
Chapter 983

The announcement from the female voice of the system came from the direction of the Xiaolong Fjord in the river, accompanied by a giant dragon's wail and low growl, and then it hit the water heavily, splashing a splash of water.

The second fire dragon fell into the purple army.

The blue team, who chose to give up the fight for the little dragon, seized the opportunity of the opponent to take the dragon, assisted Fengnv to cooperate with teammate ADC Wei En to return to the top lane, seized a wave of soldiers and pushed the tower, and finally defended the opponent's purple side's top lane The outer tower was bulldozed and demolished.

The game time also came to nearly twenty minutes.

At this time, the game basically ended the early laning, and officially entered the mid-term grouping stage.

The top laners on both sides are holding teleportation in their hands, and can continue to single-play on the side lanes, but as for the remaining four heroes on both sides, they have already started to huddle together to prevent being single-handedly killed by the opponent again. Condition.

also the same...

It is precisely because of this that the problem that the blue team has been trying to avoid in the past few minutes has finally been officially put on the table.

It is necessary to fight head-on with the opponent purple side.

But at this time, the overall combat power of the blue side is still not enough to be on par with the opponent, although the development of heroes such as the mid laner Syndra, the jungler Prince and the top laner Dashu are all pretty good, especially Sinde La's equipment has gradually formed a set of explosive damage that is enough to kill in seconds, but...

The opposite side is more fierce.

A male knife.

A praying mantis.

An ice girl.

These are three heroes who are enough to pose a fatal threat to the back row of the blue army. Even the combat power that the ADC support in the bottom lane can burst out at this time is extremely scary.

The damage of the single Syndra in the blue team is considerable, but it is only enough for one person in seconds.

But the purple side currently has more than one output position and harvest position.

Even, with such a strong and violent lineup of the purple team, it takes a moment to catch the blue team's mid laner Syndra at random. Once Syndra is killed, the blue team in this time period will The legion is almost equivalent to a full half of the output.

"It's absolutely impossible to fight for a wave of explosions."

The God players who watched the game off the field were talking among each other, each one worried.

If you want to fight, you must first avoid the most violent wave of offensive on the opposite side, at least keep the two core C-position heroes in the back row of your own side to survive the strong cutting rhythm of the first wave on the opposite side, and then seek a counterattack.

But this is too difficult.

Syndra may be okay, but he was really cut. It is estimated that all the skills of a set will be released in an instant before death, and maybe he can pull back even if he dies, which is 1 for 1.

But what about Wayne?

ADC heroes play continuous damage output instead of burst, but the purple side may not give Vayne room and opportunities for stable and continuous output. In addition, Vayne is still a short-handed ADC and wants to be in team battles. Finding an output environment is even more difficult.

Off the field, in the front row of the spectators, Li Xiaochenxing's expression was quite dignified and solemn.

He can well understand the embarrassing and passive situation faced by the blue side on the field at this moment.

Especially the ADC Wei En of Huangxue Yege.

Facing even greater pressure and challenges that are suffocating.

But the heavy responsibility is on Huangxue Yege. If Wei En can't find a chance to play output or even a wave of harvest team battles in this confrontation, it will be almost impossible for the blue army to counterattack and come back.

(Can it be done?)

Even though he clearly knew that the purple army on the opposite side of the field had "that person" assisting him, at this moment, Li Xiaochen Xing still couldn't help but cheer for his partner and old friend in his heart.


After taking down the fire dragon, several heroes of the purple army chose to return to the city in front of the small dragon fjord in the river.

Resupply to restore status, update a round of equipment, and then sprint out of the high ground again.

"The Ice Girl is split."

"Others, push together."

Lin Feng's voice sounded in the voice channel of the purple team,

In this game, he had once again taken on the task of commanding and dispatching, and the entire tactical thinking was implemented by him very purely and directly.

It's just constant pressure.

In the early stage, he kept suppressing the development of opponent ADC Vayne positively online.

As the game enters the current mid-term stage, they are relying on their purple team's current advantages to further speed up the rhythm of the attack, and they will continue to hold together and not give the opponent, especially the ADC Wayne Anyi, the time to grow comfortably.


It is to be pressed step by step like this.

Lin Feng pressed the Tab key to bring up the battle panel, glanced at the record data and equipment column of the blue ADC Vayne on the opposite side, and narrowed his eyes slightly——

He also wants to see, under such purely suppressive targeting, that guy's Wayne...

Can't get up.


The top laner Dashu on the blue side also continued to go to the bottom lane to check and stalemate with the opponent's top laner ice girl on the purple side. The three of Syndra, the prince and Fengnv are no longer enough.


Huangxue Yege's ADC Wei En still rushed back in time, and cooperated with his teammates to stand in front of the second defensive tower in his middle lane.

In this way... it is 4V4.

"Can you fight?"

Not to mention that most of the God players who watched the game were not sure, even the other players of the blue team on the field were worried at this time and couldn't help asking in a low voice on the team's voice channel.

And this question, in the absence of Li Xiaochenxing, the club captain of the God team, can only be left to Huangxue Yege to answer.

"Not yet."

After a long silence, this was the answer given by Huangxue Yege.

There is no need for more reasons to analyze and explain. Just these three words are enough for the other God players on the blue side to choose to accept even if they are not reconciled.

Not yet.

Then...you can only continue to give in.

The four heroes of the blue team stood in front of the second defensive tower in the middle lane, so they could only defend passively in this way, trying to clear the wave of soldiers pushed by the opponent as quickly as possible, so that the speed of the opposing tower at point A could be as fast as possible. Slow down, while trying to find opportunities to hit the opponent with some costly pokes.



The prince's EQ second company can't easily make a move. In the past few times, it was interrupted by the E skill of the opposite Draven's instant response. It is impossible for Syndra's QE second company to hit and control the crispy hero Just like drawing a lottery ticket, you need to try your luck, that is, you need to spend time slowly.

In contrast...

The purple side has too many force-starting methods.

Especially when someone is controlling the auxiliary Japanese girl, he is able to carry out that direct and crisp team-starting style to the fullest.

When the third wave of soldiers was pushed to the front of the second tower in the middle of the blue square, the Japanese girl opened.

Go ahead and make a big move directly.

The bright golden-yellow dazzling spot detonated and exploded on the ground under the feet of the blue team heroes not far away from the defense tower, and also almost in an instant, the blue team's mid laner Syndra and the auxiliary wind girl Shuangshuang desperately surrendered [Flash] with the fastest reaction speed and fled.

The two golden lights exploded, and finally the blue team's mid laner assisted the two heroes to escape the danger of being controlled by the Japanese girl's big move.

But the next second——

Several other heroes of the purple army had already seized this opportunity, took advantage of the situation and led a wave of troops to advance, focusing their fire on the defensive tower and demolishing it.

In the blink of an eye, the blood volume of the defense tower plummeted all the way to less than a quarter.

Huangxue Yege's eyelids twitched slightly, took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth:


So the second tower of Lanfang Middle Road was broken.

Lin Feng in front of the computer screen had a calm expression on his face, while the entire training room of the God club saw a complete silence.

***************************************************** ***************************

The update is sent, I slept in front. . . Fortunately, I woke up. . .

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