Rise From the Humble

Chapter 532: What's the difference between not pretending and salted fish

  Chapter 532 What is the difference between not pretending to be aggressive and salted fish

"Unworthy grandson Zhu Ping'an/granddaughter-in-law Li Shu, works by the heavens, inherited the land, followed the orders of the parents, and communicated with the go-betweens, the Qin and Jin Dynasties have been completed, and they are one family. They respect each other like guests; they have children and inherit the family. Fate; Prosperous family, Guangzong Yaozu. The heaven and the earth are blessed, and the ancestors know."

In the ancestral hall of the Zhu family, Zhu Pingan and Li Shu stood in front of the ancestral tablet and read out the "Confession", then inserted the lit incense into the incense burner in front of the ancestral tablet, then stepped back three steps and stood still, joined hands and bowed, kneeling salute the ancestral tablets.

   This is a necessary procedure to inform the ancestors about the marriage and ask for their blessings.

  When Zhu Pingan was saluting with Li Shu, the grandmother, eldest aunt, third aunt, and fourth younger aunt were waiting outside the ancestral hall. In the ancestral hall, besides Zhu Pingan and Li Shu, there were old master Zhu and uncle Zhu Shouren standing beside them.

  Just now Zhu Pingan and Li Shu entered the old house and met their grandmother and eldest aunt. After Zhu Pingan introduced the elders to Li Shu, the grandmother told Zhu Pingan that Mr. Zhu and his uncle Zhu Shouren were in the ancestral hall at the moment. Because the uncle Zhu Shouren was about to go to Yingtian Mansion to take part in the children's test, according to the custom, before going far away or before any important event, he would go to the ancestral hall to worship and inform the ancestors, so as to seek the protection of the ancestors.

Zhu Pingan brought Li Shu to the old house. Apart from bringing Li Shu to see Mr. Zhu and other Zhu parents, another purpose was to come to the ancestral hall to inform the ancestors about their marriage and seek their blessings. This is also a must for wedding customs. program.

  So, after hearing the news that his grandfather and uncle were in the ancestral hall, Zhu Pingan told his grandmother and the others, and brought Li Shu to the ancestral hall. When we arrived at the ancestral hall, my grandfather and uncle had just finished worshiping their ancestors and wanted to go back.

  Uncle is wearing a brand-new round collar with large sleeves and straight embroidered at the moment. He has a refined and dignified demeanor. He is not embarrassed to see Zhu Ping'an, as if the one day he ran away to seek family property and was beaten with a stick by Mr. Zhu never happened. Grandpa was aggressive that day, but now he is peaceful.

  Grandma and the others also came along, but their female relatives are not allowed to enter the ancestral hall, except that they can come in once when they are newly married, and then they cannot enter the ancestral hall casually.

  After Zhu Ping'an and the others saluted the ancestral tablet, everyone returned to the old house together. After arriving at the old house, they returned to the main room of the old house. Mr. Zhu and Mrs. Zhu sat on chairs and accepted tea from Li Shu.

  When Li Shu and the others went to the ancestral hall, the girls who stayed in the old house had already boiled water and made tea.

   "Grandfather, please have some tea."

  Li Shu first offered the scented tea to Mr. Zhu with both hands. A small tea tray held a cup of scented tea. There were two red dates and lotus seeds in the scented tea, which meant to make a precious son.


  Mr. Zhu looked at Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu who were kneeling in front of him, with a smile on his face, he was very pleased, and said hello twice. His grandson, Zhu Pingan, is less than fifteen years old, and he is already the No. 1 scholar of the Ming Dynasty, and he is already a sixth-rank official. He will have a bright future in the future. Smoke is rising from the ancestral grave. Going out now, who doesn't say that he has a good grandson. The grandson's daughter-in-law, Li Shu, is the daughter of a wealthy family. She is good-looking, and she is filial and sensible in housekeeping. Her reputation has spread throughout the town. She will definitely be a good wife in the future.

However, after receiving the tea from his granddaughter-in-law Li Shu, Mr. Zhu couldn't help but feel a burst of regret in his heart, and he couldn't help but think of the past. Hey, if at the beginning, if the second child's family hadn't been brought together early Just split it out.

   "Grandma, please use tea." Li Shufu took another cup of fragrant tea with both hands, and handed it to Mrs. Zhu.

   "Well, good." Mrs. Zhu said simply.

   After serving the tea, Mrs. Zhu, on behalf of Mr. Zhu, gave Li Shu a red envelope wrapped in red paper.

   "Granddaughter-in-law, thank you grandfather and grandmother."

  Li Shu took the red envelope, thanked her very sweetly with her small mouth, and smiled like a flower on her face. Of course, I don't know what to think in my heart. After all, I know the red envelope as soon as I get it, and it doesn't exceed ten copper coins.

Generally speaking, after drinking the tea offered by the new daughter-in-law, the elders will give some things from the bottom of the box as a meeting gift. It is still rare for Mrs. Zhu to use copper coins as a meeting gift. After all, every household will have some things from the bottom of the box. For things, the Zhu family's old house has more heritage than ordinary houses in the village, and there is no shortage of things in the bottom of the box.

  After serving tea to Mr. Zhu and Mrs. Zhu, Zhu Ping'an and Li Shu got up, and then offered tea to the uncle and the others in turn. After receiving the tea, everyone said a few words of congratulations on the newlyweds, except for the uncle.

   "He's married and will be an adult from now on. From now on, he has to take responsibility for how he behaves."

Uncle Zhu Shouren was wearing a brand-new long-sleeved round neck tie. After receiving the tea, he scratched the lid of the tea twice, took a sip, and put it on the table. Lure.

   "I would like to follow the teachings of my uncle." Zhu Ping'an slightly arched his hands.

   "Yeah." Uncle Zhu Shouren stroked his beard and nodded, looking like an elder.

   After toasting the tea, everyone chatted a few more words, and then the topic naturally came to the matter of the uncle going to Yingtianfu for the exam.

   "This time I'm going to take the Tianfu courtyard test, everything is ready, just wait for me to enter the arena to test my skills, and then I can get everything I need."

  The uncle Zhu Shouren walked for two steps with his hands behind his back, stroked his beard, smiled confidently, and looked confident, very demeanor.

  What is the difference between not pretending to be forceful and salted fish? ! Uncle Zhu Shouren fully verified this truth.


  Looking at the posture of his uncle Zhu Shouren being struck by lightning, Zhu Ping'an didn't know what to say. Speaking of his uncle's words, he must have heard it several times. I remember the last time I participated in the Tongsheng Examination, I heard similar words from my uncle in Changting, and I probably heard it several times on other occasions.

   "The nephew hereby wish the uncle the title of the gold list, a successful start." Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth and said something against his will.

  Actually, Zhu Ping’an is still not optimistic about his uncle, not for no reason, but because he went to Yingtianfu with his uncle last time to rush for the exam.

  Imperial examinations and going to Yingtian to rush for the exams are more like a kind of public travel for the uncle. The family spends money and saves food and money to save enough money for the uncle. The uncle used these entanglements stained with the blood and sweat of the family, but he was very romantic, happy and romantic.

  Hehe, it seems that the last time I went to the exam with my uncle, it took dozens of days, and I never saw my uncle read a book or prepared for an exam, not even once. On the contrary, I often see my uncle go out to drink, go to a banquet with this or that, to join in the show, to condolences to the misfits of this era, and to fight for the wind and get jealous. The day before the exam, the uncle did not forget to condolences to the girl who lost her foot

   "It seems that I have full confidence in my uncle." Uncle Zhu Shouren stroked his beard and looked at Zhu Ping'an, and nodded in satisfaction.

   Oh, let me go, your eyes can see that I have full confidence in you, Zhu Ping'an was speechless for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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