Rise From the Humble

Chapter 747: Mistake again

  Chapter 747 One mistake after another

  In the eyes of the two officials in the room, Zhu Ping'an's article "Kneeling Before the Buddha for Three Thousand Years" is like the opposite in ancient times.

   It's completely off topic, and it's not just a normal off topic, it's gone.

  If they wanted to use this to attract the attention of Emperor Jiajing, then they could only say that Zhu Ping'an was kind.

After only reading this sentence, they no longer have the interest to look down, and there is no need to look down at all. Just based on the sentence "kneeling before the Buddha for three thousand years", they already know that Zhu Pingan's dedication The end of the article, which pot does not open which pot to mention, there is no other way but a crushing defeat.

   This is not to attract the attention of the Holy One, it is clearly to sprinkle salt and stab the knife to the wound of the Holy One.

  I still want to use this to attract the attention of the Holy One, so go ahead and dream.

Young people have to suffer a lot before they can gain wisdom. This time, let him hit the south wall once. This kind of labor pain is also an indispensable experience in the growth process of young people, and only the hard pain last time , in order to remember the lessons learned, so as not to commit the same crime again in the future.

  Let him go.

   It's still my own business that matters.

   After reading this sentence, the two officials bowed their heads and smiled, three parts were speechless, three parts were gloating, and four parts were watching from the sidelines.

  Zhu Ping'an was still concentrating on splashing ink, and did not notice the changes in the expressions of the two officials. Of course, even if he noticed, Zhu Ping'an would not be affected.

  Dip in ink, hang your wrist, move your pen...

  From the first word, except for dipping in ink, Zhu Ping'an's pen never stopped.

  Even though the two officials in the same room had conceived a good idea and made a draft, they still couldn’t avoid scrutiny at the end.

  When the two officials in the room had painstakingly considered and deliberated, and only wrote three or four sentences, they heard another sound from Zhu Ping'an next to them.

  The slight buzzing sound when the inkstone is put back to its original place, and the slight vibration caused by the brush hanging on the pen stand


Ha ha

  After hearing the sound of the pen, ink, paper and inkstone returning to their place, the two officials were startled for a moment, and then they couldn't help but twitched their lips and smiled.

  Zhu Ping’an couldn’t continue writing, so he gave up.

  Hehe, it’s still considered that he has a little self-knowledge, knowing that things can’t be done, and giving up in time, this can be regarded as self-knowledge, and it’s not hopeless.

However, before the smiles at the corners of the two officials' mouths were completely separated, they heard another whirr. The sound of blowing ink gently, and they couldn't help being startled. They gave up and gave up. Why are they still blowing ink with their mouths? ?

   This is an occasional situation when writing brush characters. In order to make the ink dry faster after writing, someone will blow the ink with their mouth to make the ink dry faster.

   After being stunned for a moment, the two officials couldn't help but raised their heads again, looking towards the source of the sound.


   Involuntarily opened his mouth wide again.

In their line of sight, Zhu Pingan bowed his head and dried the ink on the test book, and was closing the test book. At this moment, they saw that the test book that was about to be closed had been neatly written. Because the question book was closed soon, they couldn't see the specific text of the question book clearly, but it seemed to have four to five hundred words. Judging from the number of words in the format, it was completely finished.

   Finished so soon? !

   Isn't it? !

  The two officials were completely stunned. I’ve been writing for a day, and it’s only now that I’ve finished writing. I’ve only written three sentences. You’ve finished writing this article? ! How many hands have you grown, and you write too fast...

  But after thinking of Zhu Pingan's first sentence "Kneeling before the Buddha for three thousand years", the two officials' moods improved a little.

  You write fast, but you misunderstand the meaning of the question, so what if you write fast!

  Since you are in such a hurry to hit the south wall, then go for it.

  Young man

   Still too impatient.

   Shaking their heads, the two officials lowered their heads and continued to create.

When Zhu Pingan closed the title book, Mr. Zhang, who was waiting for the three officials outside, also finished writing, and the four of them took the written title book together and walked to the little **** in Wuyi Xun Sizhi, and they all wrote the book together. Transferred to Yongshou Palace Royal View.

   "Eunuch Li, please also forward our inscription to Yongshou Palace Yulan."

  The leader, Mr. Wang, handed the title books of the four of them to the little **** in Wuyi Xun Sizhi, and slipped a silver coin into the little eunuch's sleeve.

   "It's easy to say, easy to say...Master Wang, you can rest assured and leave it to the miscellaneous family." Eunuch Li took the test book, felt the weight of the silver in his sleeve, narrowed his eyes with a smile on his face, and answered it in one gulp.

   "Then I will thank Eunuch Li." Lord Wang, Lord Zhang and the other four thanked each other repeatedly.

"My lords, please be polite. This is the job of the miscellaneous family. Haha, well, I will not say much about the miscellaneous family. I will send the inscriptions of your lords to Yongshou Palace for Imperial Reading." Eunuch Li smiled and waited for Mr. Wang. The man cupped his hands, and amidst the thank-you sound from Mr. Wang and the others, he turned around and was about to walk out of Wuyi Village.

   Just as Eunuch Li turned around, he heard Zhu Ping'an's voice behind him, "Eunuch, please wait a moment, please send the safe ones to Yongshou Palace Royal View."

   "Master Zhu?"

  Eunuch Li turned around and saw Zhu Pingan walking quickly, he couldn't help being stunned.

   "Hehe, sorry to bother you, Eunuch."

  Zhu Pingan walked up quickly, smiled and handed a booklet to Eunuch Li, and slipped a piece of silver into Eunuch Li's sleeve without a sound.

  This Eunuch Li is the little **** who just rejected Zhu Ping'an's request to see the book.

  At this moment, when Eunuch Li saw that it was Zhu Ping'an, his expression changed slightly. Although the money in his sleeve was heavy, the book in his hand was even heavier than Mount Tai.

As he just explained to Zhu Ping'an, Emperor Jiajing was in a very bad mood today. In the morning, Li Chenghua, the censor of Zhejiang Province, asked Chen officials to investigate five things, but they were all stopped outside the second gate. The Dugong fell silent.

  At this moment, Eunuch Li has ten thousand Cao Nima in his heart. Hey, what about my Master Zhu, what are you doing? Didn’t I explain the stakes to you just now? !

"Ahem, Mr. Zhu, didn't this miscellaneous family tell you just now that the Holy Majesty has no intention of summoning the officials today. If Mr. Zhu has something to ask to see the Holy Majesty, you should hand in the paperwork another day." Eunuch Li's face was a little unhappy, but For the sake of money, he patiently explained to Zhu Pingan.

   As he spoke, Eunuch Li was about to return the question book that Zhu Pingan had handed over to Zhu Pingan.

   Didn't look carefully at the test book that Zhu Ping'an handed over, subconsciously took the test book that Zhu Ping'an handed over as the one he handed over last time, asking to see Emperor Jiajing.

  (end of this chapter)

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