
Chapter 819

When the purple team's mid laner Icebird was finally killed, the entire KG club training room and even the surrounding KG players couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, followed by an explosion There was a burst of thunderous cheers.

Even the KG team leader and head coach Tony, who were watching the game from the back row, couldn't help being shocked, and subconsciously clapped their hands vigorously.

The only club manager who was considered a layman was dumbfounded:

"This... is this overturned?"

The KG team leader next to him grabbed the manager's shoulders and laughed loudly:

"Yeah! It's really turned over by the blue side!"

"This wave..."

"It's so god-defying!!"

There was an unconcealable exclamation and sincere appreciation and admiration in his tone.

As a professional, he understands how difficult this wave of team battles in front of the Dalongfjord is for the blue army. When Daomei was still leading the line in the next lane, 4 people directly forced the dragon to force the group.

The purple side was forced to follow up.

Then, in the process of retreating, the Clockwork Demon's seemingly out-of-shape formation was actually deliberately luring the enemy to go deeper. At the same time, the widow Evelyn quietly touched up again and killed the carbine.

follow again.

The clockwork forcibly pinches [Flash] No need, almost facing the great danger of being instantly killed by the opponent's wild spider set, but waited for a perfect life-saving flash from his support teammate Fengnv.

Then followed by Daomei's circling back and cutting into the battlefield, Qiangtubingniao's E skill "Balanced Strike" stuns and controls the target.

Gain every last second of your time.

Let Clockwork R flash.

There are three people in the big and middle school.

The last set of fire-focused combo BO forcefully beat No. 1 Ice Crystal Phoenix without the slightest chance to get out of control, and was directly forced to break the egg to complete the final kill.

Among them, even the slightest deviation and mistake are not allowed in any link.

If the executors in any link react a little slower or have a little lack of tacit understanding, this wave of perfect god-level layout routines of the blue army will be instantly shattered and shattered.


At this moment, the system's female voice announced the kill, but it has already proved loudly and sonorously that they really did it!

"This kind of coordination and execution, this level of team battle!"

Even at this time, the leader of the KG team couldn't help but still feel agitated:

"Oh shit!"

"Putting it into the S6 finals, it's completely enough to face Season and the SSK team head-to-head!!"

The head coach Tony next to him nodded his head, but his face showed a look of regret:


"This is not our own lineup."

One sentence hit the point, and the leader of the KG team, who had been splashed with cold water, came back to his senses again. When he looked at the two "temporary training partners" of the blue team's mid laner and jungler on the field again, his eyes There is already a bit of infinite regret and regret in the eyes:

"Such a good seed... oh no, such a top expert, how wonderful it would be if we were KG's people."


It is no longer possible to use words like "miaozi" to describe the two of them.

Whether it is the mid laner or the jungler on the blue side in this match, the strength they have shown has long since far surpassed the rookies in the professional circle or even the vast majority of official professional players, and they can be placed in any team. In the club, there must be aces who have been confessed!


Although the team battle in front of Dalongfjord in the river seems to have set the final tone, there are still some small twists and turns in the process of ending.

That is, when Lin Feng's Clockwork Demon and several other teammates on the blue team's side concentrated fire and killed and took away the purple team's single ice bird, the ADC policewoman under the control of Konjac also moved forward a little bit. Two steps, one Q skill "Peace Messenger" shot and got an assist.

But this assist was...

But something happened.

Just at this time, the purple jungler spider that was originally suspended from the E skill coiled and fell like lightning and appeared directly in front of the policewoman Caitlin.

Ding ding ding! ! !

The warning signal played by Lin Feng in the blue voice channel suddenly sounded quickly!

But at this time, Konjac had no time to react, and was smashed down by the opponent's wild spider who jumped in front of him with a set of skills. Almost in the blink of an eye, the blood volume of the blood bar on the top of his head plummeted to the bottom, and he was emptied on the spot. zero!

"An-ally-has-been- (A friendly hero was killed)."

The system's female voice announced the announcement.

next second.

Killing the purple jungler spider who took away the ADC policewoman without any hesitation, he just handed in a [Flash] and instantly fled away in the direction of the river mouth on the road in a golden glow.

It is already impossible to catch up.

In this way, due to a momentary oversight and negligence, the blue team was forcibly stolen the head of an ADC, and the opponent's purple team's jungler spider still maintained a superb record and fled away.


In the voice channel of the blue team, Konjac is doing self-criticism and self-criticism.

It is indeed careless.

Just because they killed Kenan and Ice Bird, especially the latter, they were all too ecstatic. Instead, they ignored that apart from the ice crystal phoenix, there were still spiders in the opponent's purple army. An even more terrifying existence.

Lin Feng shook his head:

"It's okay, it doesn't matter."

The tone still seemed calm and calm.

But it really doesn't affect it anymore. Maybe the loss of an ADC policewoman's head is something to be regretted, but for this wave of team battles, it is already a big gain for their blue army. win.

Killing and taking away the opponent's top laner Kenan and mid laner Bingniao, although the Spider Queen escaped, but the remaining purple side's support Bron and ADC playman, none of them escaped in the end.


"Triple-Kill (three kills)!!—"

The kill prompts from the female voice of the system sounded one after another, and the Clockwork Demon under Lin Feng's control killed and took away the remaining two purple bottom lane heroes one after another, completing a wave of three kills, and this wave of team battles can be regarded as the end It's all over here.

1 for 4.

The blue side only paid for the head of an ADC policewoman.

But in exchange for...

But on the opposite side, except for the spiders, they were almost completely wiped out!

And you must know that this wave of team battles was fought under a situation where a blue army was originally at an absolute disadvantage!

From the beginning to the present for a full thirty minutes, the blue army has been suppressed almost from the beginning to the end without any chance of turning around, but such a wave...

But it really completely reversed the entire situation on the field!

"Killing the ice bird is the key!"

"It's really the key!"

The demon repeated this sentence over and over in his mouth, sighing infinitely.

The other KG players who watched the battle next to them also nodded subconsciously. Really, if it wasn't for the clockwork and Daomei's successful killing of Bingniao just now, and this wave of team battles really started to let Bingniao find the output environment, then the ending would definitely not be good. It will be like this.

More importantly, it's really only a little bit short.

It was only a second or half a second away, and the ice bird's summoner skill [Flash] was about to cool down, and the ice crystal phoenix that was flashing in his hand was under the control of Senior No. 1. The clockwork R flashes, and they all have full confidence in escaping and dodging.

However -

This most critical half-second opportunity was caught by the blue army and someone.

If you catch it, it's just such a wave of reversal.

"It's really a gamble, it's really courageous..." Looking back on the scene just now, Old C couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, and his mood was still turbulent and trembling.

Squeeze a flash.

Just bet that the R flash can hit the lore at the last critical moment.

For this layout, he did not hesitate to put all his chips on the gambling table.

This is the real sinking boat.


Only the truly top-level powerhouses dare to play heartbeat tactics!

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The update is here, the time for the next chapter is around nine o'clock in the evening, get out and continue coding!

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