
Chapter 257 Unwillingness in the Backstage

In all fairness, the Alpine team on the purple side played really well at the beginning of the game.

On the top lane, the jungler blind monk named Wang Chong opened his hand, and his top lane teammate Jess, who directly cooperated with the control line at level 2, killed the blue top lane girl on the opposite side and got a head. Blood, and at the same time in the bottom lane, the ADC female policewoman of the Gaoshan team cooperated with Nami as an assistant, and was also carrying out a strong line pressure.

"In this way, the bottom line will be pressed against the blue side's outer tower, and the jungle excavators of the blue side's 'Red Sonic' team will not dare to directly seize the opportunity to oppose the opponent's blue buff."

In the guest seats in the front row of the auditorium, Zeng Rui saw through the situation on the field at a glance, and analyzed calmly and objectively:

"So this wave is tantamount to purple Fangbai earning a head and blood."

"The rhythm is coming out."

Lin Feng next to him nodded:

"Well, this wave is still playing well."

Although Jess of the Zifang Gaoshan team on the top lane failed to get the kill, at least the opponent's top laner Ice Girl lost at least one wave of soldiers, and maybe he had to hurry up and teleport back to the lane. That is another summoner skill I have to pay it out.

In the bottom lane, the combination of the policewoman Kanami on the purple side is facing the mouse Gablon on the blue side. Passive resistance.

As for the middle lane, it is probably the only way for the red sonic team to stabilize the rhythm of the situation. The little mage is facing Syndra, and it is still in the stage of peaceful development.

"But let the blind monk get the first blood...The life of the blue side will not be too easy."

Zeng Rui made such a cautious comment.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes:


"It still depends on the specific performance of the two sides in the future."


The facts seem to prove that the jungler blind monk of the Gaoshan team did play a greater role after getting the first blood.

In the fifth minute of the game, Li Qing, the blind monk on the purple side, wandered and ganked again. This is because the ice girl on the opposite side did not [flash], and he insisted on grabbing another wave. He cooperated with his top laner teammate Jie Si, the damage of a combo of BO kills the Ice Girl away again.

The head was taken by the blind monk, and the blind man's record data suddenly came to 2/0/0.

Very eye-catching.


The male guest commentator on the commentary platform praised: "The blind man of Wang Chong, the jungler of the Gaoshan team, is also very famous in the passerby game of our national server. It seems that his blind man rushed to the top within a week. King?"

The other male commentator next to him also nodded in agreement: "That's right, in the current Gaoshan team lineup, Wang Chong's jungler should be regarded as a core finale position."

The comments of the two commentators are full of praise.

Only Su Xue frowned slightly, and gave her own opinion more objectively:

"However, it's not particularly appropriate for the blind man to collect kills on his own two times on the road. The head just now can actually be given away. It's best for a hero like Jess to play the most role in the early stage and mid-development stage, or go to the late stage. , Jess and the blind man will be a little weak, won't they?"


"It is indeed right to let it go."

The guests in the front row of the audience watching the game heard Su Xue's comments in front of the commentary,

Zeng Rui nodded subconsciously, showing approval:

"This wave of blind people shouldn't take this head anymore. Even if you are more confident in your own operations, the more stable way to deal with it should be to give the head to the top laner. If Jess can get this head, top lane will be considered a real one. Lay down the advantages."

"Now... Jess only has two assists. For the ice girl on the blue side, he can still stabilize the situation and resist the pressure."

Lin Feng smiled:

"Oh, yes."

"Of course, if the blind man can convert the maximum economic value of these two heads into contributions to the team, there will be no problem."

Saying this in his mouth, Lin Feng's thoughts were a little erratic at this moment.

He suddenly remembered the S1 season that year. When he was still fighting side by side with those few teammates, the 11 in the jungle position belonged to a completely different style. Basically all online ganks The head will always only choose to give up to his teammates on the line, but he only gets assists but can still perfectly bring the rhythm of the audience.

It cannot be said that taking kills in the jungle is necessarily good or bad, but in Lin Feng's view, junglers like Eleven will undoubtedly make teammates the most comfortable and at ease.

As for now...

Lin Feng's eyes fell on the screen of the spectator screen, and he raised his eyebrows slightly:

The blind jungler of the Gaoshan team does seem to be very confident, but how much strength can be used to support this confidence?


He's not particularly optimistic.


The game time is 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

The purple jungler Lee Sin roamed once again, this time targeting the middle lane for the gank.

At this time, Wang Chong, the jungler of the team, had two heads in his hands, his economic equipment and level development were excellent, and he was also full of confidence. He almost determined that the protagonist of tonight's game was destined to be himself.

"Prepare in the middle!"

In the voice channel of the team, he sent a reminder to his mid laner Syndra teammates. At the same time, Wang Chong grinned and showed his white teeth:

"Let's face each other!"

Su Xue, who was sitting on the commentary seat, saw the blind jungler of the Purple Fang Gaoshan team coming out of the high ground from the perspective of God's OB, and sent an attack signal to the middle lane. Her gaze quickly swept across the small map:

"Are you going to catch this wave of blind people?"

"The blind man has a big move at level 6. With Syndra's set of control and damage, there is indeed a chance to kill people."

"However, the little mages on the blue side are also very cautious in their positions. The pawn line is controlled under their own defensive towers. The burst of a set of level 6 little mages is also very high. If this wave of blind people wants to cooperate with Syndra to jump the tower... Maybe a little risky."

This fast-paced analysis and evaluation is objective enough.

But in the backstage of the arena, several members of the second team of the Gaoshan team were disapproving and even laughed out loud:


"The level of commentary is a little low. I don't know how fast brother Chong is good at blind operations?"

"Go straight to Q and go to R to flash Syndra's big move bo, and the little mage goes straight to the second. It's easy to climb the tower, okay?"

"Tsk tsk, the female commentator is unreliable, she looks good, honestly, she should be a vase."

The tone of the few people seemed extremely relaxed, and they still had time to mock Su Xue, showing that they were full of confidence in Wang Chong's blind jungler operation.

In the corner beside him, a substitute member of the team named Lao Li stared closely at the OB screen on the spectator screen, subconsciously clenched his fists, a little worried and nervous.

He knew it was useless to say anything at this time.

Even if he said it, it would only lead to ridicule from his teammates from the second team.


He was almost certain that the risk of accidents in this wave of blind roaming ganks was at least 70%.

If it was him, he would never choose to play strong in the middle at this time.


Thinking of something, the team member named Lao Li lowered his head again, gritted his teeth unwillingly:

No if.

The current him is only worthy of being a substitute in the team who cannot play.

***************************************************** *************************

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In all fairness, the Alpine team on the purple side played really well at the beginning of the game.

On the top lane, the jungler blind monk named Wang Chong opened his hand, and his top lane teammate Jess, who directly cooperated with the control line at level 2, killed the blue top lane girl on the opposite side and got a head. Blood, and at the same time in the bottom lane, the ADC female policewoman of the Gaoshan team cooperated with Nami as an assistant, and was also carrying out a strong line pressure.

"In this way, the bottom line will be pressed against the blue side's outer tower, and the jungle excavators of the blue side's 'Red Sonic' team will not dare to directly seize the opportunity to oppose the opponent's blue buff."

In the guest seats in the front row of the auditorium, Zeng Rui saw through the situation on the field at a glance, and analyzed calmly and objectively:

"So this wave is tantamount to purple Fangbai earning a head and blood."

"The rhythm is coming out."

Lin Feng next to him nodded:

"Well, this wave is still playing well."

Although Jess of the Zifang Gaoshan team on the top lane failed to get the kill, at least the opponent's top laner Ice Girl lost at least one wave of soldiers, and maybe he had to hurry up and teleport back to the lane. That is another summoner skill I have to pay it out.

In the bottom lane, the combination of the policewoman Kanami on the purple side is facing the mouse Gablon on the blue side. Passive resistance.

As for the middle lane, it is probably the only way for the red sonic team to stabilize the rhythm of the situation. The little mage is facing Syndra, and it is still in the stage of peaceful development.

"But let the blind monk get the first blood...The life of the blue side will not be too easy."

Zeng Rui made such a cautious comment.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes:


"It still depends on the specific performance of the two sides in the future."


The facts seem to prove that the jungler blind monk of the Gaoshan team did play a greater role after getting the first blood.

In the fifth minute of the game, Li Qing, the blind monk on the purple side, wandered and ganked again. This is because the ice girl on the opposite side did not [flash], and he insisted on grabbing another wave. He cooperated with his top laner teammate Jie Si, the damage of a combo of BO kills the Ice Girl away again.

The head was taken by the blind monk, and the blind man's record data suddenly came to 2/0/0.

Very eye-catching.


The male guest commentator on the commentary platform praised: "The blind man of Wang Chong, the jungler of the Gaoshan team, is also very famous in the passerby game of our national server. It seems that his blind man rushed to the top within a week. King?"

The other male commentator next to him also nodded in agreement: "That's right, in the current Gaoshan team lineup, Wang Chong's jungler should be regarded as a core finale position."

The comments of the two commentators are full of praise.

Only Su Xue frowned slightly, and gave her own opinion more objectively:

"However, it's not particularly appropriate for the blind man to collect kills on his own two times on the road. The head just now can actually be given away. It's best for a hero like Jess to play the most role in the early stage and mid-development stage, or go to the late stage. , Jess and the blind man will be a little weak, won't they?"


"It is indeed right to let it go."

In the audience seats in the front row of the audience, Zeng Rui subconsciously nodded when he heard Su Xue's comment in front of the commentary seat, showing approval:

"This wave of blind people shouldn't take this head anymore. Even if you are more confident in your own operations, the more stable way to deal with it should be to give the head to the top laner. If Jess can get this head, top lane will be considered a real one. Lay down the advantages."

"Now... Jess only has two assists. For the ice girl on the blue side, he can still stabilize the situation and resist the pressure."

Lin Feng smiled:

"Oh, yes."

"Of course, if the blind man can convert the maximum economic value of these two heads into contributions to the team, there will be no problem."

Saying this in his mouth, Lin Feng's thoughts were a little erratic at this moment.

He suddenly remembered the S1 season that year. When he was still fighting side by side with those few teammates, the 11 in the jungle position belonged to a completely different style. Basically all online ganks The head will always only choose to give up to his teammates on the line, but he only gets assists but can still perfectly bring the rhythm of the audience.

It cannot be said that taking kills in the jungle is necessarily good or bad, but in Lin Feng's view, junglers like Eleven will undoubtedly make teammates the most comfortable and at ease.

As for now...

Lin Feng's eyes fell on the screen of the spectator screen, and he raised his eyebrows slightly:

The blind jungler of the Gaoshan team does seem to be very confident, but how much strength can be used to support this confidence?


He's not particularly optimistic.


The game time is 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

The purple jungler Lee Sin roamed once again, this time targeting the middle lane for the gank.

At this time, Wang Chong, the jungler of the team, had two heads in his hands, his economic equipment and level development were excellent, and he was also full of confidence. He almost determined that the protagonist of tonight's game was destined to be himself.

"Prepare in the middle!"

In the voice channel of the team, he sent a reminder to his mid laner Syndra teammates. At the same time, Wang Chong grinned and showed his white teeth:

"Let's face each other!"

Su Xue, who was sitting on the commentary seat, saw the blind jungler of the Purple Fang Gaoshan team coming out of the high ground from the perspective of God's OB, and sent an attack signal to the middle lane. Her gaze quickly swept across the small map:

"Are you going to catch this wave of blind people?"

"The blind man has a big move at level 6. With Syndra's set of control and damage, there is indeed a chance to kill people."

"However, the little mages on the blue side are also very cautious in their positions. The pawn line is controlled under their own defensive towers. The burst of a set of level 6 little mages is also very high. If this wave of blind people wants to cooperate with Syndra to jump the tower... Maybe a little risky."

This fast-paced analysis and evaluation is objective enough.

But in the backstage of the arena, several members of the second team of the Gaoshan team were disapproving and even laughed out loud:


"The level of commentary is a bit low. I don't know how fast brother Chong is good at operating blind people?"

"Go straight to Q and go to R to flash Syndra's big move bo, and the little mage goes straight to the second. It's easy to climb the tower, okay?"

"Tsk tsk, the female commentator is unreliable, she looks good, honestly, she should be a vase."

The tone of the few people seemed extremely relaxed, and they still had time to mock Su Xue, showing that they were full of confidence in Wang Chong's blind jungler operation.

In the corner beside him, a substitute member of the team named Lao Li stared closely at the OB screen on the spectator screen, subconsciously clenched his fists, a little worried and nervous.

He knew it was useless to say anything at this time.

Even if he said it, it would only lead to ridicule from his teammates from the second team.


He was almost certain that the risk of accidents in this wave of blind roaming ganks was at least 70%.

If it was him, he would never choose to play strong in the middle at this time.


Thinking of something, the team member named Lao Li lowered his head again, gritted his teeth unwillingly:

No if.

The current him is only worthy of being a substitute in the team who cannot play.

***************************************************** *************************

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