
Chapter 776 That Kid Is Dead

Li Shishi made the right bet.

This time, the jungle spider of the opponent's purple side did also choose to roam and gank the bottom lane.


The Spider Queen's action speed in the bottom lane was still faster than he expected.

In the grass at the mouth of the lower road, the purple side's wild spider walked quickly and swept away, and directly hit the target blue side's lower road assistant Fengnv when he flew up and landed again with the E skill "Pansi" .

At the same time, the purple side assisted Braum to flash forward and receive the displacement assistance of the W skill, and instantly came to the teammate Spider.

A Q skill "Winter's Bite" hit Feng Nu close to the face.

Fengnv had already reacted very quickly and immediately launched a big move on the spot to revive Jifeng, blowing the opponent's purple side's jungler and support two heroes back, but the next second, the Spider Queen was already lightning-like and bitten by another Q skill. Suddenly came again.

Take A.

Quickly cut into human form.

At the moment when Fengnv handed over her flash and ran away in embarrassment, Spider Queen gave a flat A, which triggered the passive effect of Bron and stunned Fengnv to freeze in place. A is given and then the W skill "Fatal Brilliance" is connected to continue to imprison and control the target.

A set of burst damage instantly kills and takes away the crispy wind girl who was originally dissatisfied with her online health.

On the blue side, the ADC female policewoman under the control of Konjac crossed E, and quickly used her strength to fly backwards and escape.

Spider's E skill "Spider Web" hits the target accurately.

hold on.

Bron followed up and took the lead in topping the tower.

The playman zoomed in on the spot, and at the same time he played wild spiders and cooperated with Bron to jump over the tower to chase and kill. The former's big move raised his weapon and hit the policewoman with two ultra-long-range sniper bullets in succession. The remaining blood policewoman under the tower emptied the blood strips and harvested them away.

But at this very moment.

Just as the purple side's ADC was preparing to close his gun and push the pawn line forward.

A puff of cold purple mist suddenly exploded from not far away, and the figure of the wild widow from the blue side rushed towards him as fast as lightning.

The big move is directly hung up.

The dense stingers of hatred suddenly penetrated the body of the life master, slow down and control it!

Answer Q.

The W skill speeds up, the sudden face leveling A, then the E skill double strike cancels the attack and the back shake, and then Q connects to A.

It is also a set of hand-speed operations that are so fast that it is dazzling. The burst of damage in the instant of the bo combo immediately kills the half-blooded playmaker and takes away the half-blooded life master. Even the KG substitute ADC player on the purple side has not yet Before I had time to react, the computer screen in front of me had turned into a black and white TV:

"You-have-been-(You have been killed)."

The notification tone of the female voice of the system is cold and ruthless.

At the same time, the widow Evelyn, who appeared like a ghost and harvested the heads of the opponent's ADC, did not care about the stack, quickly activated the W skill to accelerate again, turned around and retreated into the wild river without the slightest hesitation, as if she had never appeared before.

The surrounding KG players couldn't help bursting into applause:

"Fuck! Nice!"

"The widow's 6!"

"It's a second!"

Even on the purple side on the field, when the KG substitute support player in the bottom lane was turning around in shock, No. 5 slightly raised his pretty willow eyebrows, and a faint smile of appreciation flashed in his eyes:

"This time, it's not too late."

On the blue side, Li Shishi, who had finally completed his first head kill, couldn't see the slightest joy on his face. He took a deep breath, and only then felt that his back was covered with sweat. He gritted his teeth for the corpses of the purple jungler spider and his two bottom lane teammates:


I'm late.


The game time came to just over 12 minutes.

The number of kills between the blue and purple sides on the field has become 2 to 5, and the purple team is still in the lead. Especially the purple team's jungler spider is now 4/0/1, and all 5 heads are directly against her. relevant,

As if just understatement, the rhythm of the audience has been controlled by Elise.

"On the road now, Daomei has no advantage at all."

"The bottom lane is also on the purple side. The life master got a head, and the economic development is stronger than the female police."

An ADC member of KG's second team watching the game murmured:

"This wave of female police is very hurt. Without the economy, the first wave of equipment has not yet formed, and the next wave will not be able to deal too much damage."

In the upper and middle lanes, the blue team has no advantage at present.

There is only one middle lane...

The Clockwork Demon's 129 CS in 12 minutes was still amazing, but the purple side's mid laner Ice Bird's 128 CS was almost unstoppable. Although the mid laners on both sides seemed to There was no fierce head-to-head battle, but the last knife operation shown in such a stalemate line was enough to make anyone dumbfounded.

On the blue side, Lin Feng in front of the computer screen still looked calm, but his eyelids twitched from time to time revealed his mood at the moment:

The current situation...

As far as his clockwork is concerned, he is actually a little passive.

In the early stage, his Orianna was able to take the initiative in pushing the line before the opponent's ice bird was at level 6, but as the ice bird's level and equipment gradually improved, especially after the opponent got the blue buff, it was difficult to clear the pawns. In terms of pushing the line, his clockwork demon can no longer keep up with the speed of the ice bird.

The new wave of soldiers was pushed back by the ice bird.

Lin Feng manipulated the clockwork and retreated cautiously.

The ice bird pressed in.

Wind up and go back.

All the way back to his defense tower, there was no way to retreat, and at the same time, Lin Feng's gaze quickly scanned the small map, and his opponent's wild spider had once again been lost in his field of vision, making his eyelids involuntarily twitch again.

Although there is no absolute certainty.

But an ominous premonition has begun to rise from the heart.


Li Shiyi's voice sounded on the team's voice channel, but Lin Feng shook his head without even waiting for his jungler and teammate to finish speaking.

"Don't use it."

"You go at your own pace."

Undoubtedly, he directly chose to reject the support of his teammates, because now he himself is not completely sure where the jungler spider on the opposite side of Xiao Wu is. With a chance to gank.

in addition--

The light in Lin Feng's eyes flickered on and off:

Even if Xiao Wu's spider really came, even if he was fighting alone, as long as he was under the tower, as long as he had the dual summoning and R skills at the moment, then even if the opponent was Senior No. 1 and Xiao Wu People's middle-field combination...

the same.

Don't think about it.

Without paying any price, he easily killed his clockwork demon under the tower and took it away.

The game time is 12 minutes and 45 seconds.

In the middle of Summoner's Canyon, the pawn line enters the tower.

Lin Feng still calmly and calmly controlled his Clockwork Demon to make up the A-pawn and close the line under the tower, leaving almost no flaws in every step of the movement. The back row of the purple soldiers who were not far away were also imposing invisible threats and pressure on the opponent's ice bird.

One after another, the purple Fang Xiaobing tower knives were firmly accepted by Lin Feng.

Still not one fell.

Not far away, the single ice bird in the purple square is always wandering around the pile of soldiers, like a most patient hunter, waiting for the best opportunity to make a move.

"The widow should not be here."

A soft female voice suddenly sounded in the voice channel of the purple square team.

At the same time, the mouth corners of No. 1 in front of the computer screen raised slightly:


"The kid in the middle lane is dead."

In an understatement, it seems that a daunting ending has been finalized.

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