
Chapter 232

After a match was over, Lin Feng's prestige and reputation in the e-sports club reached its peak, and almost all the members and students of the e-sports club praised a certain Human strength:

"The policewoman really has no one—"

"It feels even better than the two Olaf and the clockwork before!"

"If it wasn't for Lin Feng today, our e-sports team might still lose."

"Hey, if this is replaced by the original ADC of our e-sports team, it will definitely be useless—"

These words fell into the ears of Zhao Yang, the former ADC member of the team, which naturally made him blush but he was powerless to refute. He also played a round before himself, but it really didn't play much role at all, and He also saw the performance of Jingu Sakura's ADC Vayne, and after weighing it in his heart, he realized that if it was him, he might even be suppressed in the lane.

Not to mention the five-kill comeback in the Dalong team battle.

Among the members of the e-sports club, the happiest one is naturally Dou Zi.

"I said it earlier, Fengfeng's ADC is stable!"

As the president of the e-sports club, Dou Zi laughed in such a happy mood: "Fengfeng is all-around in all five positions! Looking back, the college leagues in those areas in Shanghai have started, we have Fengfeng in Shangcai, who are you doing?" It's all easy, hahahaha—"

Lin Feng felt nothing about such a compliment.

Today's match, for him, was purely because he was interested in the strength of the opponent's Japanese exchange students, so he made such a move.

Now the result also proves that this battle is not a loss, and there are still gains.

Those Japanese exchange students, in his evaluation, basically have the level of electric drill 2 points or above, and the awareness and tacit cooperation are even better. Strength--

Oh yes.

There is also the Jingu Sakura who played a round of ADC against himself.

Lin Feng touched his chin subconsciously:

Although in terms of strength, the performance of that Jingong classmate Wei En is enough to make him feel a little surprised, but for some reason, he still has a very strange feeling:

that is……

This classmate Jingu seemed vaguely familiar to him.


Lin Feng, who has a rough personality, didn't think too much about it. After finishing the game in the Internet cafe, he and his roommates in dormitory 504 ate at the roadside stalls, and then went home and returned to school.

He didn't forget what he promised Tangtang yesterday.

Back in the dormitory, turned on the computer and logged in to Ionia, the national server of the League of Legends. Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and called Tang Bingyao:

"Hey, Tangtang."

"Where are you, come to the double row!"

Tang Bingyao on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a noisy environment, and quickly answered:

"Oh, okay, just wait for me, I'll be at the Internet cafe soon."

Although she has already arrived at the university, Tang Bingyao did not buy a good laptop to bring to the dormitory of the school. She usually plays League of Legends and goes to the Internet cafe more often, so those guests in the Internet cafe next to the outer gate Eyes full—

Almost every once in a while, you can see a pure ponytail girl with perfect looks and amazing temperament come over to play games on a machine,

I still play League of Legends, and there is such a beautiful girl who is a diehard LOL player when I co-operate with them!

Tang Bingyao didn't care about receiving such amazing and admiring gazes. Anyway, she just played her own game. What's more, from today onwards, she can continue to play double row with Lin Feng. She was already very excited and happy .

Soon Tang Bingyao came to the Internet cafe, turned on a machine in the corner of the hall as usual, turned it on and logged in to the national service Dianyi, pulled Lin Feng and the two quickly started the first double row.

Because the current national server's strongest rank no longer accepts the duo mode and can only play solo, so at the moment Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao are only playing the trumpet of the 1st rank.

Of course, even if it's just a trumpet, the rank of drill 1 is scary enough.

Not to mention the Shangcai e-sports club on Lin Feng's side, even in the e-sports club of Shanghai International Studies University on Tang Bingyao's side, there are only one or two masters who can drill 1 stage in the e-one.

When it comes to the e-sports club, Tang Bingyao suddenly remembered when she was banned in the first game, and asked Lin Feng cautiously:

"Fengzi, are you going to play some e-sports club trials today?"

Tang Bingyao was really well-informed about this matter, because Su Xue's fans and water friends have built many chat groups for water friends, and Tang Bingyao has also been drawn into it. When Dou Zi happily shared the game that just ended in the group, he gave Lin Feng another blow.

Tang Bingyao didn't care much about the details of the match described by Dou Zi. Anyway, she knew Lin Feng's strength, so she had no doubt that as long as Lin Feng played, he would definitely win.

What really caught her attention right away...

It was the rival that Dou Zi casually mentioned——

A group of Japanese exchange students.

At that time, Tang Bingyao immediately thought of the Japanese girl named "Jingu" who was said to be very beautiful that Lin Feng had mentioned before, so now she only found an opportunity to carefully ask and test her.

Lin Feng did not doubt him, and readily nodded and admitted:

"Oh, yes."

"It was with the few new Japanese exchange students I mentioned to you before. They have a good level!"

"And that Japanese girl I told you about, Jingu Sakura, hey Tangtang, let me tell you, Jingu-san's ADC is very good, and she's not much worse than you!"

That's good, before Tang Bingyao took the initiative to ask, Lin Feng babbled all the information by himself first, and praised Jingu Sakura in words.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips when she heard this, and felt a little sour in her heart:

"Oh, so..."

"Is that the pretty Japanese girl?"

The rough Lin Feng was a little puzzled:

"Hey, I mean, he's a good ADC, why is it related to his looks—"

But then someone thought about it, and nodded quite frankly:

"But he looks good too."

Tang Bingyao lowered her head unhappily, let out a muffled "Oh" and then stopped talking. Although Lin Feng felt a little strange, he still didn't think deeply about it at all. here we go.

Because it was to help Tang Bingyao as a sparring partner, Lin Feng directly asked for the auxiliary position in the first round, and took an ADC female policewoman who was paired with Bron and Tangtang.

It stands to reason that although this is a round of qualifying at the level of one division, but with the strength of Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao, it should still be very easy to fight.

At least that's what Lin Feng thought at first.


After 32 minutes, the qualifying ends.

The emblem of "victory" appeared in the center of the game screen on the computer screen. Lin Feng, who won the first double row victory, was not too happy. The black Tang Bingyao asked:

"Tangtang, are you in a bad mood today?"


"It's not up to par."

***************************************************** *******************************

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After a match was over, Lin Feng's prestige and reputation in the e-sports club reached its peak, and almost all the members and students of the e-sports club praised a certain Human strength:

"The policewoman really has no one—"

"It feels even better than the two Olaf and the clockwork before!"

"If it wasn't for Lin Feng today, our e-sports team might still lose."

"Hey, if this is replaced by the original ADC of our e-sports team, it will definitely be useless—"

These words fell into the ears of Zhao Yang, the former ADC member of the team, which naturally made him blush but he was powerless to refute. He also played a round before himself, but it really didn't play much role at all, and He also saw the performance of Jingu Sakura's ADC Vayne, and after weighing it in his heart, he realized that if it was him, he might even be suppressed in the lane.

Not to mention the five-kill comeback in the Dalong team battle.

Among the members of the e-sports club, the happiest one is naturally Dou Zi.

"I said it earlier, Fengfeng's ADC is stable!"

As the president of the e-sports club, Dou Zi laughed in such a happy mood: "Fengfeng is all-around in all five positions! Looking back, the college leagues in those areas in Shanghai have started, we have Fengfeng in Shangcai, who are you doing?" It's all easy, hahahaha—"

Lin Feng felt nothing about such a compliment.

Today's match, for him, was purely because he was interested in the strength of the opponent's Japanese exchange students, so he made such a move.

Now the result also proves that this battle is not a loss, and there are still gains.

In his evaluation, those Japanese exchange students basically have the level of electric drill 2 points or higher, and their awareness and cooperation are even better. The other Miyamoto Sugito even has at least a super master or above Strength--

Oh yes.

There is also the Jingu Sakura who played a round of ADC against himself.

Lin Feng touched his chin subconsciously:

Although in terms of strength, the performance of that Jingong classmate Wei En is enough to make him feel a little surprised, but for some reason, he still has a very strange feeling:

that is……

This classmate Jingu seemed vaguely familiar to him.


Lin Feng, who has a rough personality, didn't think too much about it. After finishing the game in the Internet cafe, he and his roommates in dormitory 504 ate at the roadside stalls, and then went home and returned to school.

He didn't forget what he promised Tangtang yesterday.

Back in the dormitory, turned on the computer and logged in to Ionia, the national server of the League of Legends. Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and called Tang Bingyao:

"Hey, Tangtang."

"Where are you, come to the double row!"

Tang Bingyao on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a noisy environment, and quickly answered:

"Oh, okay, just wait for me, I'll be at the Internet cafe soon."

Although she has already arrived at the university, Tang Bingyao did not buy a good laptop to bring to the dormitory of the school. She usually plays League of Legends and goes to the Internet cafe more often, so those guests in the Internet cafe next to the outer gate Eyes full—

Almost every once in a while, you can see a pure ponytail girl with perfect looks and stunning temperament come over to turn on a machine to play games, playing League of Legends, and there is such a beautiful girl who is a diehard LOL player with them!

Tang Bingyao didn't care about receiving such amazing and admiring gazes. Anyway, she just played her own game. What's more, from today onwards, she can continue to play double row with Lin Feng. She was already very excited and happy .

Soon Tang Bingyao came to the Internet cafe, turned on a machine in the corner of the hall as usual, turned it on and logged in to the national service Dianyi, pulled Lin Feng and the two quickly started the first double row.

Because the current national server's strongest rank no longer accepts the duo mode and can only play solo, so at the moment Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao are only playing the trumpet of the 1st rank.

Of course, even if it's just a trumpet, the rank of drill 1 is scary enough.

Not to mention the Shangcai e-sports club on Lin Feng's side, even in the e-sports club of Shanghai International Studies University on Tang Bingyao's side, there are only one or two masters who can drill 1 stage in the e-one.

When it comes to the e-sports club, Tang Bingyao suddenly remembered when she was banned in the first game, and asked Lin Feng cautiously:

"Fengzi, are you going to play some e-sports club trials today?"

Tang Bingyao was really well-informed about this matter, because Su Xue's fans and water friends have built many chat groups for water friends, and Tang Bingyao has also been drawn into it. When Dou Zi happily shared the game that just ended in the group, he gave Lin Feng another blow.

Tang Bingyao didn't care much about the details of the match described by Dou Zi. Anyway, she knew Lin Feng's strength, so she had no doubt that as long as Lin Feng played, he would definitely win.

What really caught her attention right away...

It was the rival that Dou Zi casually mentioned——

A group of Japanese exchange students.

At that time, Tang Bingyao immediately thought of the Japanese girl named "Jingu" who was said to be very beautiful that Lin Feng had mentioned before, so now she only found an opportunity to carefully ask and test her.

Lin Feng did not doubt him, and readily nodded and admitted:

"Oh, yes."

"It was with the few new Japanese exchange students I mentioned to you before. They have a good level!"

"And that Japanese girl I told you about, Jingu Sakura, hey, Tangtang, let me tell you, Jingu-san's ADC is very good, she's not much worse than you!"

That's good, before Tang Bingyao took the initiative to ask, Lin Feng babbled all the information by himself first, and praised Jingu Sakura in words.

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips when she heard this, and felt a little sour in her heart:

"Oh, so..."

"Is that the pretty Japanese girl?"

The rough Lin Feng was a little puzzled:

"Hey, I mean, he's a good ADC, why is it related to his looks—"

But then someone thought about it, and nodded quite frankly:

"But he looks good too."

Tang Bingyao lowered her head unhappily, let out a muffled "oh" and then stopped talking. Although Lin Feng felt a little strange, he still didn't think about it at all. here we go.

Because it was to help Tang Bingyao to practice as a sparring partner, Lin Feng directly asked for the auxiliary position in the first game, and took an ADC female policewoman who was paired with Bron and Tangtang.

It stands to reason that although this is a one-stage qualifying round, with the strength of Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao, it should still be very easy to fight.

At least that's what Lin Feng thought at first.


After 32 minutes, the qualifying ends.

The emblem of "victory" appeared in the center of the game screen on the computer screen. Lin Feng, who won the first double row victory, was not too happy. The black Tang Bingyao asked:

"Tangtang, are you in a bad mood today?"


"It's not up to par."

***************************************************** *******************************

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