
Chapter 1010 Operation to the Extreme

In such the most critical and important wave of team battles in Dalongfjord, the ADC players of the blue and purple sides seem to have a tacit understanding. Although they are extremely active and aggressive in their style of play, they use every skill They are all meticulously calculated and pinched to death.

All spent on the most critical blade.

Like a mercury ribbon.

Delevingne quickly undid the control of the opponent's W skill Twisting Spike on the blue side of the single big tree, and Vayne used it to break the ice girl Lissandra's big move Freeze.

Another example is the more important summoner skill [Flash].

Even though the previous team battles had been fierce enough to be frighteningly terrifying, and even though the ADCs on both sides were in danger several times, they were forced to rely on maneuvering to save the day on the verge of extinction, and then kept the summoner skills until now. a moment—

The moment when the ADC heroes of both sides face each other.


There will be no more reservations.

Wayne flashed a strong cut directly, and instantly found the angle position, and used the E skill "Demon Judgment" to shoot Draven back into the wall.

And the Executioner of Glory...

It was at the moment when Wei En flashed E to shoot, when the thick and heavy crossbow bolt exuding a cold metallic color crashed to the front, it suddenly flashed!

Forcibly adjust the position in the blink of an eye!

Don't retreat but advance.

Skip to the direction of Dalongfjord directly ahead!



Vayne's E skill "Devil's Judgment" crossbow bolt hit the chest of the Executioner of Glory firmly, and the powerful force carried by the arrow body suddenly hit the target Draven hard and flew back. Half a second ago, this E shot should have nailed Delevingne directly to the wall of the wild river.

But at this moment...

It is precisely because the ADC Draven under the control of Tang Bingyao reacted extremely quickly in a flash, and instantly adjusted his own angle and position, so that when the judgment arrow hit Draven's body, although the target was repelled, it made the target Draven swept away the rock wall of the wild area beside him with a slight difference,

Wei En was not controlled by the dizziness as Wei En wished.

Everything... happened like lightning under circumstances that were difficult for the naked eye to catch.

Off the field, even a group of professional God team members just felt that the scene in front of them jumped to this moment.

But there are also a few people who have seen clearly every detail of the confrontation between ADCs on both sides.

In the front row of the crowd, Dawn Chenxing was suddenly moved:


This came from the blurted praise of the strongest mid laner recognized by the national server, which was enough weight.

Because at this time, Dawn Chenxing was really shocked by this scene. Of course, he is familiar with the operation level of his old friend Huangxue Yege. Just now, Draven on the opposite side changed to any other LPL team in the national server. Bit ADC may not have time to react.


The purple ADC Draven on the opposite side actually reacted!

Facing the night hunter Wei En under the control of Huangxue Yege, who was attacking with a sharp sword that was as cold as a scabbard at that moment, the reaction and operation speed of the operator of the Glory Executioner were not inferior to the former one at all!

It is simply a wonderful, shocking and moving response!

Even the eyes of No. 5 standing next to her fiancé in the back row of the spectators couldn't help but shine brightly at this moment:


A wave of flash swaps in less than half a second.

It is a peak-level contest between the ADC players of the two sides in the purest operational response and hand speed.


In fact, even the flash operation of this swap is just a prologue for the ADC heroes of both sides to really enter the stage of fighting to the death.


Ping! ——

A splash of blood splashed, and the ADC Delevingne under Tang Bingyao's control raised his hand like lightning, and a spinning ax with a level A hit the ground in a flash. The first time it landed, it shot directly at Wei En, and took away the night hunter in a flash. A portion of the blood bar above the head!

same moment.

ADC Wei En under the control of Huangxue Yege did not retreat but advanced, and at the same time he raised his crossbow and shot an arrow soaked in holy silver off the string and hit the target Glory Executioner. The silver on the ground under Draven's feet The white aperture has been stacked to two layers!

Delevingne stepped forward.

Pick up an axe.

At the same time, the second flat A is thrown out!

Wayne moved forward, another crossbow bolt pierced into the body of the target Draven, and the passive three-ring ring of the W skill "Holy Silver Crossbow" detonated and exploded!

With a sound of "Ping", the blood strip on Draven's head suddenly fell down!

Not far away, the auxiliary Japanese girl under the control of Lin Feng moved forward urgently, but was caught by the opponent's top laner Dashu from the blue side, and directly hit him with a cool down Q skill, and staggered back to the side. .

And the jungle mantis on the purple side is also a void spike with a W skill that shoots forward, slowing down and retaining the blue side who is about to rush to support his ADC teammate Vayne!

this moment.

The other four heroes of the blue and purple sides restrain each other.

Only the ADC heroes on both sides are left at the edge of the river Dalongfjord... Entering a real 1V1 fight to the death!

Draven's health bar plummeted rapidly!

Wayne's blood volume dropped rapidly!

Originally, at this time period, with the output damage of the ADC heroes on both sides, even hitting the front row heroes on the opposite side can be as easy and effortless as chopping melons and vegetables. The ability to directly kill the opponent's ADC within a short period of time.

The speed of fighting for blood is too fast.

It was so fast that almost all the God players who watched the game were so nervous that their hearts were about to pop out of their throats!

But even so...

The ADC heroes on both sides... still have no plans to retreat.

The blood-sucking Delevingne in his hand swung the rotating throwing ax of Ping A rapidly and kept throwing it out. The position was as precise and fast as threading a needle, and it kept walking through the ax drop points. The throwing ax ejection mark on the ground was almost Exploding at this moment is like blooming everywhere!

Each draw draws an A.

The damage values ​​​​exploded are amazing enough.

And every time a flat A hits the target, it will forcefully return a mouthful of blood to the blood bar on the head of the Glory Executioner!

At the same time, although the ADC Vayne on the blue side seems to be simple and convenient to operate, under the operation of Huangxue Yege, it is even more pure and fierce to attack and kill.

Clearly... Wayne didn't make too much attack speed.

But at this moment, the night hunter's slashing and leveling A seems to completely disappear the original general attack's stiff gap, so smooth that every arrow cuts through the air like a string of beads and shoots at the target prey, nailing into it with precision and sharpness. Draven's chest!

The sound of keystrokes on the keyboard continued to explode!

A mouthful of broken blood to slow down the target!

Recover blood!

Take 【Treatment】!

Take another sip of blood!

On the purple side, the speed of the slowed Glory Executioner was only slightly slowed down for a moment, and then under the control of the girl, he used the last mana amount to pick up the ax again and unleashed the cooled down W skill "Bloody Dash" , Get rid of the negative state of slow movement in an instant and continue to fight against Wei En!

The ADC heroes on both sides used almost all their skills and operations to the extreme!

And just when Vayne and Delevingne's health bars were about to bottom out, the quick-response God players who watched the game had already seen the details, and suddenly showed nervous and anxious expressions:



Looking at the blood volume, although the output of the blue team's ADC Vayne is also explosive, it still seems to be a little slower than the opponent's ADC Delevingne in the fight.

In other words, in the life and death that will soon be decided...

It seems that Wei En has taken a step forward.

Driven to the brink of death!

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The update is delivered, and the two updates are done. Tomorrow, the two chapters will continue to be normal and stable. Friends, rest early.

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