
Chapter 258

The jungle blind monk of the purple Fang Gaoshan team was killed.

Counter-kill under the tower.

In this wave, the jungler Wang Chong of the Gaoshan team controlled his blind monk Li Qing to gank in the middle lane, and the mid laner teammate Syndra was ready to stun and control the opponent's mid laner with an extremely fast EQ. The single mage, but the mid laner mage of the red Sonic team on the blue side also reacted very quickly, and directly handed over the flash to escape the control and escape back to the tower.

It stands to reason that it is no longer easy to continue chasing and following up in this situation.

But Wang Chong was too confident in his blind monk, and the opponent's mid laner, Xiaofa, was just a bum, so he couldn't help but continue to catch up and shoot.

Touch the eye W to help protect the breakthrough.

Q skill "Sky Sound Wave" hits the target.

The second-stage Q moves up like lightning.

Seeing the kick of the big move "Dragon Tail", it can directly kill the opponent's little mage and take away the head, but the mid laner mage of the blue side backhanded the blind monk with an E skill like lightning at the critical moment. The dizziness was under control, and WQR's set of combos was thrown backhand.

Cooperating with the damage of the defense tower, instead, the blood bar of the blind monk was suddenly blasted to the endangered blood. Wang Chong held a flash in his hand and waited for the moment to get rid of the stun control to force the flash to change the head with a big move, but it happened The opponent's jungle excavator arrived in time, and a W controlled the blind monk's top flight, completely cutting off the blind monk's hope of changing his head when he died.

In the next second, the blind monk fell down.

The heads were harvested and taken away by excavators.

A huge sigh of regret resounded from the auditorium below the stage. At the same time, in the Gaoshan team competition room on the stage, watching the computer screen game screen turned into a black and white TV, Wang Chong's face suddenly became ugly, and he looked a little annoyed. Type on the keyboard.

"Too confident."

Su Xue in front of the commentary seat frowned slightly and shook her head:

"This wave of blind people shouldn't be on board."

"Obviously Xiaofa has fled to the tower. You can't use 'confidence' to describe it if you go to the tower of a little mage controlled by the E skill. It's simply too conceited."

Zeng Rui also shook his head in the guest seat in the front row:

"If we all play according to this rhythm, if the blind jungler on the purple side continues to play like this, it will really give the opponent a chance."

Tang Bingyao gave a one-word succinct evaluation of the performance of the purple jungler blind monk more simply:


Lin Feng smiled, glanced across the big screen watching the battle, and squinted slightly:

"Well, it's hard to say this round."


After a gank defeat in the middle lane, Wang Chong, the jungler of the purple Fang Gaoshan team, seemed a little annoyed and brooding. He quickly found an opportunity to swim in the middle lane again, but this time the blind man's whereabouts were towards the opponent's river eye A detective found that the little mage retreated in time so that the blind monk still couldn't find a chance to make a call.

At the same time, the jungle excavator of the blue team "Red Sonic" launched a wave of ganks towards the top lane.

Cooperate with her top laner Ice Girl to jump over the tower and kill Jess directly.

The head was taken by an excavator.

In this way, the record data of the blue jungler excavator has reached 2/0/0, and the development has even faintly surpassed the jungler blind monk of the opponent Gaoshan team.

"Be careful on the road!"

"Still being jumped over the tower? The first two waves helped you for nothing!?"

In the voice channel of the purple team,

Wang Chong cursed angrily, and the teammate Ice Girl on the road also felt a little aggrieved and annoyed: "Then I can't do anything about being forced to jump over the tower. I won the head, and I don't have as much advantage as you imagined."


After the top laner Jess of the Alpine team on the top lane was killed, the blue side's pace was extremely fast, and the ice girl and the excavator cooperated with a large wave of soldiers that just advanced to pull out the opponent's top lane outer tower.

"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

At this time, Wang Chong saw the jungler on the top lane, and was about to quickly come over to kill Xiaolong, but when he was about to send a signal to the bottom lane...

There was another situation in the lower road.

Originally, the purple team’s Alpine team’s ADC female policewoman and assistant Nami had always been dominant and active in the bottom lane. It seemed that the mouse and Bron on the blue side were always pressed and beaten, but there was an attack coming from the top lane. At the same time as killing the prompt, the ADC mouse of the red Sonic team on the bottom lane returned to the line, and directly activated the Q skill to hide and move forward.

Therefore, without the ADC female police officers of the Gaoshan team noticing, the figure of the mouse suddenly appeared, and the explosive poison barrel with the skill A followed by W slowed down to keep people, and the big move was directly activated!

A piercing roar suddenly sounded in the air.

A fluffy slender poisonous arrow pierced through the policewoman's body fiercely, almost frightening the ADC members of the Gaoshan team to the point where they turned in the E skill plus [Flash] and tried to escape, but the mouse chased after him with a flash. Kill and keep up, shoot A continuously all the way, and detonate the last E skill.

"An-ally-has-been- (a friendly hero was killed)!"

Single kill!

Zifang's assistant, Nami, arrived late, and could only watch her policewoman teammate turn into a corpse and fall down.

There was a loud exclamation in the audience.

Wang Chong was so angry that he almost fainted: "Fuck, what are you doing down the road!?"

Su Xue's eyes lit up in front of the commentary seat, and she praised: "Nice! The blue side has brought back the rhythm!"

Even Tang Bingyao, who was sitting under the stage, showed some amazement:

"The mouse is a bit powerful!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "Well, it's really good."

What he saw was not only the beautiful single-kill operation of this wave of mice using the Q skill to stealthily approach, but more importantly, the laning was obviously suppressed for seven or eight minutes in the early stage. On the contrary, the ADC mouse actually made more hits than the policewoman.


It is a strong embodiment of basic skills and ability to withstand pressure.


Team Gaoshan's morale was also affected a little by the opponent's up and down lanes to turn the situation around one after another. However, in the next few minutes, Team Gaoshan seemed to have calmed down a lot and played more cautiously and steadily.

So two or three minutes passed, and not a single head broke out on the court.

The time went all the way to the 12th minute.

Wang Chong's jungler, the blind monk, wandered and ganked to the bottom lane. He has noticed that it seems that the dominant rhythm on the bottom lane has been gradually controlled by the opponent since a few minutes ago. An ADC hero like the mouse must not be allowed to develop. , otherwise team battles in the middle and late stages will easily explode and cause accidents.

"Make a wave!"

He yelled in the team's voice channel, and at the same time as his assistant Nami made a big move to make the first move, the jungler blind monk under Wang Chong's control directly plundered from the river mouth, and quickly approached the target mouse. up.

Q skill hits the target Mouse Tuqi!

Follow up with the second paragraph Q!

At this moment, the joy in Wang Chong's eyes has already lit up, Q to the mouse can be strong for a second with a single R flash kick, this wave is stable!

As everyone knows, at this very moment...

In the backstage of the arena, on the side of the Gaoshan team club, a player named Lao Li suddenly shrank his pupils and his mood jumped when he watched the OB screen on the spectator screen:

(This wave...)

(Blind people should not go!)

At the same moment, in the front row of the auditorium, Lin Feng's eyes shone slightly:


"The purple side is about to explode."

***************************************************** *******************************

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League of Legends: Final Peak 258 - League of Legends: Final Peak Chapter 258 The purple side is about to explode

The jungle blind monk of the purple Fang Gaoshan team was killed.

Counter-kill under the tower.

In this wave, the jungler Wang Chong of the Gaoshan team controlled his blind monk Li Qing to gank in the middle lane, and the mid laner teammate Syndra was ready to stun and control the opponent's mid laner with an extremely fast EQ. The single mage, but the mid laner mage of the red Sonic team on the blue side also reacted very quickly, and directly handed over the flash to escape the control and escape back to the tower.

It stands to reason that it is no longer easy to continue chasing and following up in this situation.

But Wang Chong was too confident in his blind monk, and the opponent's mid laner, Xiaofa, was just a bum, so he couldn't help but continue to catch up and shoot.

Touch the eye W to help protect the breakthrough.

Q skill "Sky Sound Wave" hits the target.

The second-stage Q moves up like lightning.

Seeing the kick of the big move "Dragon Tail", it can directly kill the opponent's little mage and take away the head, but the mid laner mage of the blue side backhanded the blind monk with an E skill like lightning at the critical moment. The dizziness was under control, and WQR's set of combos was thrown backhand.

Cooperating with the damage of the defense tower, instead, the blood bar of the blind monk was suddenly blasted to the endangered blood. Wang Chong held a flash in his hand and waited for the moment to get rid of the stun control to force the flash to change the head with a big move, but it happened The opponent's jungle excavator arrived in time, and a W controlled the blind monk's top flight, completely cutting off the blind monk's hope of changing his head when he died.

In the next second, the blind monk fell down.

The heads were harvested and taken away by excavators.

A huge sigh of regret resounded from the auditorium below the stage. At the same time, in the Gaoshan team competition room on the stage, watching the computer screen game screen turned into a black and white TV, Wang Chong's face suddenly became ugly, and he looked a little annoyed. Type on the keyboard.

"Too confident."

Su Xue in front of the commentary seat frowned slightly and shook her head:

"This wave of blind people shouldn't be on board."

"Obviously Xiaofa has fled to the tower. You can't use 'confidence' to describe it if you go to the tower of a little mage controlled by the E skill. It's simply too conceited."

Zeng Rui also shook his head in the guest seat in the front row:

"If we all play according to this rhythm, if the blind jungler on the purple side continues to play like this, it will really give the opponent a chance."

Tang Bingyao gave a one-word succinct evaluation of the performance of the purple jungler blind monk more simply:


Lin Feng smiled, glanced across the big screen watching the battle, and squinted slightly:

"Well, it's hard to say this round."


After a gank defeat in the middle lane, Wang Chong, the jungler of the purple Fang Gaoshan team, seemed a little annoyed and brooding. He quickly found an opportunity to swim in the middle lane again, but this time the blind man's whereabouts were towards the opponent's river eye A detective found that the little mage retreated in time so that the blind monk still couldn't find a chance to make a call.

At the same time, the jungle excavator of the blue team "Red Sonic" launched a wave of ganks towards the top lane.

Cooperate with her top laner Ice Girl to jump over the tower and kill Jess directly.

The head was taken by an excavator.

In this way, the record data of the blue jungler excavator has reached 2/0/0, and the development has even faintly surpassed the jungler blind monk of the opponent Gaoshan team.

"Be careful on the road!"

"Still being jumped over the tower? The first two waves helped you for nothing!?"

In the voice channel of the purple team, Wang Chong cursed angrily, and the teammate Ice Girl on the road also felt a little aggrieved and annoyed: "Then I can't do anything about being forced to jump the tower, the opponent is quite good at controlling damage... And you didn't get me a head in the two waves, and I don't have as much advantage as you imagined."


After the top laner Jess of the Alpine team on the top lane was killed, the blue side's pace was extremely fast, and the ice girl and the excavator cooperated with a large wave of soldiers that just advanced to pull out the opponent's top lane outer tower.

"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

At this time, Wang Chong saw the jungler on the top lane, and was about to quickly come over to kill Xiaolong, but when he was about to send a signal to the bottom lane...

There was another situation in the lower road.

Originally, the purple team’s Alpine team’s ADC female policewoman and assistant Nami had always been dominant and active in the bottom lane. It seemed that the mouse and Bron on the blue side were always pressed and beaten, but there was an attack coming from the top lane. At the same time as killing the prompt, the ADC mouse of the red Sonic team on the bottom lane returned to the line, and directly activated the Q skill to hide and move forward.

Therefore, without the ADC female police officers of the Gaoshan team noticing, the figure of the mouse suddenly appeared, and the explosive poison barrel with the skill A followed by W slowed down to keep people, and the big move was directly activated!

A piercing roar suddenly sounded in the air.

A fluffy slender poisonous arrow pierced through the policewoman's body fiercely, almost frightening the ADC members of the Gaoshan team to the point where they turned in the E skill plus [Flash] and tried to escape, but the mouse chased after him with a flash. Kill and keep up, shoot A continuously all the way, and detonate the last E skill.

"An-ally-has-been- (a friendly hero was killed)!"

Single kill!

Zifang's assistant, Nami, arrived late, and could only watch her policewoman teammate turn into a corpse and fall down.

There was a loud exclamation in the audience.

Wang Chong was so angry that he almost fainted: "Fuck, what are you doing down the road!?"

Su Xue's eyes lit up in front of the commentary seat, and she praised: "Nice! The blue side has brought back the rhythm!"

Even Tang Bingyao, who was sitting under the stage, showed some amazement:

"The mouse is a bit powerful!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "Well, it's really good."

What he saw was not only the beautiful single-kill operation of this wave of mice using the Q skill to stealthily approach, but more importantly, the laning was obviously suppressed for seven or eight minutes in the early stage. On the contrary, the ADC mouse actually made more hits than the policewoman.


It is a strong embodiment of basic skills and ability to withstand pressure.


Team Gaoshan's morale was also affected a little by the opponent's up and down lanes to turn the situation around one after another. However, in the next few minutes, Team Gaoshan seemed to have calmed down a lot and played more cautiously and steadily.

So two or three minutes passed, and not a single head broke out on the court.

The time went all the way to the 12th minute.

Wang Chong's jungler, the blind monk, wandered and ganked to the bottom lane. He has noticed that it seems that the dominant rhythm on the bottom lane has been gradually controlled by the opponent since a few minutes ago. An ADC hero like the mouse must not be allowed to develop. , otherwise team battles in the middle and late stages will easily explode and cause accidents.

"Make a wave!"

He yelled in the team's voice channel, and at the same time as his assistant Nami made a big move to make the first move, the jungler blind monk under Wang Chong's control directly plundered from the river mouth, and quickly approached the target mouse. up.

Q skill hits the target Mouse Tuqi!

Follow up with the second paragraph Q!

At this moment, the joy in Wang Chong's eyes has already lit up, Q to the mouse can be strong for a second with a single R flash kick, this wave is stable!

As everyone knows, at this very moment...

In the backstage of the arena, on the side of the Gaoshan team club, a player named Lao Li suddenly shrank his pupils and his mood jumped when he watched the OB screen on the spectator screen:

(This wave...)

(Blind people should not go!)

At the same moment, in the front row of the auditorium, Lin Feng's eyes shone slightly:


"The purple side is about to explode."

***************************************************** *******************************

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