
Chapter 233 I want to see you

In this double platoon, Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao played the combination of ADC female policeman and assistant Bron in the bottom lane.

In the eyes of teammates or opponents in this match, Tang Bingyao's ADC female policewoman has definitely played quite well, especially for Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao's bot lane opponents, the early laning is almost defeated. In about 10 minutes, the female policeman made 87 extra hits and nearly doubled the opponent ADC Mouse.

The performance of the policewoman in the team battle is also impeccable. The last 12/3/5 record data, plus the statistical damage output of the system after the end of the ranking is also the highest in the game.

It can be said that it is a well-deserved best MVP.

But Lin Feng was still quite dissatisfied.

He is well aware of Tang Bingyao's strength, and he will have much higher requirements for Tangtang than ordinary people.

From the very beginning of this qualifying match, he noticed many problems, such as the bot lane matchup in the early stage. In fact, there were several times when he had the opportunity to kill and take the head first, but Tang Bingyao's ADC female policeman always had to keep up with the speed. With a slow beat, he just pushed the opposite mouse back to the city twice.

Another example is that there is a wave of roaming ganks from the opposing jungler Juggernaut in the bottom lane. In Lin Feng's opinion, Tang Bingyao's policewoman can get a wave of triple kills. In the end, they only took away the head of the opposing ADC mouse, but let The Juggernaut flashes away.

And team fights—

Of course, these questions all sounded like Lin Feng was a bit picky and demanding.

But Lin Feng knew that if Tang Bingyao was in a normal state, he would be able to do all of this, so in comparison, Tangtang's performance in this round did not meet his original expectations at all.

And although Lin Feng already knew that the girl had encountered a "bottleneck" recently, but now it seems...

This is no longer a bottleneck problem, but that Tangtang's strength has even declined compared to before.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Feng asked Tang Bingyao in confusion.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips, then shook her head:




Hearing Tang Bingyao's words, Lin Feng scratched his hair subconsciously. Although he still felt that something was wrong, since Tangtang had said so, he couldn't ask further questions. He couldn't find the hand feeling, so he quickly dragged Tang Bingyao to continue qualifying for the second round.

In the second game, the two still went to the bottom lane to assist Zyra and ADC Vayne.

This time the two met Obama and Thresh in the bottom lane, and the ADC Obama was the strongest last season in terms of rank, so they finally encountered a relatively difficult and hard idea.

In terms of Tang Bingyao's normal level of strength, it is almost at the level of the strongest king, but today the girl's state meets an opponent of this level, and the problem suddenly becomes bigger and more obvious——

In the first 10 minutes, the bot lane laning was hard and stalemate. The two sides fought fiercely. In addition, the opponent's jungler and mid laner frequently patronized the bot lane, and the combination of Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao fell into a passive situation for a while. among.

It wasn't until the 12th minute of the game that there was a wave of small dragon team battles. Lin Feng's assistant, Jiela, first flashed a big move to control the four opponents, and cooperated with his teammates to play a wave of explosive combos. Potential.

When the qualifying round ended at 29 minutes, Tang Bingyao's ADC Wei En's final record data showed 7/3/6,

In the end, the damage output to the hero was the third in the game, which was on par with the opposite Obama.

Looking at the statistics of the final record, Lin Feng frowned even tighter.

third set.

The two still went down the road, and ADC Delevinga assisted Thresh.

In this game, they encountered four masters from last season on the opposite side. It was a difficult battle. Finally, when the game time reached 31 minutes, Tang Bingyao's ADC Delevingne made a positioning error and was caught by the opposite enchantress. Strong seconds, leading to the complete annihilation of the team battle, and the base crystal was flattened by a wave of opponents.

The emblem pattern of "defeated" rose in the center of the screen game screen.

There was silence on the audio channel.

Lin Feng sighed, and rarely felt a little headache:

"Tangtang, your state today... is really not right."


The first two games were nothing more than that. In the game just ended, Tang Bingyao even played the best ADC, Delevingne, but his performance was not even as good as the first two games. The last wave of positioning mistakes was too fatal.

"what is going on?"

Lin Feng couldn't help asking Tang Bingyao another question.

On the other end, Tang Bingyao in front of the computer screen in the Internet cafe bit her lips hard:


Lin Feng was speechless:

"Is this all right? You Draven is like this, not even half of your usual level."

He was really puzzled by Tang Bingyao's performance tonight.

Originally, he was still thinking that tonight was to help Tangtang find a way to break through the bottleneck, but now that the three rounds of qualifying are finished, let alone breaking through the bottleneck, it has become a problem to return to normal state first.

The audio channel was quiet for a while, and after a long while, just as Lin Feng wanted to continue asking questions, Tang Bingyao on the other end suddenly spoke again:


"I want to see you."

The simple six words came out of nowhere, and the girl's tone was full of grievances.

Lin Feng froze for a moment, then subconsciously looked at the time display in the lower right corner of the computer screen:


"It's almost ten o'clock, how come?"

But at this moment, Tang Bingyao twitched her little nose, showing a rare persistence and persistence: "No matter, I want to see you right now——I'll go to find you in the past, okay?"

Lin Feng was full of question marks:

"It's so late and you still come all the way?"

"The fare is so much, don't you feel bad?"

Tang Bingyao on the other end of the voice channel seemed to shake her head vigorously:

"Don't feel bad!"

"I'll take a taxi there now!"

It was really hard for the girl to persist so rarely, and finally Lin Feng could only nod helplessly and agree: "Okay, okay, then I'll wait for you at the school gate, and be careful yourself—"

Tang Bingyao, who got Lin Feng's consent, quickly nodded vigorously:


"Then you wait for me!"

After speaking, he quickly hung up the voice call, as if he was afraid that Lin Feng would change his mind in the next second.

In dormitory 504, listening to Tangtang on the other end of the voice channel hang up the call, Lin Feng was still puzzled, he couldn't figure out what happened to the good guy, so he could only shake his head.

Next to him, Qiu Le, who also just finished a passerby ranking, turned his head and looked over curiously:

"Hey, what happened to Fengzi?"

"Are you qualifying with Tangtang? What are you talking about—"

Lin Feng scratched his hair subconsciously:

"Oh...it's nothing. Tangtang suddenly said that she wanted to come to our school to find me. I don't know what it is."

"Now!?" Qiu Le could hardly spit out a mouthful of old blood: "I am still throwing dog food at such a late night to make people live!?"

***************************************************** *****************************

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In this double platoon, Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao played the combination of ADC female policeman and assistant Bron in the bottom lane.

In the eyes of teammates or opponents in this match, Tang Bingyao's ADC female policewoman has definitely played quite well, especially for Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao's bot lane opponents, the early laning is almost defeated. In about 10 minutes, the female policeman made 87 extra hits and nearly doubled the opponent ADC Mouse.

The performance of the policewoman in the team battle is also impeccable. The last 12/3/5 record data, plus the statistical damage output of the system after the end of the ranking is also the highest in the game.

It can be said that it is a well-deserved best MVP.

But Lin Feng was still quite dissatisfied.

He is well aware of Tang Bingyao's strength, and he will have much higher requirements for Tangtang than ordinary people.

From the very beginning of this qualifying match, he noticed many problems, such as the bot lane matchup in the early stage. In fact, there were several times when he had the opportunity to kill and take the head first, but Tang Bingyao's ADC female policeman always had to keep up with the speed. With a slow beat, he just pushed the opposite mouse back to the city twice.

Another example is that there is a wave of roaming ganks from the opposing jungler Juggernaut in the bottom lane. In Lin Feng's opinion, Tang Bingyao's policewoman can get a wave of triple kills. In the end, they only took away the head of the opposing ADC mouse, but let The Juggernaut flashes away.

And team fights—

Of course, these questions all sounded like Lin Feng was a bit picky and demanding.

But Lin Feng knew that if Tang Bingyao was in a normal state, he would be able to do all of this, so in comparison, Tangtang's performance in this round did not meet his original expectations at all.

And although Lin Feng already knew that the girl had encountered a "bottleneck" recently, but now it seems...

This is no longer a bottleneck problem, but that Tangtang's strength has even declined compared to before.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Feng asked Tang Bingyao in confusion.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips, then shook her head:




Hearing Tang Bingyao's words, Lin Feng scratched his hair subconsciously. Although he still felt that something was wrong, since Tangtang had said so, he couldn't ask further questions. He couldn't find the hand feeling, so he quickly dragged Tang Bingyao to continue qualifying for the second round.

In the second game, the two still went to the bottom lane to assist Zyra and ADC Vayne.

This time the two met Obama and Thresh in the bottom lane, and the ADC Obama was the strongest last season in terms of rank, so they finally encountered a relatively difficult and hard idea.

In terms of Tang Bingyao's normal level of strength, it is almost at the level of the strongest king, but today the girl's state meets an opponent of this level, and the problem suddenly becomes bigger and more obvious——

In the first 10 minutes, the bot lane laning was hard and stalemate. The two sides fought fiercely. In addition, the opponent's jungler and mid laner frequently patronized the bot lane, and the combination of Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao fell into a passive situation for a while. among.

It wasn't until the 12th minute of the game that there was a wave of small dragon team battles. Lin Feng's assistant, Jiela, first flashed a big move to control the four opponents, and cooperated with his teammates to play a wave of explosive combos. Potential.

When the qualifying round ended at 29 minutes, Tang Bingyao's ADC Wei En's final record data showed 7/3/6, and the final hero damage output was the third in the game, which was on par with the opposite Obama.

Looking at the statistics of the final record, Lin Feng frowned even tighter.

third set.

The two still went down the road, and ADC Delevinga assisted Thresh.

In this game, they encountered four masters from last season on the opposite side. It was a difficult battle. Finally, when the game time reached 31 minutes, Tang Bingyao's ADC Delevingne made a positioning error and was caught by the opposite enchantress. Strong seconds, leading to the complete annihilation of the team battle, and the base crystal was flattened by a wave of opponents.

The emblem pattern of "defeated" rose in the center of the screen game screen.

There was silence on the audio channel.

Lin Feng sighed, and rarely felt a little headache:

"Tangtang, your state today... is really not right."


The first two games were nothing more than that. In the game just ended, Tang Bingyao even played the best ADC, Delevingne, but his performance was not even as good as the first two games. The last wave of positioning mistakes was too fatal.

"what is going on?"

Lin Feng couldn't help asking Tang Bingyao another question.

On the other end, Tang Bingyao in front of the computer screen in the Internet cafe bit her lips hard:


Lin Feng was speechless:

"Is this all right? You Draven is like this, not even half of your usual level."

He was really puzzled by Tang Bingyao's performance tonight.

Originally, he was still thinking that tonight was to help Tangtang find a way to break through the bottleneck, but now that the three rounds of qualifying are finished, let alone breaking through the bottleneck, it has become a problem to return to normal state first.

The audio channel was quiet for a while, and after a long while, just as Lin Feng wanted to continue asking questions, Tang Bingyao on the other end suddenly spoke again:


"I want to see you."

The simple six words came out of nowhere, and the girl's tone was full of grievances.

Lin Feng froze for a moment, then subconsciously looked at the time display in the lower right corner of the computer screen:


"It's almost ten o'clock, how come?"

But at this moment, Tang Bingyao twitched her little nose, showing a rare persistence and persistence: "No matter, I want to see you right now——I'll go to find you in the past, okay?"

Lin Feng was full of question marks:

"It's so late and you still come all the way?"

"The fare is so much, don't you feel bad?"

Tang Bingyao on the other end of the voice channel seemed to shake her head vigorously:

"Don't feel bad!"

"I'll take a taxi there now!"

It was really hard for the girl to persist so rarely, and finally Lin Feng could only nod helplessly and agree: "Okay, okay, then I'll wait for you at the school gate, and be careful yourself—"

Tang Bingyao, who got Lin Feng's consent, quickly nodded vigorously:


"Then you wait for me!"

After speaking, he quickly hung up the voice call, as if he was afraid that Lin Feng would change his mind in the next second.

In dormitory 504, listening to Tangtang on the other end of the voice channel hang up the call, Lin Feng was still puzzled, he couldn't figure out what happened to the good guy, so he could only shake his head.

Next to him, Qiu Le, who also just finished a passerby ranking, turned his head and looked over curiously:

"Hey, what happened to Fengzi?"

"Are you qualifying with Tangtang? What are you talking about—"

Lin Feng scratched his hair subconsciously:

"Oh...it's nothing. Tangtang suddenly said that she wanted to come to our school to find me. I don't know what it is."

"Now!?" Qiu Le could hardly spit out a mouthful of old blood: "I am still throwing dog food at such a late night to make people live!?"

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