
Chapter 820 Unexpected Interruption

Not to mention the other people present, even Lin Feng himself on the blue side of the field at the moment, couldn't help but still feel a little lucky.

Really, winning this wave of team battles can be said to have at least half of luck.

Of course, he was laying the groundwork during the last wave of water dragon team battles, and forcibly won a chance of more than 200 seconds for the ice bird's [Flash] skill CD to cool down. He firmly held his [Flash] in his hand and never made a move easily.

But these...

Still not enough.

Facts have proved that, in fact, in his original plan, he still couldn't do anything to senior No. 1 Bingniao. Before he had time to kill R Flash and cooperate with Tian Tian's sword girl to complete the kill, Bingniao's summoner skill [Flash] Already able to cool down and escape from birth as soon as possible.

But the most critical thing in this wave is actually a factor that he himself did not expect——

Feng Nu's flashing big move.

Not only did she save her clockwork Orianna from Xiao Wu's jungle spider, but more importantly, Janna used her body to block the ice control of the ice bird's Q skill, which made his The clockwork monster can get rid of the stun of the spider's E skill and directly cut into the battlefield with R flash.

This wave, maybe even Xiao Zou, who is the auxiliary Feng Nu, couldn't count it.

But indeed, the biggest contributor to this is his Feng Nu.

Although the current result is gratifying enough, it is also worthy of Lin Feng's own reflection and review, because the facts have proved that no matter how bold and targeted his original plan is, he still lacks some strength. With a very skillful first shot to save the field, their blue side will lose this wave of groups.

This time I can rely on luck and so on to assist my teammates to perform at a super level.

But it doesn't mean that you will have such luck every time.

Bottom line...

Still not strong enough.

Lin Feng shook his head, temporarily put such thoughts behind him, looked at the messy battlefield on the river in front of the Dalong Fjord and the corpses of the purple heroes lying all over the place, and his face showed a beaming look again:

"Come on, big dragon!!"

Anyway, anyway, this wave of groups finally won.

1 for 4.

Even if there is still a wild spider with Xiao Wujie on the opposite side, the big dragon baron and the blue army will be firmly in the bag, and once the big dragon wins, the rhythm of the game will really be completely reversed. ——


It was almost at the moment when Lin Feng moved and manipulated the mouse to mark the big dragon, and the voice fell on the team's voice channel.

There was a sudden noise.

Before everyone had time to react, the rows of incandescent lights on the ceiling of the entire KG club training room suddenly went out and went dark automatically. At the same time, the game screens on the computers in front of the ten players from the blue and purple sides also instantly went black.

Automatic shut-down.

As a result, the entire training room fell into darkness, with only the faint sunlight coming in from outside the curtains hitting the faces of everyone with dull and dazed expressions.

No. 1 raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

Number five also showed a slightly puzzled look.

Lin Feng was dumbfounded on the spot:

This, this... what's going on! ?


The entire training room was silent for a moment, and at the next moment, a KG substitute finally muttered in a daze as if subconsciously:

"Stop, power outage?"

Suddenly, an uproar exploded among the KG players who were watching the match:

I rely on!

At this time, power off! ?

Including ghosts, old C, and others, everyone's face was full of expressions of wanting to be Sparta, and they were completely messed up in the wind. What the hell is this? It's obvious that the blue army will start a counterattack next. Rhythm, at such a critical juncture, what the hell are you...

power cut! ! ?

The first person to react was unexpectedly the manager of the KG Club, who was also fascinated by watching it and was suddenly forcibly interrupted by this unexpected situation.

Manager KG became impatient on the spot, turned his head and yelled at the door of the training room:

"Old horse! What's going on!!?"

The "old horse" who was called was also the employee in charge of daily maintenance at the training base of the KG team club. As soon as he heard the manager of KG yelling and asking questions in such a loud voice, the old horse was already panicked from downstairs. The panicked reply voice:

"Manager, just, just now, it seems that the switch has tripped!"

"almost done!"

As a result, just half a minute later, with the sound of "deng", all the lights in the training room turned on again, and the monitors on each computer screen also turned green again, and the call came again.

But still can't change the status quo.

A game that had progressed well to the middle and late stages and was about to become more exciting and intense, was forcibly terminated due to such an inexplicable accidental trip, and could not continue.

It's almost dumbfounding.

"What, what should I do?"

Many KG players are still stupid. In the first 30 minutes, it can be said that the purple army has the upper hand, but just now the blue team has played a wave of comeback level team battles and is about to take down the dragon. The jumping contest ended forcibly, but it was impossible to say which side should win the contest.

"It's a pity for the blue side—"

Some KG substitutes couldn't help but feel sorry for the blue team: "The rhythm just now, it should already be winning..."

But immediately other KG players next to him shook their heads:

"To win?"

"Think too much, even if the blue side has just won the big dragon, the outcome is still unpredictable."

Even the ghosts nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, after the wave just now, at most it can only be said that the blue side turned the situation over, but it is far from enough to be able to win."

The old C on the side answered: "That's right, your blue side did come back with a wave of big rhythm, but don't forget that there is an ice bird sitting on the purple side, even if you have the big dragon buff in your hand and want to push the pawn line It's still hard to push in—"

Not to mention that after the team battle just now, there was no [Flash] on Clockwork's side again, but Ice Bird's Flash had been recooled.


Even at this time, the wild spiders of the purple army still maintained a shocking and silent 0-death record. Even if the entire purple army only had ice birds and spiders in command, it was still enough to deal with the blue army. The Legion continued to exert suffocating pressure.

However, these can only be analyzed theoretically now.

Anyway, this game can no longer continue.

what to do...

It also seems that there is no good way for the time being.

At this moment, Lin Feng stood up from the seat in front of the computer screen with a "bass", his eyes fell on No. 1 opposite and shouted:

"No! Senior, let's play another game!"

His tone was full of unwilling fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

It's really not reconciled, I just hit the addiction with great difficulty, but it ended so inexplicably, anyone would feel powerless and have nowhere to make me aggrieved.

But number one sitting on the opposite side of the purple side raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Another round?"

Lin Feng nodded vigorously, the light of fighting intent in his eyes was almost burning like a substance, emphasizing again:


"I can't let it go!"

It's not easy to have such a fight with Senior No. 1 and Miss Xiaowu, how can I let it go hastily!

But at the next moment, someone was dumbfounded again by a sentence from the other side:

"forget it."

While talking, No. 1 stood up leisurely from the seat while stretching his waist, moved his arms and twisted his neck, and finally waved his hand to someone who had a dazed face who hadn't reacted, and said with a casual smile:

"Old man, I'm a little tired after working for a while."

"do not fight."

"So be it."

***************************************************** ***************************

The update is here, it's a little late. . . Tomorrow morning I have to get up early to catch a flight to the next place. . . heartache.

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