forward, shot again with a spinning throwing axe!

Another shocking splash of blood came from Wei En's body, and at this moment, the blood bar above the Night Hunter's head was only left with the last traces of blood!


Tang Bingyao's eyes suddenly became extremely bright!

But at this very moment... Amidst the exclamation that the audience couldn't help, when Delevingne came forward with two axes in his hands, he was about to throw the flat A throwing ax for the last lore Suddenly, Wei En's figure disappeared into a small tuft of grass in the middle of the river behind him.

Directly let Delevingne lose the target in an instant!

The forward swing that just started to draw A was forcibly interrupted by the system!

Tang Bingyao, who had originally operated extremely smoothly and smoothly, was stunned for a moment by this accident, and Lin Feng's more urgent and unquestionable order came again from the voice channel in the team next to his ear:



In normal times, Tang Bingyao would definitely choose to obey someone's orders and arrangements without hesitation at the first moment, but at this moment, because the previous confrontation was indeed too fast and intense, this kind of aggressive offensive operation has completely become inertia. , Let the girl react a little slower at the moment when she heard someone shouting.

So Delevingne took another step forward.

And precisely at this very moment—

In the river grass where Draven lost his vision, a black shadow flashed out again like lightning!

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around twelve o'clock, get out and continue to code.

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