
Chapter 991 His flash should be fine

2 for 4.

This wave of field team battles was won by the purple side.

Of course, the support Fengnv on the blue side was the first to save her teammates and go to the front row to give out the big move "Resuscitating Monsoon", blowing away the opponent's mid laner male swordsman, support Japanese woman and adc Delai on the frontal battlefield Wen, but also made himself the target of the opponent's fire in the first place, and was directly seconds.

Following the jungler prince, he also became the second target to be targeted. Mantis Kazik, who came around from the Three Wolves wild area, rushed forward and blocked the prince Jiawen's retreat. Draven's damage quickly beheaded and took away a half-meat outfit prince.

Afterwards, Wayne and Syndra were also killed one after another.

In the end, only one top laner, Dashu, teleported to the scene a little too late. He missed this wave of team battles and saved his own head.

But this wave...

It is really the tactical routine of the purple army that has achieved absolute results.

"After the ice girl's teleportation circle, there is still a dead corner of the mantis stuck in the wild area of ​​the three wolves. The catch is too accurate and too ruthless—"

Even the god players who stood on the side of the blue team off the field couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief. This wave of purple team's fight is nothing to say, and the line is too critical and terrible .

In an instant, a lore situation of double-teaming was formed.

It is completely impossible for the opponent to react in time.

"If it wasn't for Syndra and Wayne's counterattack...then it would be about to blow up right now?"

Several God players watching the battle whispered among themselves.


The team battle that just ended was fortunately due to Wayne and Syndra's counterattack before they died, killing the opponent's two crispy entry points, the jungler Mantis on the purple side and the top laner Ice Maiden. Well, if there weren't these two heads to make up for it, the purple side at the end of this wave of team battles might even turn their heads and move the dragon directly.

That is really the rhythm of a wave of collapse.

Of course, Syndra played a big part in this, and the wave of skill enhancements thrown out before she died dealt enough damage, but the most critical and important hero is definitely Wei En.

"As expected of a night god..."

There was such admiration from the crowd.

It was Wei En who realized something was wrong at the first time, and retreated in time to avoid the Japanese girl's big move first, and then cooperated with the purple side's jungler Mantis and the top laner Ice girl's sudden face. The teammate forcibly played the sky-defying slashing operation under the condition of extreme residual blood, making use of every skill and every level a to the extreme.

It's really like dancing on a knife's edge.

It's hard to imagine that in such a narrow space under such a bad situation, a Wei En can move and operate so nimbly and limitlessly, almost showing flowers.

The only pity is that even if Wei En alone can perform to the extreme, it can only be like that.

There is a limit to what can be done.

"It would be great if the big tree came earlier..." Many God players felt extremely regretful: "Maybe the front row can carry a little longer, maybe Wei En can continue to show off—"

Such remarks have received a lot of approval from the audience.

In the front row of the crowd, Li Xiao Chen Xing did not participate in such a conversation, but just looked at the computer screen in front of Huang Xue Ye Ge on the field, his gaze seemed to sweep from the bottom of the screen, and he frowned slightly, showing some concern. Thinking look.

At the same time, No. 1 and No. 5 in the back row of the crowd on the other side nodded slightly in unison.

A trace of approval flitted across his face.



"The wave just now was a bit rushed... It's good that the praying mantis doesn't die."

"Or it's okay if the ice girl is not dead, the big dragon can drive it."

"Underestimating the damage of Wayne and Syndra on the other side..."

On the side of the purple army on the field, several god players in the team's voice channel were communicating and discussing like this, and the tone was also not without regret.

In a wave of 2 for 4, although they made a lot of money, they were killed by the opponent two people, and one was a jungler, which made it difficult for their remaining blood to move the dragon easily.

Otherwise, if Dalong wins, the next step should be really sure.

Of course, the current situation is obviously further into their rhythm.

"Do another wave later?"

The top laner ice girl of the second god team jumped at it and immediately got the approval of the other two teammates. However, in such a relaxed atmosphere, Lin Feng remained silent, and it took a long time before he suddenly said:

"How about the summoner skills?"

In a word, the other three god players on the purple side were stunned, and subconsciously opened their mouths to report:

"I have handed in both summons."

"Me too."

"My flash is gone."

Only one Tang Bingyao looked at her summoner skill bar, and then answered seriously: "I have both flash and healing."

Lin Feng nodded when he heard that, and then pressed the tab key to bring up the battle panel and glanced at the blue ADC Wei En on the opposite side: "Just now... Wei En didn't flash."

Tang Bingyao thought for a while, then nodded quickly: "Well, I didn't hand in."

Next to him, the jungler Mantis of God's second team interjected: "It should be that the CD hasn't cooled down yet?"

The other two team members also nodded: "Yeah, it must be that the flash is still not good." "Otherwise, the situation just now must have flashed, and Wei En probably wouldn't die if he could flash." "That's right. , How could Youshan send him to death on purpose?"

Every tone is natural.

From a common sense point of view, this seems to be the case.

Lin Feng shook his head, as if he didn't intend to argue with these temporary teammates, but Tang Bingyao, who was at the side, carefully noticed the strangeness of the former, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with Fengzi?"

As if there was a pause, someone looked at the corpse of Wei En who was about to disappear and resurrected from the spring water again, subconsciously narrowing his eyes slightly:


"But if I remember correctly..."

"During the team battle just now, Vayne's flash should have been healed."


A wave of team battles in the field is over, and it seems that the purple army has further expanded its advantage in terms of head count.

But from another angle, it can make interested people see some other different details.

"Vayne is up."

A coach from God's coaching team spoke with a slightly excited expression:

"The two kills in the team battle just now were won by Wei En. Although the team's overall economy is still behind, the ADC...is ready for a fight!"


There is nothing wrong with the analysis.

Especially when Vayne gave up [Mercury Ribbon] and took a pure damage output item, the combat power that the night hunter can display in regular team battles at this time is actually not inferior to the opponent's adc Draven .

But having said that, Vayne's survivability in team battles is still an extremely difficult issue that cannot be ignored.

"You still have to fight steadily..."

Another coach, who is mainly responsible for the task, hesitated to express his opinion out loud.

But the next moment, the head coach of the coaching staff interrupted suddenly, with piercing eyes:


"The blue team's attack opportunity... is almost here!"

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around eleven o'clock, get rid of the code words!

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