
Chapter 686 Waiting for someone

I really can't blame Shi Hang for showing such a shocked expression when he saw Li Shiyi, as if he had seen a ghost.

Because two hours ago, when Lin Feng sent him a message telling him that he was going to the Hayami team tonight, he didn’t say that he would bring someone else with him, and even if he just got out of the car and walked to the gate of the Hayami Club training base to fight On the phone, someone just said "we are here", and then kept urging him on the phone to come down quickly to pick up someone.

So under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for Shi Hang to have the mind to pay attention to what the "we" mentioned by someone on the phone really means.

And, on the other hand...

Even if he knew that Lin Feng was not the only one who came tonight, he would never have imagined that what someone brought would be——

"Ten ten ten ten... Eleven!!?"

At this moment, Shi Hang's eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

The mouth is so wide that it can almost hold a goose egg.

Really did not expect.

Kill the unexpected.

While passing through the gate and walking to Lin Feng's side, Li Shishi temporarily put aside his previous nervousness and greeted Shi Hang politely with a smile:

"Old Shi, long time no see."

"Ah...yes, yes, long time no see." Shi Hang, who was still in a dazed state, nodded subconsciously, and then realized that his eyes were round again, and he looked at Li Shiyi in front of him relentlessly. After looking at it for a long time, I wanted to make sure if I had hallucinations at night: "You...you are really eleven!?"

Lin Feng next to him slapped Shi Hang on the shoulder unceremoniously:


"Who else could it be if it's not Eleven?"

"I can't recognize my old friend after not seeing him for a few years, Lao Shi, you are not mean enough!"

Shi Hang grinned his teeth in pain from Lin Feng's slap, but finally digested some of the shocking emotions, Shi Hang tried his best to defend:

"It's not my fault!"

"How did I know that you would bring someone, and...and the one you brought was Eleven!"

As he said that, he paused, took a step back and glanced back and forth at Lin Feng and Li Shishi, his eyes still had an unbelievable light:

"No, I said you two... When did you two get together?"

"Maple, you never mentioned it to me before!"


Although he has always vaguely known that Li Shishi is staying in a certain professional team club in the LSPL competition area, Shi Hang does not know more specific information, and also knows that Lin Feng and his old teammates in the past except Tian Tianzhi There is no other connection outside, and I can probably guess some of the reasons for someone's knot.

The five legendary members of that team may never be able to truly reunite as they did back then.

This also made Shi Hang feel a little regretful before.

And now...

He never expected that there would be Lin Feng and Li Shishi in front of him. The two captains of the mid laner and the jungler in the five-man team stood together again, which really surprised and delighted Shi Hang.

However, I am still more surprised than happy.

in the end……

What happened! ?

What's the situation? This is it! ? ?

If possible, at this moment, Shi Hang's head could not wait for a bunch of exclamation marks to express his current mood, and also seemed to see the doubts of the former, Lin Feng laughed:

"Hey, that's a long story—"

"It's not that I didn't tell you in advance. Originally, this matter only started in the last two days, and it was just settled tonight."

"I'll talk to you later if you're interested."

"That's it... alright." Shi Hang nodded regretfully, then turned his head to look at Li Shiyi again, with a smile on his face, and stepped forward to give him a hug with two involuntary steps:

"Hey, it's good to be back anyway!"

"Long time no see!"

Li Shishi, who was hugged so heavily by Shi Hang, also showed a smile on his face:



"Look back... let's talk about the old days."


The reunion with old friends is naturally a joyful and joyful one.

But soon Shi Hang also remembered the business, and turned to look at Lin Feng: "Oh, by the way, you two are here to find Senior No. 3."

After a pause, he glanced at Li Shishi again: "Are you bringing Shishi here to meet people?"

The expression on Li Shishi's face became tense again, and he nodded.

Shi Hang immediately understood:

"Okay, I understand."

This kind of thing really doesn't need to think too much, he can easily guess the truth.

Lin Feng nodded happily:


"But I was talking to Senior No. 1. He asked me to come to your Hayami and wait first—by the way, Senior No. 1 and Miss Xiaomai haven't come yet?"

When he asked this, Shi Hang couldn't help being taken aback:

"Senior No. 1 and No. 5... want to come over?"

"I do not know."

Immediately, he shook his head. It seemed that the whereabouts and intentions of those legendary seniors were naturally not something that others could guess casually. Who knew if there was any deep meaning behind every action. Immediately, he looked at Lin Feng and Li Shiyi again:

"It's all here, let's sit in the advanced base for a while."

"Anyway, Senior No. 3 has been with us all this time."


Responding to the invitation, the two followed Shi Hang into the training base of the Hayami team club.

The first thing you see when you open the door is a living room with a simple but exquisite decoration. The training base of the Hayami Sentai Club is divided into three floors. The layout of the first floor is mainly a living room that occupies nearly two thirds of the area. Plus a semi-open kitchen as well as a utility room and an entertainment lounge.

In fact, the entertainment lounge is basically a semi-open layout, connected to the living room, and a few lazy sofas are randomly placed on the smooth and clean wooden floor for the members of the club base to rest. Lin Feng walked towards the entertainment lounge Fang Fang glanced twice, and there were actually two ps4 game consoles, a super-sized LCD TV screen hanging on the wall, and small toys such as dartboards next to it.

"That's a good job—"

Someone gave it a thumbs up.

Li Shishi next to him couldn't help being amazed. Compared with the training base of this Hayami team club, his original club Alpine Club is definitely far behind. Of course, in terms of scale and level, Hayami team As the current top three clubs in the national service lpl, it is naturally far stronger than the bottom team in the lpl league like the Gaoshan team.

Shi Hang laughed and explained aloud:

"It's okay."

"When the base was chosen here to start construction, the layout was arranged like this, but in fact it is not useful. I am usually busy with training, and I don't have much time to come down and play with this kind of thing."


The competitive pressure and intensity of the lpl league is greater than that of the lspl professional league. For example, the Hayami team wants to keep the top three rankings among other competitors in the national server. Naturally, they need to work hard to train and improve their strength. Needless to say, the s6 World Finals is about to start, and besides eating, sleeping and training 24 hours a day, how can there be any time to relax and play game consoles?

The three of them were talking, and when they came down from the stairs on the second floor, a person was holding a bucket of instant noodles in his hand. He seemed to be a member of the Hayami 2 team. When he saw Shi Hang, he stretched out his hand and said hello naturally:

"Hey, Scott."

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