
Chapter 746 Let You Choose the Strongest Hero

If you want to blame, it is naturally out of your original thinking. After all, judging from the strength of the lineup on paper, the blue team is the main lineup of their KG club. Tian Tian, ​​who only has a top laner, did not play, and the purple team The three here are the second team or substitute players of their own club, and they are just two ordinary-looking temporary "partners".

So at the beginning, everyone thought that this would be a crushing game without any suspense.


Really crushed.

But it was the purple team that shocked everyone's attention and crushed the blue team. This result almost gave people an unbelievably ridiculous sense of humor.

However, in the end, several KG club bosses hesitated and just shook their heads and let out a sigh, but it was also because they all realized that there was a problem with their initial thinking.

In the purple team's lineup, there are indeed three members of their club's second team or substitute players, but it happens that the other two seemingly ordinary temporary training partners are left...

He is the top master who cannot be ignored and is the most hidden.

Nine-Tailed Demon Fox ranks first in the game in terms of record data, single-killing Xeras in the mid-lane, and completely destroying the main mid-lane Yaogui of their KG first team.

The wild widow cooperates with the fox to gank the audience, and the rhythm is buoyant, fully displaying the treacherous agility of an AP assassin hero.

In other words, in this seemingly ordinary in-team training match, the opponents faced by the blue team, in addition to the brothers and teammates of their own club, are almost equivalent to facing the top-tier professional-level midfield combination of the national server. .

Then, when the start is slack and the opponent quickly beats the advantage, you want to make a comeback in the middle and late stages...

It is indeed powerless.

Both the team leader and the manager of the KG club couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing. This is tantamount to teaching the players of their club a lesson. No matter what, you can never relax your carelessness easily.

And, in fact, it should have been expected a long time ago——

It is possible for the No. 1 and No. 5 coaches to bring the younger generation to their KG club as sparring partners.

And where is the real mediocrity?


A match is over.

The surrounding KG spectators were also quiet, all of them were still immersed in the just-concluded match, and the shocking and complicated emotions were still difficult to dispel easily.

Lin Feng from the purple team is beaming and celebrating with his jungler and teammates by his side:

"Eleven nice!"

"Hahaha, this widow cooperates well!"

Of course he was in a good mood.

The opponent is a team of KG's level, which is already enough to fight and fight, so it is enjoyable enough to do it. In addition, he has the most intimate and tacit jungle partner like Li Shiyi to cooperate with him in the battle. The record data of the MVP in the game is naturally flattering.

But the other KG members of the purple team on the side are still in a trance, as if in a dream.

Really won?

Just relying on their grass-roots lineup like Purple Fang?

Overturned the main lineup of the first team?

Trying to recall the entire process of the game that just ended, the three KG players realized at a loss that their own top laner ADC support did not seem to have played much role and contribution at all, and was completely brought by their own mid-field combination. He raced all over the map in the Summoner's Canyon, and then won the victory in such a muddled and inexplicable way.


It's all due to his own middle-field combination.


Of course it is.

As someone and Li Shiyi's former partner and teammate, Tian Tian is naturally the one who knows the terrifying power of the middle and wild combination of the two of them best, so he is not at all surprised by this result, but at this moment he still can't help being a little bit He looked worriedly in the direction of the blue team.

On the blue team's side, several teammates from the KG first team looked a little pale.

Obviously, the game that just ended dealt a blow to their confidence and pride to a certain extent.

Tian Tian wasn't worried about his two former teammates on the purple team at all.

What he is worried about is that his current KG teammates on the blue team don't know the identity and real strength of the two "sparing partners" on the opposite side, so their confidence has been hit too much, which affects the next training state——

This is also understandable.

After all, if you are a first-line professional player in the national server, you will definitely not feel good if you let an ordinary passerby beat you.

And at this time, the ghost on the blue team took a deep breath, stood up and looked at No. 1, and said in a deep voice:

"Senior No. 1."

"I beg for another game!"

The tone is loud and loud.

Full of resolute and firm earnestness.

This sentence also attracted the eyes of everyone else in the training room, with a bit of astonishment, while No. 1 raised his eyebrows slightly:


Slightly playful.

Yaogui nodded his head heavily, and added emphatically again: "I hope the current lineup doesn't need to be adjusted. I want to try another match with the purple team!"

Several other KG players on the blue side looked at each other, and then stood up one by one:


"We also hope to have another game!"

"It's the same lineup as before, no need to change!"

"One more fight!"

All of them expressed their positions in a very solemn and solemn manner, but people can easily hear the meaning of the words of these KG players. It is obvious that the stubborn mentality of not admitting defeat has been aroused.

Seeing the extremely serious expressions of these KG players, the corners of No. 1 mouth slightly raised:


"Let's have another game then."

"Anyway, these two boys are here to practice with you today, it's okay, you're welcome, use whatever you want~"

Understatement, he helped Lin Feng and Li Shishi make another decision, and Lin Feng and Li Shishi on the purple team also looked at each other, someone shrugged indifferently, he had no objection anyway.

Li Shishi, on the other hand, became a little dignified and solemn.

because he knows...

The next round probably won't be as easy as the previous match.


It's starting to really get serious.


So soon the second match started with the original lineup from the previous round.

This time the blue and purple sides are swapped.

When switching to the blue side and starting the ban selection, the decision-making power was handed over to Lin Feng tacitly by the other KG players. After all, someone has already proved his strong strength with his performance in the last game.

As for the use of the three ban rights, Lin Feng seemed very relaxed and casual.

Ban Morgana.

Ban Lulu and Spider again.


Compared with the previous game, he didn't even use a single ban position on the mid laner in this round. The top laner of KG's second team next to him couldn't help but feel a little worried, and reminded him aloud:

"Hey, little brother—"

"You've released too many mid laners. On the opposite side, Brother Gui can easily get the hero he is best at."


As the main mid laner of KG's first team, once the hero that Yaogui is really good at plays, even in the LPL professional league, it is enough to make any other strong LPL team feel vigilant.

But Lin Feng still looked nonchalant:


"It's okay."

As he spoke, he paused, his eyes flickering slightly:

"I just want him to choose the best hero."

***************************************************** ***************************

The update is here, tired, go to sleep, good night, my friends.

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