
Chapter 775

Summoner's Rift, hit the road.

The purple jungler spider hoisted a coil of E skill into the air, dodging the last fatal damage of the energy light bullet of the defense tower with a light posture, and landed gracefully after getting rid of the hatred of the defense tower, with the only remaining The last small block of health withdrew leisurely from the outer tower on the blue side road.

Behind him was the cold body of Lan Fangshang Shandaomei lying on the ground without making a sound.

There was no sound at all.

Everyone is still immersed in the shock brought about by this wave of tower jumping on the road, and they can't calm down for a long time.

The spider went on the road to gank, and cooperated with Kenan to kill Daomei with a wave of tower jumping.


For a moment, almost all the KG players watching the game trembled and involuntarily had goosebumps all over their bodies. The emotions in their hearts were almost so complicated that they couldn't believe their own ears and eyes.

Yuanshen's natal single-handed girl.


Killed by Yuetaqiang.

The weight of this is almost equivalent to the shock of hearing F-Han Shihao's mid laner being single-killed by his opponent.

Originally, in their common sense, as long as Yuanshen got the top order of Dao Mei, it was almost an existence that was invincible under the tower and could not be killed by force, but at this moment, in front of their eyes, the inherent common sense To be broken and shattered in an instant with ease.

On the field, on the purple side's side, Number Five in front of the computer screen seemed to breathe a sigh of relief:



Even if it is a jungler as strong as her, if it is not for the calculation of blood volume damage to the extreme accuracy of a calculator, the wave of tower jumping and strong killings just now, and the fierce counterattack of the opposite sword girl when she is in danger It was almost going to cause an accident to the Ueno two on the purple side, and they were almost about to be replaced.

But a little bit, in fact, is a thousand miles away.

In the end, the spider did not die.

And the record data is that when the game time is less than ten minutes, it has steadily reached the highest 3/0/0 in the game, which is a shocking big kill.


Down the road, Konjac and Xiao Zou on the blue side were still a little dumbfounded.

They haven't recovered from the system kill announcement coming from the top lane, their minds are a little blank, and they wondered in a daze that the two people on the bottom lane on the opposite side suddenly took the initiative to press forward, and the wild spider on the other side didn't Should it be near the area where they got off the road?


All of a sudden it turned into jumping towers on the road?

And just now their jungler widow teammate also issued a warning on the team's voice channel, why did the situation change all of a sudden?

Li Shishi's face in front of the computer screen became paler and he couldn't say a word for a while.

He woke up and reacted faster than the two teammates in the bottom lane, and realized the truth.

On the opposite side, the bottom laner of the purple side and Bron...


It's acting.

Deliberately pressing forward is actually just a bluff, making their teammates on the blue side subconsciously think that the spider is in the bottom lane, so they relax their vigilance for a moment. As a result, the jungler spider on the purple side suddenly appears after circling the top lane , hit them by surprise.

Bold acting skills, perfect calculation routines.

Almost everyone on their blue side was fooled, including him, the wild widow of the blue side.

Looking at the 3/0/0 record data of the opponent's jungler Spider, Li Shiyi suddenly felt a sense of weakness uncontrollably in his heart. An opponent like Senior No. 5, even back then, he hardly ever I have encountered it before, not to mention that my own strength is far from recovered now. Facing such a spider queen who seems to have ruled the rhythm of the audience in an understatement is like facing a towering mountain that cannot be seen from the top. It can only give birth to a sense of suffocation.


Not an opponent of magnitude.


Such an unexpected change suddenly occurred on the road,

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but commotion, but only in the middle lane, the line between Clockwork Demon and Ice Bird still seemed extremely calm and stable.

It was as if, the wave of tower jumping and strong kills just before the top lane could not affect the two mid laners of the blue and purple sides in the middle lane for even half a point.

Under Lin Feng's control, the Clockwork Demon's movement, flat A, and make-up operations are still stable without any mistakes.

Even if the kill notification announced by the female voice of the system rang in his ears just now, it didn't change his expression in the slightest.

The look in his eyes just became more and more quiet.

There are faint and sharp edges flickering and beating slightly.

On the opposite side, in front of the computer screen on the purple side, Number One smiled slightly:

"I've made progress."


Having learned the lesson from the previous mistake, Lin Feng at this time is completely calm and shields all other factors around him, and uses his greatest concentration to control the mainspring and continue to line up with the No. 1 ice bird .

Others are not needed for now.

I can't manage it for the time being.


Lin Feng's voice sounded in the voice channel of the blue team, calm and composed:

"Don't be confused, just stick to your own judgment."

The voice fell into Li Shishi's ears, causing his body to tremble slightly, and then he took a deep breath and nodded fiercely:



The game time came to the tenth minute.

The number of kills between the blue and purple sides on the field is still a 1 to 3 situation, and the number of last hits of the mid-lane heroes in the middle lane of the two sides has also climbed to an outrageous number one after another at this time——


For $107.

It can't be seen that it is just an ordinary team training match, and it is almost a top-level mid laner duel in the World Championship.

Even the strong Seven Kings will feel palpitations and shocks when they see the clockwork and the ice bird in this match, and even the mid laners of those Four Emperors must be silent and respectful.

Because although at this moment the audience for this game is only the members of the KG club.

But this mid laner matchup...

But faintly already reached the world's top level level realm.


It is equivalent to the battle between two four emperors!

At this time, it was only the seemingly calm early laning stage, and the mid laners on both sides were calmly developing their strength, but when the next game time entered the middle stage, when Clockwork Demon and Ice Bird made When the forming equipment really starts to exert its strength...

The entire Summoner Canyon, which was already filled with gunpowder smoke, was about to be ignited and boiled even more violently.


The team leader of the KG club murmured subconsciously:

"It's coming soon."

The head coach Tony glanced at the equipment bar of the blue and purple mid-lane heroes on the field, and then looked at the time display in the upper right corner of the game screen, subconsciously clenched his fists:

"Almost, enter, mid-term!"

The 11th minute of the game time.

As if all of a sudden, although there was no obvious warning in advance, it seemed that the smell of gunpowder and gunpowder on the field suddenly became more intense.

On the third route, the battle between the heroes of the blue and purple sides suddenly became more active and powerful.

more intense.

They all seem to be trying to scramble for something, trying to win a chance for their team before the rhythm of the game officially enters the mid-term stage.

The time came to 11 minutes and 35 seconds.

The blue side jungler Widow under Li Shiyi's control quickly drove out from the high ground.

After updating a round of equipment, the supply has returned to the state of blood volume, and the widow Evelyn once again ushered in a new round of gank time.

On the small map, the blue side still cannot see the opponent purple side's wild spider in the field of vision.

The Spider Queen, who already had 3/0/0 record data, seemed to quietly disappear into the darkness again, making it impossible for anyone to speculate and detect her movements.

Li Shishi looked dignified and solemn, subconsciously clenched the mouse in his hand, and a look of determination flashed across his eyes.

next moment.

The right mouse button is pressed with a crisp tap.

The figure of the widow quickly walked out of her home to the high ground on the lower road.

This wave-

He still chose to walk down the road!

It is impossible to make too many speculations and judgments, even if you are not sure, you still have to gamble once.

bet on him...

Own intuition!

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The update is here, I have to work overtime these two days. . . Strive for two days and three shifts.

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