
Chapter 479

Entering the grouping stage, the blue and purple sides on the middle route are extremely cautious, just patiently looking for opportunities while constantly testing each other. Teana "Novel" ⒉

However, in comparison, there is no doubt that the lineup of the purple side's Net Bull and Internet Cafe team is under greater pressure.

The lineup of Lin Feng's five people mainly relies on the poke consumption before the team battle. It needs to slowly consume the blood volume of the opponent's heroes in skill poke after skill poke, and wait until the opponent's blood volume is reduced to a certain level. Then you can go to the first hand to force open.

But this kind of poke, although it can take more advantage in the stalemate and confrontation stage, it also lacks a decisive and fierce momentum.

Can't hit a wave.

It cannot be said that the whole army will be overwhelmed in an instant when the regiment is opened.

Even, if the opponent can choose to retreat in time after discovering that his blood volume is not safe, the risk he needs to bear is not great.

But for the blue team Seven Leafs, their lineup has a different style——

It is naturally better than poke.

But the victory lies in the explosion.

Even if a lot of HP was consumed by the opponent's poke, as long as you seize a chance, whether Syndra and Thresh control a target first, or the jungle widow or top laner Kenan finds a suitable angle, you can Immediately make a big move.

Then there will be a wave of strong explosions, instantly establishing the ending of the team victory.

To put it more bluntly-

That is, the lineup of the blue team Qiye is much higher in fault tolerance than the purple team's Netbull and Internet Cafe team.

And Lin Feng and five people on the purple side...

But it can't be missed once.


Mistakes, not to mention ordinary players in the passerby game of the national server, even professional players in the professional league, it is impossible not to make a mistake in a match.

Therefore, the few members of the Internet Café Internet Café team are no exception.

Especially in the current situation where there is so much tension and stalemate, and the atmosphere is tense to depressive, it is easier for some sudden changes to occur at a certain moment.

And this time...

The first to make a mistake was Dou Zi's bomber.

After the cooldown of the skill cd was completed, the blaster who controlled himself stepped forward again and quickly threw a Q skill "bouncing bomb". I plan to retreat to the back row of my own formation.

But also at this moment——

As if he had calculated the Bomberman's skill cd in advance and predicted the timing of Ziggs' move to consume poke this time, Syndra, the mid laner of the blue team Qiye, shot with Bomberman's Q skill At the same time, he quickly raised his hand.

Q skill "Dark Ball"!

Seconds followed by the "weak retreat" of the e skill, the faint black energy ball on the ground was suddenly shaken forward by an invisible force!

Dou Zi's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he almost subconsciously immediately controlled his bomber to move sideways and prepare to evade.

The black awn magic ball shot towards it.

Kankan brushed past the side of Bomberman Ziggs, did not hit the target head-on to complete the stun control, but also pushed the former to stagger sideways.

The crisis seemed to disappear.

But at the same time, the pupils of Jingu Ying and Zeng Rui on the Zifang Wangniu Internet Cafe team couldn't help shrinking suddenly, and shouted out:


Because the heroes of the blue side not far from the opposite side were like sharks smelling blood, and they were already pressing forward quickly at this time.

Dou Zi's eyelids twitched.

It was also the first time he realized the danger, and he struck and pressed the keys on the keyboard without hesitation!

"Spot blasting"!

A pack of explosives was quickly thrown under his feet.

Detonate directly!


With the explosion of the explosive package, the miniature body of Bomberman Giggs suddenly flew into the air and jumped towards the back row of his own formation by the impact.

But still at this moment...

The blue square Qiye team on the stage,

A cold light flashed in Lu Zhong's eyes in front of the computer screen:

"Want to leave!?"

The Q key on the keyboard makes a crisp explosion!

Get out!

The "Death Judgment" sickle chain of the Q skill whizzed out with an icy breath, cutting a trajectory obliquely forward, almost accurately calculating the displacement arc of the bomber, and even hit and tied the target in mid-air !

Displacement interrupted in mid-air!

"Got it!"

The crowd of Internet cafe audiences under the stage exploded!

Boil completely!

Bomberman's body was forcibly dragged back to the ground by the warden's sickle and chain, and he staggered forward uncontrollably. Almost at this moment, the expressions of several members of the purple Fangwangniu Internet cafe team suddenly changed. A change——

problem occurs! !

As an assistant, Zeng Rui reacted almost like lightning. He manipulated his Japanese girl Leona with a big move "Sun Flare" and immediately made a move. In the distance, the front row of the blue phalanx exploded and exploded in an attempt to hold back the opponent. offensive pace.

But it has not helped.

Jingu Sakura's reaction was even more urgent:


"Back back!"

"The opposite side... is going to force it!"

The moment the voice fell, also on the stage, in the team voice channel of the blue team Qiye, Lu Zhong suddenly shouted:

"A Ming!"


In the next second, Lu Zhong hit the Q key on the keyboard again and again!

Two-stage Q


At the same time, a skill's Soul Lamp has been thrown behind him.

The tacit understanding between Kenan, the top laner under Shi Ming's control, and his support teammates hardly required verbal communication at this moment. The moment the lantern landed, he quickly stepped on it, following the blue-colored traction light beam to follow the soul. Lock the warden and rush forward together!

Thresh second stage Q landed.

Appeared in front of the target bomber.

The cold light in his eyes flickered and danced, and the corners of Lu Zhong's mouth curled up with cold murderous intent:

"It's not over yet!"


Amidst the shattered golden light, the figure of the soul lock warden moved forward again!

With his teammate Kenan inside the lantern, they cut into the center of the opponent's purple army formation!

The Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience have already seen the details of this wave, and the crowd is in an uproar:


"Kenan followed in!!"

“Perfect location!!”

"Iori! Grass, this wave of Iori is going to explode output!!"

Even the Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience can easily see this. Shi Ming, who is the top laner of the blue side Kenan, has no hesitation at this moment. The moment he landed, the R on the keyboard The key has been pressed by him with incomparable decisiveness!

Jingu Sakura's pretty face changed suddenly:


Zeng Rui's expression also became extremely ugly at this moment, and his mood suddenly sank to the bottom of the cold valley——

It's over!

Between lightning and fire.

With Kenan's body as the center, a lightning storm circle that boiled to the extreme has covered the land with a radius of nearly a thousand yards. The huge lightning and thunder crashed down, hitting almost all the heroes of the purple army!

Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prisoners!

The wild widow of the Qiye team also appeared at this moment like a ghost. With the addition of skills, she rushed forward in an instant, and a big move "Painful Embrace" was handed over to catch up, crashing in the purple phalanx The center of the type exploded simultaneously!

The perfect ultimate move netbsp; almost to the desperate first move!

Large swaths of purple-red damage values ​​floated crazily from the heads of several purple heroes!

The blood volume plummeted!

Even Zeng Rui Dou Zi and Jingu Ying from the Wangniu Internet Cafe team have already felt a bit cold and dejected to give up in their hearts.

There is only one exception.


A crisp sound of a keyboard key being pressed hard!

Then came...

It was a terrifying cannonball that exploded suddenly, accompanied by extremely strong gunpowder smoke, falling from the sky!

Covering the back row of the blue team's formation of Seven Leafs!

Disasters of the sea—

"Cannon Curtain"!

[Whether it's a raging fire or a deep sea...can't take my life! 】

There seemed to be an arrogant and domineering laughter from a certain captain in the air, like an oath, like a declaration.

next second.

A figure holding a gun and holding a knife swept out of the purple phalanx like lightning, and with a domineering and boiling arrogance, he rushed into the back row of the blue phalanx towards the target like a sharp steel knife!

Captain, Planck!

In front of the computer screen, at this moment, the light in Lin Feng's eyes was like a blade, fierce and unparalleled!


It's not over! !

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The update is here, the third update is around twelve o'clock, if you are sleepy, you can watch it tomorrow morning!

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