
Chapter 745 Too late

The word "little guy" is probably only No. 1 who can be so casually used on the main players of the KG club team.

After all, they are the main force of the top teams and clubs in the national server.

A first-line professional player.

He has even made it to the S-series league which represents the highest level of League of Legends professional e-sports several times.

Therefore, every main player of the KG team club has its own halo and honor, and has something to be proud of. Feeling aggrieved and uncomfortable.


In the match that is going on now, they have been completely suppressed by the opponent's purple army, and they have almost no power to fight back.

To put it bluntly, if it was an ordinary passerby qualifying match, they might have already started to consider the issue of 20 shots in this situation.

It's just that none of them are willing to consider this matter now.

No one will be the first to offer to surrender.

They are all gritting their teeth.

Because this feeling is really too bad, too useless and irritating, the opponent is just the second team and the substitute players of their club, and even the most core midfielder is just two so-called "sparing partners" who are not well-known.

Their blue team has four KG main players. Even if they don't have the trump card Shan Yuanshen in charge, they can't get over it just by being beaten into such a mess within ten minutes by their opponents.

"Oh shit……"

"Keep coming!"

Once again, he discovered that his wild monster resources in the first half of the jungle had been wiped out by the opposing jungle widow at some point. Old C, the jungler on the blue side, showed annoyed expression on his face, gritted his teeth and let out a loud shout.

The ghost who was the middle laner Xerath also had a livid face and said nothing, but silently controlled his ancient witch spirit to prepare to return to the line.

His current record data for Xerath is 0/3/0.

The make-up is also a bit bleak.

In this case, it is completely impossible for him to be the opponent of the fox with 5 heads in his hand in the middle lane.

But even so...

He was not willing to give up just yet.

No matter what, he is the main mid laner of the KG team, how could he just casually lose to an unknown sparring partner!


For a moment, the aura of everyone from top to bottom of the blue army seems to have changed.

become more silent.

However, in this silence, there was an air of awe-inspiring vigilance slowly exuding.

Number One, who was the first to notice this subtle change, raised his eyebrows slightly, while Number Five next to him showed some appreciation on his face and nodded slightly.


After all, this is still the top team recognized in the LPL division of the national server.

The countless setbacks and failures experienced have long made the mentality of this team more calm and condensed. It is by no means easy to knock down a little problem or difficulty. It is always able to adjust quickly in the disadvantaged The state then continued to fight against pressure, and continued to work hard to find opportunities for a comeback.

This is the reason why KG can be strong.

All Chinese classes.

It represents the purest national costume temperament relatively speaking.

And the national uniform...

It is precisely this spirit that is needed.


After nodding, No. 5 shook his head slightly, with a look of pity on his face, because from this moment he really burst out with enough fighting will to fight with all his strength, and it was actually too late.


Just like the judgment made by No. 5.

Really, it's a pity.

Because if it is another ordinary situation, or when the situation is only slightly inferior or the opponent's strength is not too strong, then at this moment, the changes in the mentality of the main players of KG on the blue team are indeed true for this battle. There is a possibility of a comeback in every game.


In this current match,

The disadvantage is too great.

More importantly, the real strength of the opponents their blue team faced was still beyond all of their expectations and imaginations.


It sounds like just an insignificant word.

But including the KG club bosses who are watching the game, and all the other KG players, it is impossible to know that at this moment, the purple team is in the mid laner on the field, and at the same time, it is short in the early stage. The one who took five heads within ten minutes...

It is an existence that can even surpass the Seven Kings.

It is equivalent to saying that the KG players on the blue side at this moment are fighting against infinite opponents at the level of the Four Emperors.

a match.

In ten minutes, if you let F-Han Shihao's mid laner slash five heads, is there still a fight?

Almost anyone, even any professional player, would completely lose their will to fight and fight in the face of this scene.

And at this moment, although the purple side's mid laner is not the leader of the Four Emperors...


But not far behind.

What's more, the purple army at this time does not only have a single player in the field. Under the rhythm of someone, the widow Evelyn of the jungler is like a shadow, and the condensed tacit understanding is enough for this pair of midfielders to compete in this battle. Completely dominate the whole game in the game.


The game time is thirteen minutes.

The outer tower in the middle lane of the blue side was broken, and the widow in the jungle wandered around and cooperated with the fox's ultimate move to force the first move. Almost without any suspense, he completed the kill of the single Xeras in the blue side, and even the blue side The jungle excavator on the color side arrived in time, but there was still nothing to do with the opposing middle field, and could only watch helplessly as the opponent's two heroes retreated after taking the kills.

The sixteenth minute of the game time.

In the wild area, the river, the second dragon spawned, it was still a fire dragon.

The blue and purple armies finally broke out the first large-scale team battle in this wave of dragon scrambling.

It is still the fierce and treacherous move of the single fox in the purple side.

At the moment when the first part of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's ult was rushing forward, the wild widow Evelyn also appeared on the flank of the opponent's blue phalanx like a ghost. The detonated horrible hatred stinger suddenly penetrated the bodies of three blue heroes in the back row.

next moment.

It seems that they have a tacit understanding.

The skills between the nine-tailed demon fox and the widow Evelyn instantly fell on Jess, the best-developed top laner of the opponent's blue army.

Don't give the opponent time to react at all.

Instant seconds.

And in this way, this wave of team battles immediately lost the suspense of victory or defeat.

1 for 3.

The purple team won the team battle easily and effortlessly, and when they saw the second fire dragon being captured by the purple team again, the KG players watching the battle couldn't help but sigh.


Now it's really gone.

In the early 20 minutes of the game, the economic gap between the blue and purple sides has widened by 5,000.

In 25 minutes, the economic gap widened to eight thousand.

In the twenty-eighth minute, they finally couldn't resist the opponent's purple team's bot lane advance. After the blue team broke through the high ground in the middle lane, the summoning crystal in the bot lane was also flattened and demolished. The KG members of the blue team, who were powerless to resist, could only sit in the spring water and watch their base crystal crumble into ruins with a bang.

The eye-catching "defeated" emblem pattern slowly rose on the screen of the computer screen in front of the five KG players on the blue side.

The audience was silent.

As if at this moment, even ants crawling over can hear the slight sound.

The manager and head coach Tony of the KG club all had complicated expressions on their faces. They wanted to blame, but at the same time seemed to be hesitating, and in the end they could only shake their heads and let out a sigh.

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