
Chapter 1000 Retaliation for the Eyeliner Routine

"Syndra, pay attention to your position."

"Prince and Feng Nu are also a bit further back, Feng Nu should be careful not to be cut by the other side."

"We're in no hurry."

In the voice channel of the blue team, Huangxue Yege's calm and calm voice sounded. He paused a little when he said this, and looked at the heroes of the purple team not far ahead, and a sharp flash of light flashed in his eyes. :

"As long as the other side can't drive Syndra or me...don't dare to mess around."

He also saw the situation on the scene very clearly at this moment.

Perhaps there are many God players watching the battle off the court, and it would be strange for the purple army on the other side to be so slow in making the first move, but he is well aware of the same difficulties that the opponent is facing at this moment.

Now...it's not the same as before.

Syndra's equipment has been fully formed. During this period of time, a set of burst damage from the Dark Head is deadly enough to any hero on the purple side. More importantly, his ADC Vayne has also been fully developed.

As long as his Vayne is not dead, as long as the opponent's first wave of strong cuts can't kill him in seconds, then when he finds the environment and starts to output, he can play a wave of harvest rhythm at any time.

The error tolerance rate on their blue side is low.

But the current opponent, the Purple Fang Legion, actually did not dare to act rashly.

And if so...

Huangxue Yege glanced at the small map inadvertently. His top laner teammate Dashu in the bottom lane was still in a stalemate with Lissandra, the ice girl on the opposite side. On the contrary, the color side can continue to look for opportunities to engage in a wave of active attacks.

Ding! ——

A signal marker was clicked somewhere on the mini-map, and Huangxue Yege quickly spoke again, this time the order was given to his top lane teammate in the bottom lane:

"Big tree, pay attention to this eye position."

"if it is possible……"

"Make a wave."

In many cases, what can disturb the situation on the entire chessboard is often a chess piece that seems to be placed inadvertently in advance.

It looks unremarkable.

But... No one knows that a seemingly ordinary and unreasonable move may become a fatal move on the chessboard that can instantly reverse the situation.

The vast majority of God players who watched the game off the field were more focused on the middle lane at this time, nervously watching the stalemate between the heroes on both sides, and did not notice such an inconspicuous mark from Huangxue Yege Signal.

Only a few people noticed.

Lixiao Chenxing's eyelids twitched slightly, and a strange light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

at the same time.

The eyes of No. 5 in the back row of the crowd light up slightly:

"This position... seems to have not been noticed by the purple side."

No. 1 raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Then, the opportunity for the blue side is coming soon."


Although it has been a long time since they took the initiative to start a team battle, after all, at this time, the offensive lineup of the purple army is still stronger than the opponent's blue army.

So after a slight stalemate in the middle, the pawn line was still slowly pushed in towards the ruins of the second tower in the blue square middle road.

"This wave... is it going to the high ground?"

The God players who watched the game off the field were a little hesitant, but immediately there were other voices expressing their opposition:

"It's not that easy."

"For 4v4, it's okay to fight outside, but the blue side retreats to the high ground, and it's impossible for the purple side to push up."

"It should be just to suppress a wave of soldiers, and then search for resources in the wild area, arrange vision and so on."

This point of view has won the approval of many God players watching the game.

Indeed, no matter what, the purple side is at least more aggressive than the blue side in terms of lineup. Even if they didn't start a team battle for a while, the initiative is more on their own In hand, it is still possible to take advantage of some resources in the wild.

And as for the blue side...

how to say,

The rhythm of the overall battle situation is stable, but the lineup still lacks the ability to actively start a team. For the time being, it is almost enough to do defensive work first.

At least in the eyes of the vast majority of spectators off the field, if the purple side doesn't make a move, neither can the blue side.


When the pawn line in the middle lane was pushed towards the direction of the high ground tower in the blue square middle lane——

Similarly, when the summoner's canyon was on the bottom side, the blue team's top laner Dashu finished pushing the pawn line and chose to return to the city in a wave.

Another moment.

The blue Fangshang Shan Dashu in the spring water of the base did not rush out of the spring water, but a teleportation beam suddenly rose from the Twisted Dryad soaring into the sky!

Almost everyone's eyes widened suddenly at this moment!

This is... teleportation! ?

what's the situation! ?

And still at the same moment, some God players who had already reacted quickly and sharp-eyed suddenly discovered the location of the teleportation point of the big tree. * Fallen scout guards.

The same teleportation beam soars up into the sky!

Another second.

On the side of the purple army on the field, the light in Lin Feng's eyes shrunk slightly in front of the computer screen, and he issued a warning signal to retreat almost as quickly as possible:


At the same time, in the voice channel of the blue team, the voice of Huangxue Yege quickly shouted:


The moment the voice fell.

The figure of the blue jungler prince was as fast as lightning, and suddenly he made a double shot with EQ towards the nearest target not far ahead, and the purple jungler mantis rushed and plundered!


Turn on W.

Slow down and keep people!

The big move "Heaven and Earth Shattered" did not hesitate at all, and with a bang, it slammed down the opponent's purple side's ADC Delevingne and the mid laner male swordsman!

The mid laner Syndra moved forward, and the Q skill "Dark Orb" exploded on the ground in front of him. With a W skill "Drive Mind", he smashed down and further slowed down and controlled the target purple hero not far away. .

The moment the big tree's body teleported to the ground, it quickly circled around and outflanked it at high speed!

same moment.

Accompanied by the crisp and melodious button operation and tapping sound that suddenly exploded, the ADC Vayne under the control of Huangxue Yege suddenly entered the hunting state of the ultimate move "Ultimate Moment", a Q skill "Dodge Assault" rolled forward, holding The black shadow of the holy silver crossbow rushed into the battle circle like a gust of wind!

So a wave of team battles exploded in such a situation that caught everyone by surprise.

Also from the moment of the outbreak...the ending was doomed without any suspense.

During the fierce battle, the killing announcement of the female voice of the system continued to spread from the battle circle in the middle of the Summoner Canyon, and after just a dozen seconds, everything settled, and the purple army with three corpses was left. Assisting the two heroes of the Japanese girl and the top laner Lissandra to escape, while the blue side...except for the dead jungler prince, the other four heroes quickly led a wave of strong counterattacks!

1 for 3!

It is almost the same routine as the wave of first-hand team battles set off by the purple army in the middle by relying on the line eye.

And this time...

Directly let the blue army fight back in a wave!

The applause and applause from the watching crowd exploded, and Li Xiaochen's expression was slightly excited:

"This way... we will break the road!"

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I fell asleep last night. . . . The next chapter is exactly at nine o'clock, roll away the code words.

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