
Chapter 685 Shi Hang Sees a Ghost

The return of No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5 has always been a low-key secret.

Not to mention that Fang Hao, the chairman of the Shanghai E-sports Association, had already warned the executives of the three clubs, God, KG, and Hayami, when he brought back the three legends from the previous generations of the national server e-sports circle. Be sure to keep it secret; the three LPL teams and clubs themselves, including all the players from top to bottom, are equally impossible to easily disclose this news.

What are you kidding?

This is the ultimate weapon for them to challenge the s6 world finals!

Being able to have such a few legendary beings from the previous generation come out to help and guide training is a beautiful thing that I dare not even dream of.

And especially after the recent few days of training, the players of the three lpl team clubs were even more excited and ecstatic to find that both their personal consciousness and overall coordination ability had obviously improved a small level.

This really gave them some hope of hitting the S6 finals ranking and even the trophy.

Well, under such circumstances, each team, from the top management to the coaches and leaders to the players, is naturally keeping their mouths shut. Anyone who wants to reveal the news will definitely be directly killed by everyone else.

Even several other lpl teams are still kept in the dark.

The entire professional e-sports circle, even the most well-informed professional media with the keenest sense of smell, may have a little sense that something is wrong with the god, kg and Hayami teams in recent days, but it is absolutely impossible to come to the door for an interview. Opportunity to come in and find out more information.

It is precisely because of this that even though he is said to be a member of the professional e-sports circle of the national server, Li Shiyi, who was in the Alpine Club before, has never heard of this news at all.

until this moment.

When Lin Feng nodded and admitted generously with a bright smile on his face, and his guess was confirmed, Li Shishi was almost uncontrollably excited and trembling:


After the end of the s1 season, their five-member team disbanded, Lin Feng retired, Aqiu Amo lost his voice, Tian Tian went to the kg team, and he transferred to the Alpine Club. It has been nearly five years now.

It was also five full years since he last saw those seniors.

But even so, after so many years, Li Shishi's admiration for those legendary seniors still hasn't faded in the slightest.

"Legendary" existence?


In their minds back then, those seniors...

It is an out-and-out legend in itself!

Perhaps today's professional e-sports circle has the so-called Four Emperors and Seven Kings, who are also crazily sought after and worshiped by countless League of Legends gamers all over the world, especially the Four Emperors are indeed standing at the top of the pyramid and enjoying countless The bright halo and glory, but for Li Shiyi——

Compared with those seniors, even the Four Emperors, even the current number one mid laner in the world, the head of the Four Emperors, is nothing at all.

For so many years in the Gaoshan Team Club, maybe even the fighting spirit has been dimmed a little bit because of time, but only a few names like that have been mentioned again, but it still doesn't prevent Li Shiyi's blood from all over his body at this moment. I couldn't stop trembling and getting hot.

That is……

Even just hearing the name makes my blood boil.

Not to mention--

It was the first time in many years that he actually learned tonight that he was about to meet those existences again.

Li Shishi's eyes widened and he stared at Lin Feng for almost a moment, as if he was afraid that his teammates in front of him were just playing a joke on him.

Lin Feng nodded solemnly:


"Senior No. 1 asked me to bring you here earlier, saying that he wanted to meet you."

In a word.

It fell into Li Shishi's ears.

Like thunder.

And as if great ecstasy exploded like fireworks,

It almost made him feel so light in an instant that he couldn't stand on the ground. The soft and unreal:

(Senior No. 1...)

(want to see me?)

However, at the next moment, as if he suddenly came back to his senses, Li Shiyi suddenly became uneasy and nervous again, and raised his head to look at Lin Feng:

"But, but I am like this now..."

The words are not finished.

But the meaning he wanted to express was already self-evident.

Although it is a great joy to be able to see those seniors whom I most admire and respect again after many years, but after calming down and thinking about it again, Li Shiyi's mood is like being poured cold water on his original enthusiasm He was suddenly extinguished for the most part, because the current him is no longer what he was then.

At that time, he was the top jungler in season 1 of the national server.

But now, his strength has dropped by half and is completely inferior to 30% to 40% in his peak period, not to mention that he has only served as a substitute in the third-rate team of LSPL like the Gaoshan Team Club for so many years.

With such a self, even Lin Feng, the closest former partner and teammate, was unwilling to let the other party recognize him.

And those seniors whom I respect the most...

What face does he have to face it?

Feeling a little flustered for a while, Li Shishi shook his head subconsciously: "No, no, you can't go to see Senior No. 1 and the others like this, no way—"

The tone was a little apprehensive.

Lin Feng showed dissatisfaction on his face:

"What's wrong with that?"

"It's not that they are not familiar with the seniors. I haven't seen them for so many years. You don't want to see them?"

Li Shiyi choked when he heard it, and said for a long while: "D-Of course not... But now I—"

He was interrupted by Lin Feng before he finished speaking, and someone waved his hand: "It's nothing to worry about! Anyway, I took the task of Senior No. 1 and must bring you here! This matter is not discussed!"

The tone is that one can't help but be decisive.

next moment.

The taxi that was speeding all the way gradually slowed down and finally stopped.

As soon as Lin Feng turned his head and looked out of the car window, he immediately smiled:


"We're here!"


Bill, please.

Lin Feng and Li Shiyi got out of the taxi and stood in front of an intersection. Not far away, they could see a single-family three-story building still brightly lit. The exterior decoration looked exquisite and grand. There is an extremely eye-catching sign hanging on the outer wall of the building, shining brightly in the night——

Hayami Sentai e-sports club.

Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, which was quickly connected:

"Hey, here we are!"

"Come out and pick someone up!"

The tone is quite familiar and impolite.

Li Shiyi next to him was still nervously lowering his head, hesitating in his footsteps. When Lin Feng turned his head and saw the former's appearance, he simply grabbed the other's arm and dragged him forward:

"Hey, don't think so much!"

"Let's go!"

"People have come out to pick us up, don't make them wait!"

Li Shishi was staggered forward by Lin Feng, while still panicking: "Hey Fengzi, wait, wait..."

He still wasn't ready mentally.

When we came to the gate of the base of Hayami Sentai e-sports club, there was an access control at the gate, and the two of them couldn't easily enter. That's why Lin Feng called the people inside just now to pick them up.

After waiting at the gate for a short time, I saw the lights on in the hall on the first floor of the Hayami base not far from the gate, and a figure could be seen coming down the stairs through the window. Soon the gate was blocked by someone. Open it from the inside.

Shi Hang, who was still wearing a T-shirt with the Hayami team logo on it, stepped out of the door. Lin Feng, who was outside the door, looked up and saw the former, and quickly waved:


"Old Shi, here, here!"

Shi Hang also took the access control card and stepped on a pair of slippers and walked out quickly. When he came to the access control, he swiped the card and complained without raising his head:

"You said you were coming after nine o'clock earlier."

"It turned out that more than two hours have passed by now, you will die sooner?"

Lin Feng patted his forehead and said haha:

"Oh, I went to eat supper earlier, and I was delayed for a while, so don't worry too much about such trivial matters hahaha..."

"If you don't care about it, you shouldn't say it." Shi Hang rolled his eyes, and after swiping the access control card, he was about to make room for Lin Feng to come in. At the same time, he raised his head and asked casually: "By the way, I don't know yet. What are you doing here, are you looking for Senior No. 3?"

Lin Feng nodded and walked into the gate, with a natural tone:


"I came with Eleven and I."

"Oh, that's it—" Shi Hang nodded subconsciously to express his understanding, and then suddenly seemed to come back to his senses: "Wait a minute, what did you say..."

next second.

Lin Feng had already walked in through the gate control.

When Shi Hang raised his head, he just happened to meet Li Shishi who came in after someone.

Li Shishi, who had lowered his head in front of him, was also raising his head at this time.

The eyes of the two met.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent for a moment.

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