
Chapter 804 Another Ice Wall

River channel, Xiaolongfjord.

The health bar on the top of the faucet has dropped to less than half of the tube, while the blue team's defensive second tower, which is also on the road at this time, has only less than a quarter of the last blood left.

The fuse of the gunpowder seemed to have burned to the end.

The atmosphere seemed to be suddenly quiet at this moment, just like the flow of air suddenly stopped and froze for a short moment.

But the storm...

It will eventually be completely lifted in the next moment.

The eyelids of the KG players around watching the game couldn't help but twitch, and at this moment, they all had a sudden understanding in their hearts——

It's about to open.

It must be opened.

In this wave, if the blue team doesn't attack again, then Kenan will continue to take the second tower to the high ground once the line of troops is broken, and if Kennan is given even four or five seconds, it is doomed that the blue team's top high ground defense tower will be destroyed. Breaking down without any suspense means that the hope of the blue team's comeback in this game will also be completely cut off and shattered.

At the same time, on the side of the blue team on the field, even Konjac and Xiao Zou, who were most anxious to get angry just now, have closed their mouths now. Although their eyelids have been twitching, they still grit their teeth All my attention and mind were put on the situation in front of the river fjord.

It was useless for the two of them to rush.

To start first, you can only rely on Daomei or the widow to open.

And as soon as it is opened...

Immediately, there will be a wave of the most thrilling fierce battle!


one second.

two seconds.

The blood volume of the blood bar on the top of the faucet has dropped to just over one-third, as if the output of the blue army's concentrated fire has suddenly become violent, but at this time, the knife girl in the front row is still stable under Tian Tian's control. Not the slightest trembling.

At this moment, Tian Tian didn't even care about the situation of his second tower on the road.

All his energy...


They were all firmly placed on the formation of the purple army not far away.

Keep looking for goals.

Constantly estimate distance.

Waiting for the last moment to make a violent move.

Lin Feng, who was also in front of the computer screen, seemed to lower his eyes slightly, as if everything around him was also completely out of his consideration. The right hand holding the mouse relaxed a little, but the fingers of the left hand resting on the keyboard keys seemed to be It trembled unconsciously.

This is him adjusting his operating state.

Step by step into the quietest and most comfortable rhythm.

This wave is very important, but perhaps he is the only one among the five members of the blue team who really knows the purpose that needs to be achieved.

if only……

achieve that one and only purpose.

At this moment, as if he suddenly realized that he had grasped something, Lin Feng's eyelashes trembled slightly, just at this moment, the prompt announcement of the female voice of the system suddenly came from the road:

"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

On the road, the second defensive tower on the blue side finally collapsed and turned into ruins under the concentrated fire of Shan Kenan and the small soldiers on the purple side.

Also at this moment.

The gazes of Lin Feng and Tian Tian captured something almost simultaneously.

The light in someone's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in a low voice:


Even when the voice sounded in the voice channel of the blue team, the knife girl under Tian Tian's control had already moved faster.

Just now, Irelia, the sword girl under his control, has adjusted her footsteps slightly as if calmly, taking a step or two closer in the direction of the purple army formation.

It is at this time.

When the news that the second tower of the blue side on the road was broken came, the adc playmaker on the purple side just now also watched the water dragon's blood volume drop rapidly and couldn't help but take a step forward.

You take a step forward, I also take a step forward.

The distance between the two parties was suddenly shortened in such a sudden.


It's within the range of Daomei's skills.



The crisp and pleasant sound of keys on the keyboard being suddenly tapped and pressed.

In an instant, the blade will under Tian Tian's control suddenly turned around, and a figure with the Q skill "Blade Strike" rushed towards the target Xie Mingshi not far away like lightning!

While detonating this wave of team battles, it finally...

Completely ignite the atmosphere in the entire training room!



Old C, who had always been in a tense mood, couldn't help but burst into tears at this moment.

The other KG players watching the match couldn't help but exclaim in shock!

Really, the opportunity has come!

It happened to be at such a juncture just now, maybe it was because of the good news brought by the blue square second tower on the road that shocked people, and there was an operation error, or maybe it was just that the life master didn't calculate the distance, or maybe it was just Even the life master could not have imagined that at this point in time, the water dragon's blood bar had less than half of its blood left, and the sword girl on the opposite side would suddenly turn around and violently open herself.


In any case, it is already the best opportunity for the blue team to make a move!

Damn, Daomei drove to the opposite ADC! ?

This is so much more perfect and ideal than your knife girl directly cutting to any front row hero on the opposite side. Being able to drive to such a good target by force is almost making this wave of team battles impossible to win. Shengsheng brought back a small half of the chance and chance of winning!

Almost at the same moment, the blue team's side, including Lin Feng, and Konjac and Xiao Zou in the bottom lane almost simultaneously manipulated their respective heroes to prepare to press forward.

Lin Feng's movements were the fastest. The moment he saw Tian Tian's Daomei suddenly cut her face in front of the life master, he had already pressed down the summoner skill key on the keyboard like lightning!



The clockwork monster's body speed increased suddenly!

But just when the clockwork under his control had just pushed two steps forward, and Xiao Zou's auxiliary Fengnv and Konjac's ADC policewoman were about to start—


Suddenly, a rugged and towering ice wall protruded in front of the three blue square heroes exuding a icy chill.

In an instant, the way out was blocked.

Among the KG players watching the battle, there was another commotion, and many KG players who supported the blue team's mood suddenly sank.

Another ice bird's ice wall!

During the stalemate of more than a minute, the mid laner Bingniao under the control of No. 1 on the purple side always held several key skills in his hands and never used them easily. It was such a deadly ice wall that forcibly divided the battlefield.

A section of the ice wall is directly connected to the canyon wall, completely blocking the way of the wind girl and the policewoman.

At the same time, even if the clockwork monster is a little closer to the other end of the ice wall, if it does not use [Flash] to pass through the wall in a straight line, it will still take another two or three seconds to bypass the obstacle before being able to support and rush to the front battlefield .

But two or three seconds...

It was enough to cause a complete reversal of the situation in the whole scene, and even directly settle the dust and make a conclusion.

Everything happened in a flash.

At this time, Tian Tian, ​​who started to rush forward with the Q skill, had no way out. Gritting his teeth, the operation in his hand was as fast as lightning, and the big move "Supreme Blade" was directly activated while leveling the A shot, a piece of soul The blade instantly pierced through the body of the target life master and severely took away a certain amount of blood.

But also at this time, the purple side's support Braum has already forcibly pushed up with a W skill to support and lift the shield, and forcibly got stuck between Daomei and his ADC teammate Jhin.

Another moment.

In front of the river fjord, in the grass on the side of the battlefield near the blue square formation, a majestic beam of teleportation light suddenly soared into the sky.

The purple top laner Kenan teleports!

Another second.

Bloom's Q skill hits the sword girl to slow down with his hand close to his face.

Not far away, the purple jungler spider raised his hand and shot out a spider web with the E skill, accurately hitting the sword girl and holding it in place, unable to move. .

The situation seems to be reversed.

On the side of the watching crowd in the back row, the team leader and head coach Tony of the KG club shook their heads at the same time, showing a heavy regret:

This wave...


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The update is here, the next chapter looks like it will be around 9:30 in the evening, go away and continue to code.

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