
Chapter 462 Cannon fire roars!

Almost as soon as the voice fell, the auxiliary Thresh under Lu Zhong's control had already handed over the summoner skill [Flash] at the fastest speed!

The golden awns are fried!

The figure of the soul lock warden suddenly moved forward and rushed in front of the target Verus. Teana Novel ⒉

at the same moment—

The blue wild widow, who had been hundreds of yards away from Verus, also quickly used the skill "Dark Fury", and her figure suddenly increased, accompanied by a cloud of purple smoke that exploded. Shaped like a ghost, it ruthlessly pounces on the target prey wrapped in cold murderous intent!

In this flash of light, the crisis suddenly broke out.

The purple side's ADC Verus suddenly fell into the most dangerous situation since the beginning of the game!


Offstage, the excited exclamations of the Internet cafe customers and audience suddenly exploded, and the Internet cafe manager Xu Jian, who was in the front row of the crowd, also couldn't hold back his excitement and stared at the oB on the LCD spectator screen. screen:

Have you?


Blood on the head...

Absolutely! !

However, at almost the same moment when Lu Zhong on the Qiye team sent out the attack signal, Zeng Rui's calm but hasty warning sound on the team's voice channel quickly rings in:

"Tangtang be careful!!"

In fact, at such a critical juncture, no matter how timely the warning is, it is useless.

It can even be said that even if Thresh on the opposite side was aware of the action of Thresh flashing first and forcing the first hand, but if Zeng Rui himself was in Tang Bingyao's position, he would not be able to get rid of the instant crashing attack with his reaction. The horrific danger that ensues.

Even Sakura Jingu couldn't guarantee that she would be able to respond to such an instant emergency and escape unscathed.

So the beautiful Japanese girl at this moment also temporarily forgot the "hostile" state between herself and the girl, and the blind jungler who controlled her quickly appeared and rushed to the front for support. Voice:


This is "go".

It was already a beat slower than Zeng Rui's warning reminder.

The blue side auxiliary Thresh, who flashed forward, swung the sickle chain in his hand, and there was no pause of one-tenth of a second in the middle, and the "pendulum of doom" of the e skill was already whistling and swiping towards the target Verus in front of him.

With such a flash of e, it took only one-tenth of a second from the start of the attack to the e skill "pendulum of doom".

Even in professional leagues, there are very few professional players who can escape Thresh's one-handed combos.

Almost a must.


The moment the e skill was shot, the pupils of Lu Zhong's eyes shrank suddenly as the blue side's auxiliary Thresh!

Because he saw a bright golden awn.

It was at the same moment when his summoner skill [Flash] handed over the displacement dash, and the moment he assisted Thresh to dash to the ground, a bright golden glow had already shone from the purple square adc Verus.


The same summoner skill!

Almost synchronous 【Flash】!

The "Pendulum of Doom" of Thresh's e skill was swept out in the next second with a icy howling wind, but it was already doomed to fail - the moment before he was caught by Thresh's e, Wei Lu Si's figure disappeared in place along with the [Flash] handed over!


There was a sensation and an uproar among the Internet cafe audiences below the stage!

Xu Jian in the front row of the crowd almost stared out of his eyes——


This can also hide! ?

How could Verus's reaction hand be so fast! ! ?

"Hit, hit, hit!"

"Brother Lu, give Q!!"

On the stage, in the voice channel of the blue team Seven Leafs, two players, the adc and the jungler, shouted in surprise and anger almost at the same time.

And Lu Zhong, who is the auxiliary Thresh, also forcibly suppressed the violent emotion in his heart, adjusted his state immediately, and glanced at the flashing point of the opponent's adc Verus,

The Q key on the keyboard was hit hard again without any hesitation!

"Death Sentence"!

The icy sickle chain was thrown out again, piercing the air and roaring towards the target Verus!

this time.

Verus, who lost his flash, also lost his last evasion ability. At such an angle, it is absolutely impossible to avoid Thresh's deadly Q by moving.

Even Tang Bingyao knew clearly at this moment that she couldn't escape.

But it doesn't matter.

Because at this moment she was not fighting alone, relying on her extremely responsive manipulator to dodge Thresh's flash e, her most important task has been completed, as for the remaining protection——

You can hand it over to your teammates.


At the same moment, in the voice channel of the Zifang Wangniu Internet Cafe Team, Jingu Sakura's pleasant voice sounded quickly.

Accompanied by the falling voice, on the oB screen of the LCD spectator screen, the jungler blind monk from the purple side quickly walked out from behind the tower, and the "golden bell cover" of a skill directly rescued his teammate Verus in a flash .

Take another quick step forward.

Just in time, the Q skill hook that threw Thresh out of his hand was firmly caught by his own body.

Perfect block Q!

Tang Bingyao's eyes lit up when she saw Jingu Sakura's blind monk block the deadly Q for herself:

"; Subconsciously said a word of praise, the girl suddenly remembered that the object of this praise seemed to be someone she didn't like the most, she wrinkled her nose and regretted it, then quickly turned her attention and quickly marked the signal Click on the opposite jungler widow:

"Kill this!"

And there is no need for Tang Bingyao's signal to remind, Zeng Rui, who is the auxiliary Japanese girl of the purple side, also judged the situation on the scene at the moment, and immediately locked the target on the summoner skill [Flash] that had not yet cooled down. On Widow Evelyn—


Barely giving the opponent a chance to react, Zeng Rui's auxiliary Japanese woman's e skill swings her sword forward, and the thrown sunlight hits the target. Control the widow's dizziness in place!

The adc Verus under the control of Tang Bingyao got rid of the first wave of danger, and also unambiguously immediately raised the crossbow and turned around to fight back.

flat a.

Then e.

The piercing arrow of the Q skill charged up a little and shot out in an instant, piercing through the widow's body!

The blood bar above the widow's head suddenly fell down quickly!

At this time, Jingu Sakura, who got rid of Thresh's hook control, also manipulated her jungler blind monk to approach the opponent's jungle widow. The e skill hit the floor to reduce, and the flat a and Q hit the target, forming a silver-white brilliance above the widow's head. mark.

On the blue side, the bottom laners of the Qiye team have begun to urgently send out retreat signals.

Ding ding ding! ! !

The signal warning to retreat sounded quickly, and Lu Zhong, who realized that this wave of accidents had already happened, burst into anger and shouted:


"I can't fight anymore!"

"Back back!"

At this moment, the voice channel of the blue Qiye team has become extremely anxious and chaotic due to the sudden change in the bottom lane. The retreat signals and anxious shouts from teammates also inevitably affected His teammates in the upper and middle lanes.

On the road side, Kenan, who was manipulating himself as if he was walking on thin ice, was extremely cautious, and Shi Ming, who was on the line with the purple captain on the opposite side, heard the anxious shouts of his teammates on the voice channel, and subconsciously swept his gaze towards the small map glanced.


It happened to be at this very moment.

Not far from the opposite side, the captain of the purple side singled out a Q skill to take away a melee soldier from the blue side in front of him, and upgraded it to six.

Lin Feng in front of the computer screen suddenly smiled:


Kenan is dead.

In the next second, the R key on the keyboard was pressed by Lin Feng's lightning strike.

The short gun in Captain Planck's hand suddenly raised high and fired into the sky!

Big move, "Cannon Curtain"!

Another second.

A terrifying mass of cannonballs descended from the sky like a rain curtain, completely covering the area with a radius of hundreds of yards where the target Kenan was!

The gunpowder exploded!

Cannons roar! !

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The update is here, I have something to do when I go out today, so I will update it together first.

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