Rise From the Humble

Chapter 795: write it down in the notebook

  Chapter 795 is recorded in the notebook

  Because of the sentence "The youngest left home for the second time, the eldest married into a businessman's wife", the bear child was almost beaten to death by Marquis Linhuai, and the one who was beaten was crying out of breath.

After the bear child regained his freedom from the clutches of Linhuaihou, he trotted all the way back to his own room, pulled out a box from under the bed, opened the box and took out a small notebook, took out a carbon stick, filled with a bubble With tears, I wrote down my deep feeling in the small notebook:

  The fifth elder sister is a bad person, and caused me to become a "younger who left home as the second child, and the eldest married as a businessman's wife", and was almost beaten to death by my father.

  —One day when I was six years old.

  After the bear boy finished writing, he wiped away his tears, threw the small book into the box, closed the box, and put it back under the bed to hide.

  When the box is closed, you can see the words on the opened page of the small book:

The country bumpkin brother-in-law is a bad person, who made me recite "Although the turtle is thin, it still has some meat, let's cook the soup first, and then eat the meat", and "Children meet each other, ask the fat man who you are with a smile" are also harmed by the bumpkin brother-in-law , was beaten by my father.

  —A day in the spring of six years old.

Of course, if you open the little book of Xiongzi, you will find that this little book still records many things in a mess, such as "the fifth brother-in-law is a good person, he took me out to play, and bought me candied haws." A bamboo stick strung with a few circles instead; there is also "the fifth sister is the best sister, she gave me a lot of money" and so on. Generally speaking, this small book records the momentary insights of the bear. .

  God knows, the same person is written as a good person in a small book, and a bad person in a while. How will you distinguish between good and bad when you read it in the future?

   "Hehehe, Fifth Sister is so kind, Fifth Sister is the best sister in the world."

Ten minutes later, the bear raised his chubby face, his smiling eyes could hardly be found, and a chubby little boy was holding a fifty taels of silver bill tightly in his hand, and he was talking to a little milky boy who was having fun. Like a dog, hugging Li Shu's thigh, grinning happily and howling.

   Crazy like the earliest and most iron groupies.

  Every word and deed comes from the heart.

  As if he had forgotten that ten minutes ago, it was time for him to write that Fifth Sister was a bad person with tears in his eyes.

Today is the bear's birthday, and the bear has received many gifts. The old lady, the grandma, the second aunt, and others have given the bear a lot of gifts, such as hardcover "The Analects of Confucius", "University", "The Doctrine of the Mean", such as the famous inkstone, such as the howling wolf brush from the Northwest desert, such as a stack of top-quality snowflake paper, etc.

  When the bear child saw these gifts, his fat face was full of despair, just like a modern child who received a set of Huanggang real questions from an enthusiastic uncle on his birthday.

"Fifth Sister doesn't know what Brother Rui likes, so let's do it, you can buy whatever you like." Li Shu's gift was relatively simple and direct, and smiled and gave the bear boy a silver ticket with a denomination of fifty taels of silver. .

  A fifty-two denomination banknote directly ignited the joy and joy of the bear child

Not surprisingly, when he returns to his room, the bear boy will grin happily and write a sentence in his little book: "Sister Wu is a good person, she gave me fifty taels of silver to buy something I like. The fifth sister is the best sister in the world".

  Zhu Ping'an only found out about Xiongzi's birthday today, so he didn't prepare a gift in advance, so he had to write a word on the spot and give it to Xiongzi as a birthday present.

  A picture of flamboyant and phoenix dancing: "Although I am young, there are more and more articles; wait to see the 15th and 16th, and I will be admitted in one fell swoop."

   As a result, Zhu Ping'an's gift was despised by the brat for a long time.

   "Hmph, fifth sister, you are really blind to find such a stingy husband-in-law." Xiongzi reminded Li Shu in a low voice.

  Although it was a low voice, Zhu Ping'an was beside Li Shu, so he could hear it clearly.

  When Li Shu heard the words, she looked at Zhu Ping'an with watery eyes, and giggled non-stop while covering her small mouth.

   "Hey, Brother Rui, if you sell your brother-in-law's handwriting outside, it will cost more than fifty taels."

  After laughing, Li Shu said to the bear child with a smile.

   "Really? Hehe, fifth brother-in-law is also the best brother-in-law in the world"

  The little bear was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was full of joy. He carefully folded Zhu Ping'an's words and put them close to his body as if he had won the lottery.

   Didn't realize that this brat was still a money fan. Looking at the brat's money fan, Zhu Pingan twitched his lips speechlessly.

  "Sister Niuer, tell my brother what you want, whether it's candied haws or candy, I'll buy you anything." The bear patted his chest, clinging to little Lolita Niuniu, like a little upstart.

   In ancient times, birthdays were celebrated, although eating birthday cakes and singing birthday songs were not popular, but there were also wishes.

  The difference is that in ancient times, it was not to put candles on the cake and blow out candles to make a wish, but to light incense and make a wish in front of the idol.

The old lady personally took the bear's hand, helped to light three sticks of incense on the candle, then took the bear's hand and inserted it into the incense burner, and then left the bear to kneel on the futon in front of the statue make a wish.

   "Brother Rui, what wish do you wish for?"

  Seeing the bear child kneeling down on the futon and making a wish in a serious manner, the female family members in Linhuaihou's mansion couldn't help asking with a smile.

"Hehehe, Brother Rui must be making a wish. I wish the ancestors a long life and a long and healthy life. I wish the Lord Marquis a bright future and every step of the way. I wish the grandma stay young and all the best." He said with a smile, not only to please the old lady of Linhuaihou, but also to please Mrs. Linhuaihou, and even put money on his own son's face.

   "Hehehe, I guess, Brother Rui must have wished to be named on the gold list when he grows up, and to be a high-ranking official and ride a big horse"

  The Sixth Miss of Linhuai Hou giggled and joked.

  Others also laughed and made fun of the brat.

   "No, my wish is that when I grow up, I will bring all the women in the world home as wives." The bear child shook his head and said with a fat face.

   just finished

  The little bear shook his head again, "No, no, besides grandma. Hey, it's not right, besides my mother, my aunt, there are big sisters, second sisters, third sisters, fourth sisters, fifth sisters, and sixth sisters"

As he said that, regardless of the shocked crowd, the bear child ran to the statue again, knelt down solemnly, and made another wish, "When I grow up, I hope that in the future, besides grandma and mother , Aunt, Big Sister, Fifth Sister, and Sixth Sister are all women."

  The wish of the bear child is not fulfilled after all.

"Niezi, I will let you marry, I will let you be ignorant, I will let you marry and marry." Marquis of Linhuai Li Tingzhu's face was a hundred times darker than that in the morning, and he knelt in front of the statue and made a silent wish The brat was dragged over, pressed on the chair, and slapped the brat's **** again.


  The howling of the bear child can be heard several streets away.

  (end of this chapter)

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