Rise From the Humble

Chapter 748: shocked

  Chapter 748 was scared

Originally, Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhang and others who were on the side were startled when they saw Zhu Pingan catching up and handing over the test book. They couldn't believe their eyes. They were stunned and stood there with their mouths open. .

  The expressions were exactly the same as those of the two officials in Zhu Ping'an's room just now.

  They all knew about Zhu Ping'an, they knew that Zhu Ping'an had gone to inspect the Taicang Bank, and they hadn't been in Wuyi Hall Sizhi for the past two days.

  Zhu Ping'an was not in Wuyi Hall all day today, and they saw Zhu Ping'an coming in from the outside and passing by them just now with less than a cup of tea.

  So it was only at that time that Zhu Pingan knew about today's contribution to the imperial reading of the article, but he finished writing the article in less than a cup of tea? !

   Are you kidding me? !

This is too fast, even faster than Cao Zhi's seven-step poem. Cao Zhi only wrote a few lines of poems, so how many words are there, but this is an article dedicated to Emperor Jiajing. More than ten times as many poems.

  At this point in time, Mr. Zhang just closed the chapter, and only wrote four concluding sentences. You, Zhu Pingan, actually finished the entire article!

   a time

   Surprised, they were dumbfounded.

   It was only after hearing Eunuch Li's words that they took a breath and recovered from the shock. Let me just say, how could he, Zhu Pingan, write so fast? It turned out that he just wrote an excerpt to ask for an audience with the Holy Majesty. That's it, there's no difficulty at all, no need for literary ideas or anything.

  After hearing that they were asking for an interview, Master Wang, Master Zhang and the others looked at Zhu Pingan amusedly. They watched Li Chenghua, the censor of Zhejiang Province, be sent out in the morning.

  Based on Eunuch Li’s meaning, it seems that Zhu Ping’an had asked Eunuch Li to submit a request for a meeting just now, but Eunuch Li rejected it.

   Unexpectedly, Zhu Ping'an wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of their submission of the article, and wanted to borrow the donkey from the slope.

  If Eunuch Li was not stupid, he would definitely not agree.

Ha ha

  Look, it was rejected again.

  Eunuch Li is right, today is indeed not the day to ask to see the Holy Majesty, you should take back your notebook, and when the Holy Majesty reads our article and feels better, you can then submit the notebook to ask to see the Holy Majesty.

  But to their surprise, things were not as they thought.

  Zhu Ping'an was like a brat who couldn't breathe, he didn't listen to the persuasion to take back the notebook, but shook his head and refused.

"Your father-in-law just told you well, how can Ping An not know what is good and what is bad. However, what Ping An submitted this time is not a note to ask to see the Holy Majesty, but to hear that the Holy Majesty is in a bad mood today. Although Ping An is not talented, but as a minister, he can do something. It is the responsibility of the Holy Majesty to share the worries, so I wrote a special article, and please send it to the Yongshou Palace for imperial reading."

  Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Zhu Pingan stretched out his hand and lightly blocked the booklet that Eunuch Li handed over, then shook his head with a slight smile, and explained softly.

and many more? !

  What did he just say, what he just handed to Eunuch Li was the title book of today's article, not the notebook? !

  Master Wang and the others opened their mouths wide in surprise when they heard the words, and their jaws almost fell to the ground with a bang.

  Exam book? !

  Master Wang, Master Zhang and the others looked at the "zhezi" in Eunuch Li's hand belatedly, and took a closer look. What kind of "zhezi" is this? It is clearly the question book.

   To see the Holy Master, you need to use a notebook.

  You need to use the title book when submitting green poems, articles, etc. These are two completely different official documents, and the covers are different. The difference is very big, and you can tell it at a glance.

   Eunuch Li reached out and handed Zhu Pingan the title book.

Mr. Zhang's eyes popped out when he saw Zhu Ping'an's title book. He felt the deepest. At the end, Zhu Ping'an passed by him and went back to the office room. The whole article is written!

   "Huh? Is this an article?"

Eunuch Li looked down at the "folder" in his hand in disbelief, then opened his eyes wide in an instant, as if he had seen a ghost, his hands trembled, and he almost couldn't hold it firmly. It's okay, why is it a question book?

  Everything happened so unexpectedly and suddenly, Eunuch Li doubted his life.

   No way.

  He has been working in the Wuyi Palace today. Since he got the task in the morning, the officials in the Wuyi Palace basically spent the morning conceiving and drafting, and only in the afternoon did people hand in the titles of the articles for imperial review.

  Even the earliest ones were submitted by noon. There is no one who writes so fast like Zhu Ping'an.

   It’s just a cup of tea, and you’re done writing? !

  You write articles faster and easier than drinking tea? !

Eunuch Li also studied and learned to read and write in the inner school. They don't know much about stereotyped articles, but they understand that they are not good at poetry, songs, and Fu Sui, but they can do them. They have never seen anyone write articles like Zhu Pingan is so fast.

  That's why Eunuch Li was so surprised that he couldn't believe it.


  Could it be that Zhu Ping'an lied to me and deliberately wrote "seeking to see the Holy Majesty" in the question book in order to ask to see the Holy Majesty? !

   It takes less than a cup of tea, can you finish writing the article? It's almost the same to write a more than a hundred words to ask for an interview, and Zhu Ping'an just wrote the script for asking to see the Holy One, and now it's just a copy, which is simpler.

  The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

   No way, I can't be fooled by him using this kind of stealing method, and hand it over to him foolishly, if I'm found out, I can't afford to go around.

  So, Eunuch Li looked up at Zhu Pingan, then lowered his head, opened the book in his hand, and took a look.

   Didn't read what Zhu Ping'an wrote carefully, but just glanced at the title example, word count, etc. in a hurry.

   Damn it!

   It’s really an article!

  It looks like more than 300 words, which is not very long, but for general green words and articles, this number of words is enough.

  Although I didn't read Zhu Ping'an's article carefully, I vaguely saw a lot of "Buddha" and "Tao", which are the topics of today's article.

  Seeing Eunuch Li’s doubtful expression and his action of quickly opening the question book to check, Master Wang, Master Zhang and the others immediately thought of the possibility of Zhu Pingan using the question book to write the request to see the Holy Master, and felt that this possibility was very high.

  But what Eunuch Li said in the next second, they couldn't believe their ears.

"Master Zhu is really fast. He finished writing the article in such a short time, which really opened the eyes of the miscellaneous family. Master Zhu is so fast, so the miscellaneous family can't be hindered, right, so I will send these five copies of the title book together. Go to Yongshou Palace."

After Eunuch Li recovered from the shock, he smiled slightly, put Zhu Ping'an's book together with Mr. Wang's and his four's book, said something to Zhu Ping'an and the others, and then turned to the direction of Yongshou Palace and go.

   "It's time to thank you, father-in-law." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and thanked him.

  At this time, Master Wang, Master Zhang and others recovered from the shock, and hurriedly bowed their hands to Eunuch Li's back to express their thanks.

  (end of this chapter)

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