
Chapter 463: Almost 1 point?

In the oB screen of the LCD viewing screen on the stage, when the junglers from Summoner’s Canyon and the blue and purple sides came to gank one after the other, a wave of fierce confrontation was set off at the same time——

On the road, the top laner captain of the purple side used the Q skill under Lin Feng's control to take away the last knife of a blue side soldier. Teana Novel "" ⒉

Upgrade to six.

At this moment, the eyes of the Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience were all attracted by the fierce battle in the bottom lane, so the news that the captain reached level 6 did not attract much attention.

However, it is also at this moment...

With Lin Feng's operation, the rhythm of the five or six minutes of going on the road that had been peacefully laning was finally broken in an instant!

The R key on the keyboard is suddenly tapped and pressed.

The big move "Cannon Curtain" fires into the sky in an instant and releases a shot!

Accompanied by the violent explosion of ammunition, the hundreds of yards of land where Kanan's figure on the blue square was reduced to a war zone bombarded by shells, and the blood bar on Kenan's head in it also began to rapidly Slip down and get caught.

Simply decisive.

Arbitrary and almost unreasonable first move!

On the side of the blue square Qiye team on the stage, the pupils of Shi Ming's eyes suddenly shrank in front of the computer screen——

The alarm bells in my mind rang frantically at this moment!

The scalp is numb and explodes!

Almost without thinking about it, he immediately controlled Kenan and chose to retreat. However, just before he could react, Lin Feng in front of the computer was sitting on the seat of the purple square Internet cafe team not far away. One step faster and instantly tap the summoner skill button!


The captain's figure suddenly moved forward amidst a bright golden light, and rushed to the target Kenan like a flash!

A passive flat a shot that was pinched in his hand for a long time!

[Ignite] Put it on instantly!

The operation was so coherent that it was almost synchronously completed within 0.1 second, and it was only at this moment that Kenan, the blue top laner under Shi Ming's control, barely had time to hand over [Flash].

Another golden glow lit up.

The figure of the violent heart suddenly flashed and retreated violently!

The backhand Q skill cross mark was thrown at the opponent's top laner captain. At the same time, Shi Ming almost desperately used the e skill "Profound Truth Thunder Armor" in an emergency, turned into a ball of bright lightning and continued to flee towards his own tower.

It can be said that Shi Ming's reaction operator is already extremely fast.

Facing such a wave of violence that was completely caught off guard by the captain, Kenan, the top laner under his control, has already achieved the ultimate that a professional LspL top laner can do.


not enough.

For Lin Feng at this moment, in fact, at the moment when he was the first to reach six and make the first move, the death of his opponent Kenan was almost pronounced.

A set of combo combos that will kill has long been in hand.

As for fighting?

Even in today's world professional e-sports circle, there are no five people who can forcibly escape from someone's tempest-like preemptive offensive rhythm.

What's more, it's just LspL's star-level top laner "Eight Wine Cup".

Someone's eyes looked calm and calm.

At the same moment—

As if completely anticipating the opponent's response operation in advance, the top laner captain under Lin Feng's control even dropped an explosive barrel with e skill towards the front one step ahead.

Follow up with a gun.

into the tower.

Another powder keg was dropped forward.

form a series.

Bearing the damage from the energy light bullets of the blue defense tower, Lin Feng controlled the captain's backhand to hit the first gunpowder barrel with the Q skill "Gunfire Negotiation" after cooling down.

The timing was calculated to the extreme and the Q detonated with extreme precision.

Two consecutive bombs!

When the second gunpowder barrel was detonated and exploded immediately, Kenan, the top laner on the blue side who hadn't had time to escape from the explosion range of the gunpowder barrel, was directly blasted by the side, and the blood bar on the top of his head plummeted by a whole bar!

The movement speed will be reduced again!

And the captain Plank, who has touched the talent storm rider, chased forward and followed up under the control of Lin Feng.

Without hesitation, he went straight to the target Kenan.

Shi Ming made a lightning-like backhand and stacked his skills, passively leveling a and then connecting.

"Profound Truth Electric Blade"!

Kenan, who was triggered by the passive skill effect, stunned the opponent's captain under the tower with a backhand in the blink of an eye!

But Lin Feng's hands were faster, and the skill keys on the keyboard had been activated at the same time, and the control was released in seconds after eating oranges, without even a half-second pause in between, as if Kenan's counterattack under the tower hadn't had the slightest effect at all.

Another second -

The figure of the captain has already caught up behind Kenan.

The last flat a is played with a passive skill effect.

Put away the knife.

Immediately without any love for the fight, the captain of the top order under Lin Feng's control turned and left directly, as if he didn't care about Kenan's end at all.

And Shi Ming, who was in front of the computer screen, looked at his top laner Kenan, who seemed to barely have the last traces of blood left, but could not help showing bitterness on his face——

Passively level a twice, plus ignite.

Such continuous damage...

Just enough.


Summoner's Rift, get off the road.

The three heroes in the bottom lane of the blue Qiye team have begun to retreat urgently. Lu Zhong's support Thresh directly threw a skill "Soul Lamp" at his jungler Widow teammate, throwing the latter Pulled back.

At the same time, on the side of the Zifang Wangniu Internet Cafe team, the jungler blind monk under the control of Jingu Sakura has already calculated the timing. After the widow picked up the lantern, he directly sent a second-stage Q "echo strike" towards The target ahead moved forward again!


At this moment, Jingu Sakura's eyes brightened slightly.

But in the next second, the moment her blind monk's body fell to the ground, she didn't even have time to reach the target bloody widow on a for the last time, but she heard a crisp "click" sound first.

Jingu Sakura's eyelids twitched.

Suddenly, thunderous cheers erupted from the Internet cafe audience in the audience!


The clip of the policewoman! !

It turned out that at the same moment when the blind monk made the second-stage Q shot, the adc policewoman of the blue team Qiye almost made the most decisive choice in a very timely manner. A skill "yordle trap" was in advance The widow fell to the ground in front of her.

It just happened to be accurate to the position where the blind monk's shifting breakthrough landed!

Clamp and control the target!


This time, not only the Internet cafe customers and audience in the audience applauded thunderously, even Xu Jian, the Internet cafe manager in the front row of the crowd, applauded so excitedly that he almost jumped up.

Perfect awareness!

Absolutely wonderful on-the-spot response operation!

Even such a fatal situation can be forcibly reversed, this is the level of strength of the professional players of the Qiye team! !

And the second after the skill was handed over, the second-team adc player of the Qiye team decisively handed over the summoner skill [Healing] without hesitation, and forcefully gave back a mouthful of raw milk for his jungle widow teammate Save the blood, and then put a metal clip forward to block the pursuit route of the Japanese girl and the blind monk on the opposite side.

This time-

The three blue heroes were finally able to retreat safely despite the remaining blood.

No surprises.

Although it was supposed to be a wave of blue team's initiative to gank, was destroyed by the opponent, and even set off a wave of extremely fierce counterattacks, but at least there was no real counter-send in the end. can accept.

"I just gave it to you by the clip; I sincerely praised my ADC teammate beside me, Lu Zhong wiped off his cold sweat, still feeling a little palpitating.

did not expect……

Still underestimated the opposite opponent.

It was almost, just a little bit short, and he was manipulated by Yi Boxiu on the opposite side to get the first blood.

At the same time, Jingu Sakura is a little regretful on the side of the purple team's Netbull and Internet cafe team:


"Just a little bit."

Zeng Rui nodded and shook his head again: "It's not bad, forcing almost all the skills of the summoner in the bottom lane of the opponent - no matter the policewoman or Thresh, the operation and reaction awareness are indeed worthy of the active professional level."

The tone is a little emotional.

The Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience were also wiping off cold sweats. This wave of bot lane battles was too intense and tense. They were almost holding their breath just now watching. The operations of the masters of the Qiye team are absolutely It's a professional level, but it can push the former to the point of near desperation. The bot lane and jungler of the Internet Café team on the opposite side seem to be a little scary.

However, in any case, although this wave of bot lane battles was fierce, it still didn't explode.

It seems that this head score of 0 to 0 will continue for a while...

Such thoughts.

It just flashed through the minds of almost all the guests and audience in the Internet cafe, and even a few members of the two teams on stage.


A passionate and high-pitched female voice from the system suddenly resounded through the entire Summoner Canyon:

"First Blood (first blood)!——"

next moment.

The audience was dead silent.

Almost everyone, including several members of the two teams, heard the system's female voice kill announcement at the moment...

Completely stunned.

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The update is here, the third update is relatively late, probably after midnight, I suggest you watch it tomorrow morning.

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