
Chapter 1001 Be Careful

In this wave of team battles that broke out in front of the ruins of the second defensive tower on the blue side in the middle, the jungler Mantis on the purple side was the first to die.

Khazik, who was a pure output outfit, stood in the front row of his own formation, and couldn't handle much damage at all. He was directly taken away by the blue team's mid laner Syndra with a set of skills bo and a big move.

The second person to die was the male sword Tailong.

In fact, this should be regarded as a mistake in the choice of judgment, or it cannot be called a mistake. The first time the team battle broke out, the mid laner of the purple side directly chose a wave of brazen counterattacks, forcibly cutting into the blue square The back row wanted to kill the adc Vayne who took away the opponent, but...

Although most of the male sword's damage was indeed dealt out, and it was true that almost two-thirds of the opponent Wei En's health bars were exploded in an instant, but the blue side was under the control of Huangxue Yege. The reaction speed of the night hunter is also too fast.

Backhand to e directly knocks the male knife back and nails the wall.

Then, in the state of the ultimate move "Ultimate Moment", the output of the crossbow was raised rapidly and the icy crossbow arrows soaked in holy silver were nailed into Tailong's body. Renfa refers to four words to describe it, and teammate Syndra's last q skill "Dark Ball" directly kills the male sword and takes it away.

The third person to die was the jungle prince of the blue side, and he was also the only one who died on the side of the blue side's army.

The prince died under Delevingne's spinning axe.

In fact, in this wave of team battles, the reaction and operation of the purple adc Draven has been impeccable. It was forced to cut after being surrounded by the opponent's top single big tree, and the prince's frontal ult was overwhelmed. The most explosive damage was dealt within the time, and the opponent's prince Jiawen was forcibly killed, but in the end...

The Executioner of Glory without Dual Summons still couldn't get rid of the fate of being killed and taken away.

The head was taken by the ADC Vayne on the blue side.

Wei En double kill.

In fact, both sides played a wave of team battles very well, and the purple army's handling and response could hardly find too many flaws, just because the opponent's blue army's first move was so perfect that it could not stop it.

Then, a wave of big rhythm is inevitable.


When the announcement of the female voice of the system reverberated again in the Summoner Canyon, and with the break of the summoning crystal in the middle of the highland of the purple army, there was also an unstoppable burst of cheers and cheers from the crowd watching the battle.

Many God players who supported the blue team couldn't help but beam with joy:

Break the road!

After playing for thirty minutes, it can be regarded as breaking the high ground!

If it is said that the blue team managed to get back the situation, and the blue and purple armies just returned to the same starting line to compete again, then the high ground in the middle is broken... Although it cannot be said that the victory is directly sealed in one go, but at least for now The balance of victory has been firmly tilted towards the blue side!

Moreover, with the involvement of super soldiers in the middle lane, the blue team can continue to attack the purple side's top lane.

If it is said that the high ground on the purple side can be broken...

Then with the two-way highland advantage in hand, it is really a big comeback without a doubt!

On the court, on the side of the purple team, the voice channel of the team's voice channel sounded the self-examination voice of the female ice player who was the top laner:


"Should have given the signal earlier..."

Not only that, but also the teleportation of the top lane heroes on both sides just now. The speed of the ice girl is also more than one beat slower than that of the opponent Dashu. Settled, unable to reverse the change at all.

The male knife team members also looked regretful:

"I shouldn't have cut it..."

"If you keep fighting, you probably won't fall all the way to the high ground."


This is really a mistake in the choice. In fact, someone has already given orders before the team battle.

But the god players on the purple side were not too convinced. For example, Nan Dao felt that he had done enough damage, so he was always eager to try. Just now, he rashly cut into the opponent's back row to think about Wei En, but in the end he sacrificed himself in vain.

Otherwise... If they were fighting defensively, there might still be some room and leeway in the team battle just now.

Because they really saw Draven's damage output with their own eyes - even in that case, the Glory Executioner under Tang Bingyao's control could forcibly complete the beheading of the blue jungler prince before dying, The burst of continuous damage is simply amazing.

If Draven had just been able to give Draven a better output environment, a few more seconds, even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned top laner tree on the opposite side is very likely to be forcibly chopped by Draven's spinning axe Kill and take away.


at this point.

Regret is always the most meaningless emotion in e-sports games.

Lin Feng shook his head:


"It's just breaking the high ground all the way, but you can still fight."

As if it wasn't forcibly cheering up his teammates, someone's tone was still calm and calm when he said these words, as if everything had been expected.

There are some things that cannot be helped.

For example, it must be admitted that apart from him and Tangtang's bot laners on the purple side, the other players in the upper, middle, and field positions are better than the opposing blue team in terms of personal operation ability and even team coordination ability. Fang several players inferior.

Therefore, even under his command, it is impossible to consider all aspects when facing the blue team, which is almost a god-like main lineup, and it is inevitable for the opponent to catch the opportunity.

but also...

There are also some things that can be adjusted, changed and restored.

For example, Tang Tang's adc Draven just hasn't had time to make quicksilver, otherwise, even if they have just been launched into a perfect first team battle by the opponent, their purple side can still have the power to fight.

For example, if only the high ground in the middle road is destroyed... at least it is better than the high ground in the upper and lower roads being demolished.

Someone narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous aura slowly radiated from his body:

If the three-way highland is broken, it may indeed be called powerless.

But only in the middle...

If you want to come back again, you only need to rely on the rhythm of a wave.


The situation calmed down somewhat.

After pushing off the opponent's high ground in the middle, the blue army chose to retreat cautiously and steadily. They were not in a hurry to continue pushing the opponent to the top or bottom. It just happened to wait for the summoner skills of several heroes on their side to cool down. , it will be more confident to fight again at that time.


Anyway, the rhythm of the situation has already fallen into the control of their blue side, so there is no need to be impatient.

"Keep both Syndra and Wayne, and we'll be safe in team battles!"

In the voice channel of the blue square team, several god members communicated quickly:

"The male sword on the opposite side is not as incomprehensible as it was in the early stage."

"The role of the mantis is not as good as that of our prince."

"Stay safe, spread out the field of vision first, or wait for our summoner skill cd to cool down, or wait for the next big dragon. If we don't give the opponent a chance, our game will be over!"

Huangxue Yege also nodded slightly as he was listening. After all, most of the teammates around him were the main force of their own team. There were many things that he didn't need to talk about. The few players on the bench definitely have advantages in terms of rhythm awareness and teamwork.


There are still some uncontrollable factors.

Huangxue Yege pressed the tab key and took a deep look at the auxiliary and adc positions of the purple side, then closed the battle panel, and said in a deep voice:


"Be careful of the Japanese girl and Delevingne on the opposite side."

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The update is sent, the two updates are done, and it is another new week. . . Come on and work hard.

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