
Chapter 480: The Massacre of One Person in the Back Row

Dou Zi's mid-lane bomber made a mistake in positioning, and was immediately seized by the opponent's blue team's Qiye team. Teana Novel "Say" ⒉

Syndra Qe took the lead twice.

Thresh hit the hook in mid-air and dragged Bomberman Ziggs, who was trying to escape with the skill explosive package, abruptly interrupted the displacement and dragged back to the ground.

Then the Warden of Soul Lock flashed into the arena and pulled the lantern to his teammate top laner Kenan.

Heart of Rage's ultimate move, Wan Lei Tian Lao Yin, exploded directly in the center of the purple Fang Wang Niu Internet Cafe team's formation, and at the same time, the jungler's widow also cut into the battlefield from the side at this moment.


On the stage of the blue square Qiye team, several members were almost in unanimous ecstasy.

As the substitute mid laner of the Qiye team, Diablo Syndra, under the control of the mid laner, pressed the R key on the keyboard hard at the first time, and a big move "energy pouring" directly directed at the remaining blood bomb not far from the opposite side People throw away.

A series of bangs exploded!

The blood bar above Bomberman's head plummeted all the way to the bottom, emptying and returning to zero.

"you-have-s1ained-an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

The kill announcement sounded by the female voice of the system.

The applause and cheers from the audience were like thunder!

The team battle started.

The Qiye team on the blue side took the lead in defeating the opponent's mid laner in an extremely powerful second!

However, just as the mid laner substitute of Team Qiye showed joy for a moment, a figure approaching like lightning was reflected in his pupils.

An arrogant and domineering figure!

This is……

the opposite.

captain! ?

The pupils of the Qiye team's substitute mid laner suddenly narrowed subconsciously, but before Syndra, who was controlling him, had time to react, the captain of the purple top laner who rushed forward from the opposite side had already made a move one step faster .

The powder kegs of two e-skills in succession quickly dropped forward!

Ping a!

The Q skill is activated in an instant!

"Gunfire Negotiation"!

Accompanied by a dull explosion, the gunpowder barrel was instantly detonated and exploded, and the impact of the second company's bombing directly hit the two blue heroes in the back row including Syndra and the policewoman by surprise!

Suddenly, the blood bars on the heads of the policewoman and Syndra plummeted down a whole section!

Shocking explosion damage!

The ADC members of the Qiye team have also reacted at this moment, and suddenly exclaimed anxiously:


"The captain is coming!"

Also, there was no need for his teammates to remind him at all, because at this time, the mid-lane substitute of the Qiye team had already seen the figure of the captain Planck on the opposite side rushing in front of him with a wild and domineering momentum!


Absolute danger!

In an instant, the goosebumps all over his body almost exploded, and the mid laner of the Qiye team almost desperately immediately manipulated his dark element and decisively handed over the [Flash] violent retreat, and at the same time backhanded a skill "Drive Mind Power" to control the energy ball Throw it at the target captain, trying to hold it down.



At this moment, Lin Feng's eyes in front of the computer screen were as sharp as knives, and his whole body seemed to be exuding a suffocating aura. Press the skill button on the keyboard, and eat oranges to release the control in seconds. With the added effect, continue to chase and kill with a destructive momentum!

Stick to your face!

Ping a!

Touch passive skills for extra real damage!

Ping a again!


Another gunpowder barrel with e skill was dropped forward. After cooling down, another gunpowder barrel formed a second chain, and flat a was directly detonated!

Hit the target again!

The last Q skill "Gunfire Negotiation", a bullet hit critical damage and took away the bloody Syndra with a headshot!

"dominating (a hero has dominated the game)!"

The killing announcement of the female voice of the system is shocking.

Single kill.

It's like the ten thousand armies are rushing all the way from the middle,

Take the head of the enemy general!

A set of combos doesn't give the opponent's mid laner, Syndra, any chance to react at all, and he crushes and kills them abruptly!

same moment.

At the forefront of the battlefield, another systematic female voice's kill announcement suddenly sounded:

"an-a11y-has-been-s1ained (an allied hero was killed)."

On the oB screen of the LCD spectator screen, the purple side's adc, Verus, had already bottomed out after taking a set of damage from Kenan's big move followed by a Qa combo, and was immediately caught by the opponent's wild widow Qa The double blow of the skill, directly emptying the blood strip to take away the head in seconds!

And the next moment, the purple jungler blind monk with the same remaining blood had just had time to kick the widow away with a big move, but was instantly controlled by Kenan's skill stun, leveling a and then leveling a, followed by a cooldown The completed Q skill cross mark also completes the harvest.

"Rampage (a hero has gone berserk)!"

In the blink of an eye, three people have fallen down in the back defecation of the purple Fangwangniu Internet cafe formation!

The screams and cheers from the Internet cafe guests and audience almost toppled the ceiling of the Internet cafe hall.

It's still this moment...

His gaze simply swept across the battlefield behind him.

However, the movement of the top lane captain under Lin Feng's control didn't hesitate at all, and continued to turn directly towards the opponent in one go;

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

The expression is flat but the flames in the eyes are boiling and burning:


(Did you run away!)

With the talent of the storm rider, the captain's figure is like a killing god and continues to chase and follow up!

Another powder keg was dropped forward.

When chasing and passing by the gunpowder barrel, a flat a is directly used to explode the barrel a. There is no need for the damage of the gunpowder barrel at all, just continue to improve and move with the passive of the e skill, and face the target policewoman!

Ping a!


The real damage of critical strikes and passive skills is constantly touched!

At this moment, Captain Plank is almost like a madman exuding a wild and wanton murderous aura all over his body. He doesn't need any other skills. If he clings to the target policewoman, it will be a stormy flat A combo!

Flat a, flat a, flat a again!

The blue adc female policewoman who was stuck tightly by the captain had almost no chance, and the blood bar above her head fell down uncontrollably!

One-half, one-third, one-fourth, until the bottom of the endangered!

The last basic attack!

Then Q, a "gunfire negotiation"——

Headshot again!

boom! !

"doub1eki11 (double kill)!—"

It was also until this moment, when several players from the blue team Qiye team cut into the opponent's back row and assisted the purple team to escape to the tower, did they suddenly turn around and realize that the two c positions in the back row of their formation had been taken The captain on the opposite side single-handedly killed them all!

All the guests and audiences in the entire Internet cafe were also shocked into an uproar again!


Wait a moment!

what's the situation! ?

Obviously, the masters of their own Qiye team had almost killed the back row of the opposite Wangniu Internet Cafe on the front row battlefield. The perfect first move was a wave of team battles that were almost destined to win!

But Lan Fang's own back row was hollowed out by the top order captain on the opposite side without knowing it! ! ?

The wild widows of the Qiye team are almost out of breath:


"Fuck him!"

Then he immediately turned around and chased after the target captain.

But at the next moment, two identical warning signals sounded at the same time in no particular order, and Lu Zhong and Shi Ming pointed at the widow:


"Stop chasing!"

Looking away from the captain Planck who had already escaped all the way into his wild area, Shi Ming took a deep breath:

"If you can't catch up, there may be accidents if you catch up again."

"This wave—"

"it is ready."

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The update is here, the third shift is done, and the third shift will continue tomorrow, go to bed and go to sleep, good night everyone!

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