
Chapter 982 Still Difficult

The defensive outer tower in the middle of the blue side was finally bulldozed and demolished into ruins under the concentrated fire of the three purple side heroes.

And so far...

The three defensive outer towers have all been destroyed.

Moreover, as soon as the defensive outer tower in the middle is pulled out and demolished, the entire first line of defense of the blue army and even the outermost field of vision and development space are all destroyed by the opponent, which means that from this moment onwards, their online development The space is compressed and the ability to control wild resources is gradually deprived.

"It's too hurt..."

Many God players watching the battle were a little worried.

The outer tower in the middle road lost too much, and it seemed too easy to drop.

It stands to reason that this middle tower should be the most important strategic fortress in the early and mid-term. Was let out by the blue side.

So judging from the results, there is definitely a big problem with the blue team's handling of this wave.


From the perspective of the process, in fact, the players on the blue side really can't be blamed.

Because no one expected that in a 3V3 situation, the auxiliary Fengnv would be taken away by the opponent's sudden wave of strong driving and directly jumping over the tower. Wen's set of instant burst damage with the male sword is also too fierce.

So this move made the purple side win.

And the blue team who made this mistake directly paid a huge price for an outer tower in the middle.

In the back row of the crowd watching the match, the faces of the coaches from God's coaching team became a little serious. They all saw the problem in the middle lane. Of course, it is understandable, but if it is after the S6 World Finals On... this kind of problem mistake must not appear easily.

That little brother Lin Feng... This is not the main job support, playing a Japanese girl can play this kind of fast-break rhythm, which caught the main players on the blue side by surprise, and when the time comes, the other players in the World Championship The top professional support of the top teams in the competition area is also more likely to catch the negligence of their God team.


Fortunately, this is just a training match.

The purpose is to let the players of their club, including their coaches, check for omissions and fill vacancies together.

The lesson just now must be written down heavily.

Of course, these things can be analyzed, discussed and reflected on in the meeting after the training today. For now...we still have to continue to see if the blue team can still have a follow-up after the game enters this situation. Counterattack and comeback methods.



At this time, words like "counterattack" and "turnaround" have to be used.

On the scene, the difference in the number of people between the blue and purple legions is actually not that big, and it can even be said that they are relatively balanced, but in terms of the number of defensive towers, the purple legion is clearly ahead of the whole two, and this time period is entering the purple side. During the period when the lineup is at its strongest, the heroes in several positions have preliminarily formed their respective equipment and have sufficient combat effectiveness.

And the blue side...

It cannot be said that there is no combat effectiveness.

It's just that compared to the current strength and domineering of the opponent Zifang, it's still a whole lot worse.

"It's down the road."

A coach of God's coaching team spoke in a deep voice, and several other colleagues beside him subconsciously nodded in agreement.

It's just down the road.

So far, the effects of the auxiliary heroes on both sides are simply worlds apart. The purple side's auxiliary Japanese girl has brought the rhythm a few times, and the offensive ability has been brought into full play, while the blue side's auxiliary Fengnv... But they are completely different from Japanese women, passively controlled and even become prey objects to be hunted and killed.

In addition, it is the ADC.

The development of the ADC...seems to widen the gap even further.

On the purple side, the Wind Lady's head just won in the middle lane has entered Draven's account again, and the passive refresh has received an extra bonus. In contrast, although the blue side's ADC Vayne is controlling The line developed for a while, but still failed to catch up with the opponent's Glory Executioner.


During this period of time, Delevingne's damage was almost horrific, but it was still not time for Vayne to form his own combat power.

It will take a while.


Several God coaches, including many other God players watching the game, were a little worried. Depending on the situation, the opponent's purple team didn't seem to plan to give the blue team too much time.


After pushing down the opponent's outer tower in the middle, several heroes in the middle of the purple side chose a wave and then withdrew to the city.

The base spring updated a round of equipment in the equipment store, and went out again. The male sword, the Japanese woman, and the Draven came to the middle road again, and continued to bring the line of soldiers directly towards the second tower of the middle road on the blue side. .


This really does not give the opponent breathing time and opportunities.

Your ADC Wei En and top laner Dashu want to continue to develop with a single belt and eat lanes, and continue to let the three players in the middle guard?

Don't get too fancy...

Now the intention of the purple side is very clear. Anyway, as long as your blue side continues to play like this, then I will continue to push the tower in the middle. Just now 3V3 can kill the tower and destroy the tower. Now the second tower can also do the same. Keep doing it.

If you're just three people, you won't be able to keep it.

Finally, the blue team was forced to make new adjustments. The top laner Dashu also returned to the middle lane to support his teammates after a wave of pawns in the bottom lane, but at the same time... the ADC on the top lane Wei En still didn't leave, and continued to make up the knife.

This is also completely understandable.

"Vayne really needs to make up for a period of development." God's team members who were watching the game sighed sincerely.

Yes, Wei En from Huangxue Yege has already made a lot of sacrifices for his teammates, so at this time, it is time for Wei En to make up for her economy and level, let Dashu come back to defend, at least he can save The rhythm will be delayed a little later, to buy Wei En a little more time.

Looking at the mobilization arrangements made by the opponent's blue army, Lin Feng in front of the computer screen raised his eyebrows slightly:

"That's it..."

Then he glanced at the small map, moved and manipulated the mouse to signal:

"Forget it."

"Get a little dragon first."


It happened that Xiaolong refreshed around the 18th minute of the game time.

This is a fire dragon.

A very deadly fire dragon.

Originally, the lineup of the purple army is biased towards the early and mid-term strength, but if a fire dragon enters the account, it can help them make up for a certain amount of combat ability in the later stage, and even if they have the fire dragon buff in the early and mid-term, they can quickly further consolidate and expand the strong rhythm.

However, at this time, the blue army did not have enough ability to compete for this fire dragon.

"Let go."

At this time, Huangxue Yege was controlling his ADC Wei En. After collecting the troops on the road, he chose to return to the city in a wave. When he saw several heroes from the purple army on the opposite side rushing towards the river Xiaolongfjord, he calmly said This succinctly makes scheduling decisions.

The God players who watched the game off the court watched this scene and talked a lot.

Even Lixiao Chenxing couldn't help frowning slightly, and began to feel more worried about his old friends on the field——


The tempo is so good.

And even if Wei En has been working hard to supplement her development, even if she really develops her equipment and takes shape, will she really be able to reverse the situation?

It's hard.

Because don't forget, the lineup of the purple army on the opposite side... originally existed almost for team battles against the back row of ADCs.

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The update is here, the next chapter should be about 8 o'clock in the evening, get rid of the code words.

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