
Chapter 803 Can't delay

From a minute ago, when the blue team made a decision to fight the opponent's purple team head-on for this water dragon, almost every move and every choice of the former has completely made the KG around watch the battle. The players, including the manager and head coach Tony, couldn't understand it at all.

The first is to take the risk and insist on fighting for an originally insignificant water dragon.

Then let go of the pawn line on the road, allowing the opponent's top laner Kenan to bring the pawn line all the way to his second tower.

Then, seeing that the second tower on the road could no longer defend, it still did not return to defense, and continued to confront the purple side in front of the river fjord.

Now even their own highlands on the road are in danger of falling, but at this time, the blue army is determined to take the initiative to prepare for a forcible attack in front of the river and fjords, as if they are sure of death.

It's like making a wrong move but not repenting.

One way goes to black.

But at this time, no matter how the KG players watching the game or the team leader and head coach Tony shake their heads, sigh or frown, they can't change the current situation on the field.

In the river course, in front of the Xiaolong Fjord, the blue army suddenly pressed forward aggressively.

The purple side's four-man formation took advantage of the trend and retreated. They still looked calm and calm, as if they were not in a hurry to start a team with their opponents, and took time to wait for their top laner Kenan to take the line and demolish the tower.

On the field, on the blue side, Lin Feng in front of the computer screen squinted his eyes slightly, and moved the mouse quickly to point at the water dragon in the fjord and click the mark——


The voice fell.

The other four people on the blue side couldn't help but froze slightly, but they still chose to obey the order without hesitation at the next moment.

Turn on the faucet directly!

The KG players watching the match couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

This also...

Start the dragon first! ?

Originally, the situation of stalemate and confrontation was because you couldn't find a suitable opportunity to make a move, but now you are taking the initiative to open the dragon. Isn't it going to put yourself in a passive defensive position and let the opponent's purple army get the right to take the initiative to attack?


The clockwork monster's Q skill "Command·Attack" was shot, and the magic ball under the control flew into the fjord.

Hit the water dragon.

The originally sleeping blue dragon was awakened at this moment, let out a roar and fluttered its wings, and then was pulled slowly out of the fjord towards the direction of the blue army formation on the left.

Under Tian Tian's control, the top single-handed sword girl stepped forward and stood on her heels.

The auxiliary wind girl is on the side and rear.

The ADC female policeman put down the shelf and stood in a good position and began to raise the gun and aim at the target. The water dragon kept leveling A to output firepower.

The Clockwork Demon under the control of Lin Feng once again used the Q skill to pull the magic ball forward for a certain distance, hovering between the rivers like an invisible deterrent, making several heroes of the opponent's purple army have to be careful.

As for Li Shiyi's wild widow, she still didn't choose to show up when several partners on the blue side started firing dragons. She was still lurking in the shadows and never even glanced at the water dragon. Even if he took a look, he kept his eyes on the back row of the opponent's purple phalanx.

The blood bar on the top of the faucet slowly slid down.

And at this time, the purple army seemed to be unable to sit still at last, and assisted Blonti shield to go forward and shot the Q skill at the sword girl standing in front of the water dragon, but was directly dodged by the latter's small movement dodge.

The ADC playmaker also wanted to come up to find opportunities to consume poke to harass, but he was afraid of the unknown jungle widow on the opposite side, and the floating magic ball blocked by the Clockwork Demon in front of the river fjord, so he didn't dare to go forward .

Kenan on the top road seems to have stopped pushing the tower for a while, and constantly switched the camera angle between the top road and Xiaolongfjord. A summoner skill [Teleportation] has been squeezed in his hands and he is sweating at any time. Send support to the battlefield.

The fuse of the gunpowder was already lit.

team fight...

It seemed as if it was finally going to be triggered.


In front of the fjord, the water dragon was pulled close to the formation of the blue army on the left. Under the concentrated fire of several heroes on the blue side, the blood volume of the blood bar on the head was slowly sliding down a little bit.

The reason for "sliding slowly" is because even though they had chosen to attack the dragon first, the heroes of the blue army still kept their skills in their hands and did not hand them over easily. After all, the opponents of the purple army The hero is still watching.

Boiling the water dragon is just a gesture.

This wave before the fjord—

The key point is still to look at the next team battle that may break out at any time.

As the top laner, Tian Tian, ​​who is in the front row, controls his sword girl Irelia to carry the dragon, but at the same time, he always keeps his eyes on the heroes of the purple side who are not far away. After staying on the teacher for a while, he quickly swept over the ice birds and spiders behind him, feeling a little uneasy.

"Both the ice bird and the spider retain their skills."

The demon spoke in a deep voice, speaking quickly:

"This wave of purple is also waiting here. It doesn't matter if Jhin and Bron come up and throw skills to harass, but the skills of the two core positions of Ice Bird and Spider will not be handed in easily. Once this wave of team battles is handed in, either Either the purple side rushes up and drives hard, or the blue side immediately abandons the water dragon and turns around to attack after the opponent's Nakano has turned in a key skill."

Therefore, the skills of the spider and the ice bird have almost become the real key to whether the next team battle will break out.

The purple side only needs to move to the middle field.

That would force the blue army to forcibly stand still.

But endure like this...

For the blue army, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable!


On the road, the blood volume of the second defense tower of the blue side has dropped to less than one-third at this time. Although the summoner skill [Teleportation] is always in hand, the top laner Kenan of the purple side is pushing the tower with the line There is still no ambiguity in the work tasks.


This second tower will be bulldozed and demolished in vain.

At the same time, in front of the river fjord, the blood bar on the top of the faucet still has about half of its blood remaining.

The single-knife girl on the blue side standing in the front row of the water dragon was eating the damage from the dragon, and at the same time was inadvertently consumed by several heroes from the purple side on the opposite side, and her health bar dropped to less than two-thirds.

The magic ball under the control of the Clockwork Demon still hovered on the surface of the river, and pressed forward a little two steps, but there was still no ideal shooting position.

On the purple side, the ice bird and the spider seem to be the most patient hunters, their skills are still firmly grasped, and it seems that no matter what the situation is, they will not do it easily.

Konjac and Xiao Zou couldn't help becoming a little impatient:

"Are you still delaying?"

"It's time to go!"

"This is not going to allow Kenan on the opposite side to go to the high ground for free. Anyway, let's start a group and force Kenan to hand in the teleportation first!"

The KG players around watching the game also looked more serious at this time:

The blue side is getting more and more passive.

Go further down and follow this rhythm. Even if your blue side takes this water dragon, my purple side will still hold you back without forming a team with you. Kenan can easily lead the line to pass the level on the road.

It is equivalent to saying that in this wave of tactical decision-making confrontation, there is no frontal battle at all, but the purple army has won more than half a chip.

Purely by strategy...

It is about to put the blue team into a desperate situation where they cannot turn back!

But at the same moment, on the side of the purple army on the field, No. 5 in front of the computer screen controlled his Spider Queen to wander not far away, and suddenly said softly:

"It should be open."

Number one squinted slightly:


"Kenan, get ready."

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The update is delivered, the two updates are done, I can go to bed early tonight hahaha happy.

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