
Chapter 992 The Attacking Rhythm of the Blue Team

There are still top professionals with sharp vision in the God team club.

Although the reaction speed of No. 1 and No. 5 in the back row of the spectators was more than a beat slower, but at this time, the head coach of the God coaching staff has also seen that the blue team on the field ...Especially the intention of Yege Huangxue, who is the ADC Vayne.

So he made this judgment:


It's time for the blue army to start attacking.


An offensive marker signal was hit in the middle, and Huangxue Yege controlled his ADC Wei En from the resurrection of the spring and quickly walked towards the bottom of the high ground. The other teammates beside him were still a little stunned:


"What do you mean, take the initiative to make a wave?"

"Can you fight..."

The God players on the blue side haven't fully reacted yet. In the previous wave of team battles, they were beaten 2 for 4 by the opponent. Now they are going to take the initiative to attack. Where is the chance of winning?

But Huangxue Yege shook his head:

"Hard to say."

"But...you have to fight."

As he said that, he looked at the heroes of the purple side who were about to walk down from the high ground and came to the middle route not far away. It's easy to get such an "opportunity", if you can't seize it...

There is really no hope.

He didn't hear the analysis and evaluation given by No. 1 in the field before, but it didn't prevent him from having the same cognition a long time ago——

If you want to win a wave, you must first lose a wave.


In the previous wild team battle, his summoner skill [Flash] had been cooled down early, but from the beginning to the end, and even when he was killed at the end, he always held the flash in his hands tightly and never used it.

The purpose is to prepare for the next more important wave of team battles.

Because even if he used flash just now, the most he could do was to tie the team battle with the opponent, which didn't affect the overall situation.

But after keeping one hand...

The next wave of team battles at least bought him a bargaining chip and a chance to make a comeback.

Taking a deep breath, the aura emanating from Huangxue Yege's whole body also quietly became colder and chilling, as if the storm that was brewing was about to burst into the most violent thunder at any time——

This will be the wave that the opponent gives them the most opportunity to take advantage of.

It will also be his ADC Vayne who is destined to be the strongest and most prepared wave from the beginning to now.

Turn over or not.

Give it a go.



This is the order Lin Feng gave to his teammates in the voice channel of the purple team.

At this moment, on the route in the Summoner's Canyon, the five heroes of the blue side's army had gathered together and led the troops to advance in a wave, pushing the soldiers steadily towards the second tower in the middle of the purple side.

A wave of strong pushback that almost surprised everyone.

What surprised the God players watching the game even more was that facing the blue team's strong offensive move that changed from the normal, the purple team actually changed from offense to a more calm and cautious defensive posture in a very cooperative manner. .

So in an instant, everyone was surprised, and the offense and defense of the blue and purple sides reversed, and the situation was reversed.


Several members of the Purple Fang Legion also had doubts. Tang Bingyao was the first to ask questions: "Can you... fight?"

Lin Feng shook his head;

"Wait for a while."

As he spoke, he paused, squinting his eyes slightly to look at the heroes of the blue army not far away who had already brought the troops over:

"Don't let the opponent take advantage of it."

"Leave a small advantage... But the big advantage, you can't let that guy take it."

At this time, even the few members of the purple team on the field haven't noticed it yet, but at least Lin Feng has completely figured out the opponent's thinking and intentions.

The wave in front of me... I endured it very steadily.

Forcibly endured a summoner skill [Flash], in order to hit a time difference in the cooldown of the summoner skill CD.

This wave, of course, their purple side can continue to fight.

But at this time of fighting, Wei En has a lot of room to maneuver, especially when the few core cutting back row heroes on his side have all disappeared, they can no longer pose a fatal threat to Wei En like before.


Then bear with it first.

The light in someone's eyes is flickering and beating slightly. At worst, the time will be delayed. This opponent's lineup is not like that of yesterday afternoon, and the ADC on the blue side is only Wei En instead of Dazui. If you really want to beat the rhythm Procrastinating to the later stage...they don't worry about purple.


In the middle, the pawn line enters the tower.

However, although the front seems to be regrouping and coming aggressively, but after the pawn line is pushed to the front of the purple side's second tower, the attack momentum of the blue side's army seems to slow down all of a sudden.

Similarly, you can only stand behind your own soldier line, find an opportunity to come up and click on the defensive tower twice to consume a little blood.

Then you still need to be alert to the position and movements of the purple hero under the opposite tower, and withdraw your alert at any time.

This is also impossible.

The ADC Vayne on the blue side is already a short-handed hero. If he really wants to go directly to the tower, he will immediately enter the range of the opponent's hero's skills. The same situation is almost the same for Syndra in the mid laner.

No matter which of these two core C positions has an accident, the rhythm will immediately fall under the control of the opponent's purple army.

It is precisely because of such concerns that the pace of tower demolition in the blue square middle road is not fast.

On the blue side of the field, Huangxue Yege in front of the computer screen quickly made adjustments:


"Turn to the dragon."

Of course, it is not to force the rhythm of the dragon. The five heroes of the blue team quickly turned from the middle route to the opponent's upper half field, and then retreated all the way to the river. The vision of the wild area previously occupied by the opponent was regained in a wave.

The applause from the crowd watching the battle rang out.

This wave of turning to the battlefield is quite decisive.

Not being obsessed with one another, but further taking advantage of the opportunity to regain the vision of key positions, this is already the coordination of command and execution that only appears in top professional competitions.

The next moment, the voice of Huangxue Yege in the voice channel of the blue team continued to sound:

"Turn on."

Just right, at this time, a large wave of soldiers on the road passed the ruins of the purple side's outer tower and was heading towards the second tower. It also made several heroes of the blue side's army quickly penetrate into the opponent's wild area again and go up all the way.

"The rhythm of containment has come out!"

The quick-response God players couldn’t help but beam with joy. Although the second tower in the middle lane was not removed just now, the blue team turned to the baron for vision and then turned to the top lane to push the second tower. It was almost done in one go. Constantly occupying the first opportunity, this wave of opponents is basically unable to defend, and the second tower on the road has a good chance to win!

Fully comprehending the arrangement and command intention of Huangxue Yege, several members of the Blue Army's team moved and reacted extremely quickly.

And it just happened to be at this time.

When the figures of the prince and the wind girl were passing through the front grass of the purple square red buff wild area.

Just right.

At the intersection of this narrow wild area.

Another small section of grass directly in front.

The purple side's jungler Mantis and top laner Ice Maiden are also quickly out of shape, obviously going to the top lane to support and return to defense.

The front troops of both sides, hereby...


Meet on a narrow road!

The pupils of Huangxue Yege in front of the computer screen suddenly shrunk, and the next second he yelled out almost without thinking:


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