Rise From the Humble

Chapter 794: Father's love is like a mountain, making crazy calls

  Chapter 794 Father's love is like a mountain, making crazy calls

  Xi'er and Yan'er's ambition lasted only a few minutes before they were woken up by several slaps from Mother Li and Mrs. Zhang. They are all from the old lady's room in Linhuaihou's mansion, they are second-class girls, but today the old lady failed to protect them.

   "Grandmother doesn't trust me, the granddaughter of a direct relative, but instead believes that the two servants will succeed?"

   Firstly, it was Xi'er and Yan'er who "admitted" that they broke the inkstone when they were sent to Ting Yuxuan, and secondly, it was Li Shu's words that completely dispelled the old lady's idea of ​​protecting the two girls.

A quarter of an hour later, the two ambitious girls, with red and swollen faces and red eyes from crying, were dispatched by the foreign affairs steward of the Marquis of Linhuai Mansion to a farm outside the city, where they continued their ambitions. , As for going back to the capital, don't even think about it.

  Their departure did not cause any ripples in the Linhuaihou Mansion.

  The Linhuaihou Mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, the servants and maids were full of joy, they were busy in an orderly manner, and the whole Hou Mansion was filled with joy.

  Today is the day when Marquis of Linhuai and Admiral Caojiang—Li Tingzhu returns to Beijing to report on his duties. Today he will stay at home for a day, and tomorrow he will go to the Ministry of War, Ministry of Officials, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate to report on his duties. When he returns to heaven, he will return to Yingtianfu to sit in the Zuowei Barracks of the Navy.

  About ten o'clock, Linhuaihou Li Tingzhu arrived at Linhuaihou's mansion.

  Zhu Pingan was at home because of the holiday, so he went with Li Shu to meet Li Tingzhu at the door with the old lady and others.

  Seeing Li Tingzhu for the first time, Zhu Pingan couldn't help touching his chin and pulling the corners of his mouth.

Li Tingzhu, the Marquis of Linhuai, served as the admiral of Caojiang and the left guard of the water army in Yingtian. After experiencing this kind of military life, theoretically speaking, shouldn’t he lose weight? Why is Li Hou Ye even fatter, with a double chin on his face? up.

  However, in the eyes of a hundred people, there are a hundred Marquis of Linhuai.

   "Son, why are you so thin? Why don't you take good care of yourself when you're away from home."

  The first time the old lady of Linhuaihou Mansion saw Li Tingzhu, the corners of her eyes covered with crow's feet turned red, and she almost burst into tears.

  Zhu Pingan was taken aback when he heard this.

  However, Mrs. Linhuaihou and many children of Linhuaihou are the same as the old lady of Linhuaihou. They all say that Linhuaihou has lost weight and suffered in the south, etc., and they can't stop asking for their health.

   "Is this still skinny?"

  A child's voice is very obvious in a group of booing and asking for warmth, just like the voice of "but he is not wearing any clothes" in the emperor's new clothes, it stands out from the crowd and stands out at once.

  Marquis Linhuai was still comforting the old lady with his mother's loving and filial piety, but when he heard the bear's voice, his face turned green on the spot.

  Who shouted?

Zhu Pingan and the others followed the voice, and saw the brat in the arms of Mrs. Linhuai Hou in the crowd, who was looking at the crowd with a fat face. The innocence on his face was all for his father. Ruthless attack.


  It seems that he was the one who issued the obviously questionable rhetorical question.

  Looking at the naive look of the bear child with a fat face, ignorant of the warmth of human relationships and the dangers of the world, Zhu Pingan could only ask for mercy and express his sympathy

   Sure enough, the next second, the bear child was ruthlessly suppressed by her aunt who stretched out her hands and pinched his fat face.

  Xiong’s aunt is his biological mother, but in ancient feudal society, children born to concubines could only call their regular wife their mother and their biological mother their aunt. Auntie is obviously suppressing the bear, but in fact she is protecting the bear, and she can suppress it with strength. If it is suppressed by Linhuai Hou or others, then it will be hard to say.

   "Wow. Obviously not thin?" The bear child is not afraid of power, even if his cheeks are pinched, he still insists on his point of view.

  So, the brat once again paid the price for his innocence.

Speaking of which, the bear boy was very happy today, because today is his birthday, and he usually receives a lot of presents on his birthday; in addition, he has memorized "The Puppet Book of Homecoming", even if it is " He could memorize such a difficult poem "Pipa Xing", thinking that his father Linhuaihou would be happy to hear it, and then he could take the opportunity to ask for more birthday presents.

   Never would have expected that Lao Tzu would be unfavorable the first time he saw him.

   "Ahem, child's words are wuji, children's words are wuji" Mrs. Linhuai Hou smiled awkwardly, helping the bear to smooth things over.

Under the eyes of everyone, you can't argue with your own son. Although Linhuai Hou's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, he still showed a generous and kind appearance, and stretched out his big palm fan to touch the little boy's face. .

   "Father, your hands hurt me." The bear raised his chubby face again, and said in a puzzled manner.

  Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Marquis Linhuai really wanted to slap this scoundrel to death, it hurts, I just used a little force.


  The bear child felt the "deep" love of his father.

  Marquis Linhuai returned to his mansion, and as soon as he sat down, before he even had time to take a sip of tea, he began to test Xiongzi's studies.

   "What have you learned these days when I was away on business?" Marquis Linhuai called Xiongzi to him and asked with a blank expression.

   "I learned "Disciple Regulations" and "Zengguang Xianwen" from Teacher Xixi, and "the bear child was like a mouse seeing a cat in front of Linhuaihou, and was frightened by Linhuaihou.

   "What else?!" Marquis Linhuai asked loudly.

  The bear shivered, "There are also "Three Hundred Tang Poems", um, and I also learned "Pipa Xing" from Master Xixi."

   "What are you doing so loudly? Look, Brother Rui is frightened." Mrs. Linhuaihou gave Linhuaihou a white look, and took the bear boy into her arms.

   "A loving mother often loses children!" Linhuaihou snorted.

"What do you mean by a loving mother and a loser? My brother Rui is very smart. Last time, "The Illustrated Book of Homecoming", Brother Rui has already memorized it fluently, and he can recite it backwards. Isn't it Brother Rui?" Mrs. Linhuaihou He touched the bear's little head, it was very loving.

   "It's not good to do it backwards, but it's okay to do it forward." The bear boy shook his head, and then nodded vigorously. His small fat face was full of confidence and high spirits.

   "Hmph, let me see how you are all right." Marquis Linhuai snorted and said to the bear boy.

   "Just memorize it." The bear child took a step forward, and with a flick of his fat face, he was about to start memorizing it.

   "If you can't memorize it, it's up to me to deal with you." Marquis Linhuai couldn't understand the bear boy's appearance, so he added in a deep voice.

   Originally, Xiongzi was pretty good, but after hearing Linhuaihou's voice, thinking of the days when he was dominated by Linhuaihou's slap, he subconsciously became timid.

   "Brother Rui, you recited very well yesterday, don't be afraid, just recite it to your uncle." Li Shu thoughtfully encouraged the bear boy.

  Hmph, of course, unlike you, who still memorizes the second child from home. After listening to Li Shu's words, the bear child regained his confidence.

   "Back it up." Marquis Linhuai urged impatiently.

  The brat who had just regained his confidence, was urged by Linhuaihou's voice, his mind went blank, but Linhuaihou was urging him seriously and impatiently.

  So, under the urging of Linhuaihou, the bear child subconsciously opened his mouth and said: "Young and Xiao leave home and the second is back."

   "Second boy?!" Lin Huaihou almost threw the teacup in his hand after hearing this, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he asked angrily, "Where's the boss?!"

   "Boss married as a businessman's wife?" Xiongzi said subconsciously with his frightened head in a daze.

"What a boss who married a businessman, you really recited a good poem." Linhuai Hou growled, and felt that the bear boy said that the boss married a businessman was the same as the last time he laughed and asked the fat man who you are. It was mocking him.

  You can’t memorize such a simple poem? !

  Okay, you won’t say that you are lazy, ignorant, but ask the fat man who you are, and what the **** is this boss who married a businessman?

  If you hadn’t arranged your father and me in this way before, how could you subconsciously recite it? !

  Sarcasing Lao Tzu for being fat at the door, I want to clean you up at the door? !

   As a result, you used a businessman's wife to arrange Lao Tzu again? !

   It seems that I can't do without cleaning you up.

  So, in a rage, Marquis Linhuai pulled the bear boy onto his lap, stretched out a bear-like palm and slapped wildly.

  The bear child screamed, and the old lady of Linhuaihou, and the lady's beloved darling yelled heartily, trying to stop Linhuaihou.

   "Don't stop me, woo woo woo, wait until I grow up!"

   Yo huh? !

   Don’t stop them? !

   Still waiting for you to grow up? !

   What are you doing when you grow up? Do you want to avenge me? !

   "You bastard! If it's against you, pay it back! When you grow up, what do you want to do?!" Linhuai Hou was about to run away in a fit of anger.

   "When I grow up, I will give birth to a son, and then beat him hard! Don't stop you." The bear child cried and cried.

  (end of this chapter)

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