Rise From the Humble

Chapter 531: The old house where chickens fly and dogs jump

  Chapter 531 The old house where chickens fly and dogs jump

  The Zhu family’s old house is a courtyard with an earth-wood structure. In Xiahe Village, where the thatched adobe houses are the mainstay, it is still acceptable. However, the walls and wooden doors have also experienced years of erosion, and several walls have peeled off, and the paint on the doors has also faded.

   Jifeigouju couldn't shut it down, and came out in a burst of noise.

Before reaching the door, Zhu Pingan heard a sound of chickens and dogs squeezed out from the crack of the door. The familiar voice, the familiar formula, and the familiar taste. When the family was not separated, he grew up with this kind of hustle and bustle. big. Listening to this voice now, I can no longer be familiar with it.

"Sister-in-law, you have to leave a few taels of silver for the family. You have been taken away by the elder brother. Our whole family drinks northwest wind." The voice of the fourth aunt came from the yard, "Sister-in-law, you Say no."

"The old four family is right, sister-in-law, May is the busy time of farming, and there are many places to spend money at home. Repairing farm tools, purchasing rice seeds, germination, and transplanting rice seedlings all cost money." Said the fourth aunt. After finishing, Third Aunt's voice also came out.

In ancient times, sons were preferred over daughters. In the past, because they could not give birth to a son, and their mother’s family was not as good as the fourth aunt, the third aunt did not have the confidence to speak at home. Since the third aunt gave birth to a son, the third aunt has also stood up in the old house. , talking more than before.

"Okay, stop yelling, the boss is going to rush for the exam, and he is doing it for our old Zhu family. The poor family has a rich road, Yingtian Mansion is so far away, and the boss is going to catch the exam and he is not familiar with the place, so don't bring more money Just do it."

  Grandmother's voice followed closely, and it was obvious that the grandmother's voice was eccentric and protective of the uncle.


There was a burst of laughter from the little fourth aunt inside the door, and then the little fourth aunt's drawn out voice, "Mother~~~ Brother, how many times have you been to Yingtian Mansion, you can go to Yingtian with your eyes closed, where is it?" It’s still unfamiliar.”

"Fourth family, what do you mean by that?" The eldest aunt blew up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and she heard the voice of the little fourth aunt. The inside and outside of the words were not about my man's exam Did you pass the exam so many times? What do you know, how can the imperial examination be so easy! You let the fourth child take the exam, and you will never be able to pass the Tongsheng 1

   "Hey, why is sister-in-law so angry, did I say something wrong?"

The little fourth aunt covered her little mouth with her little hand, and took two steps back, pretending to be weak, but her voice was full of confidence, even fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "Don't scare me, I'm afraid Little, it’s okay to frighten me, but it’s not good to frighten our old Zhu family.”

As she said that, the fourth aunt deliberately shy and showed her pregnant belly, and rubbed her waist showing off, "Oh, no, my back is so sore, I need to rest, this little **** came out , but I have to clean him up and tidy him up, which makes me very tired. My symptoms are the same as those of my second sister-in-law who is pregnant with a pig. In the future, I will also let my Da Zhuang study and take the first prize, and learn from his brother pig."

The fourth aunt knew she was pregnant when Zhu Ping'an won the first prize and the government delivered the good news, so she gave the child in her belly the name Zhu Dazhuang, of course the first name was Zhu Pingzhuang, the child of Pingzi's generation, and the nickname Big and strong.

  For the little fourth aunt's contrived appearance, the eldest aunt hated it, why pretend, who hasn't been pregnant before.

   "Don't say a few words, the boss's exam is important, even if you sell everything you can, you can't miss the boss's exam." The grandmother said without doubt, expressing her determination to support the uncle in rushing for the exam.

"Smashing pots and selling iron? How can it be used? Isn't Jun's daughter-in-law's family rich? Just a silk and satin shop earns a hundred and eighty taels of silver every year. She hasn't done much work since she got married. The elder brother's exam is such a big thing. Jun The daughter-in-law's family will distribute some money to help the eldest brother." Sitting on the chair, the fourth aunt rolled her eyes and looked at Zhu Pingjun's wife beside her and said.

   Well, yes, Jun’s daughter-in-law’s family is rich, while Yue’s family is still a scholar. When the fourth aunt said, everyone turned their attention to Zhu Pingjun’s daughter-in-law.

   "Ah, what my aunt said so lightly, my family's money didn't come from the strong wind, and besides, the water splashed by the married daughter-in-law." The handsome daughter-in-law rolled her eyes upwards, and she spoke cleanly.

   "They are all in-laws, what's the matter with helping out?" The fourth aunt retorted.

  For a while, if you say something, I will answer it, if you grab it, I will choke it, and there is a lot of chaos in the yard.


  The sound of opening the door awakened the aunt and the others, who were immersed in the rhetoric, and the aunt turned her eyes to the door.

  In the eyes of everyone, Zhu Pingan led Li Shu to open the door and entered the old house, followed by four little maids with large and small bags of pastries and gifts.

   "Yeah, I'm here with my daughter-in-law. Look at you. Come here, what else do you bring?"

The little fourth aunt was the first to realize that she just said that her back was sore and rested, but now she can see a little bit of backache and backache. She has a big belly for several months, and she doesn't look clumsy at all. Before she could react, the fourth aunt had already walked in front of Zhu Ping'an and the others with a swish, and in the blink of an eye.

The little fourth aunt is still the same little fourth aunt back then, just like the airport security inspector, before the four little maids could close their dumbfounded mouths, the little fourth aunt here has already carefully checked the big and small bags of pastries and gifts in their hands. Checked all over.

   "Yeah, mother, mother, this white one is bird's nest, oh my, I haven't eaten bird's nest yet."

   "I can't bear to eat such a beautiful pastry."

   "It's such a beautiful cloth, it looks like it's woven from the clouds in the sky, it feels so good to the touch, there are so many bolts of cloth."

   "So much meat."

  My fourth aunt just let out a groan when she checked one, and she groaned when she saw something, for fear that others would not know it.

Ha ha

  Zhu Pingan looked at the little fourth aunt who was being checked, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, the familiar little fourth aunt.

   Following the fourth aunt came over was the grandmother, who also came over after the fourth aunt bluffed two things, then the third aunt and the handsome daughter-in-law.

   "This is our grandmother." Zhu Pingan introduced his family to Li Shu.

   "Grandmother is good." Li Shu greeted her grandmother with a smile. The cherry mouth was sweet, and her demeanor was dignified and elegant.

   "This is the eldest aunt, this is the third aunt, this is the fourth aunt, um... this is Brother Jun's sister-in-law."

  Zhu Pingan introduced everyone who was in the courtyard to Li Shu one by one. Li Shu also became a qualified daughter-in-law.

  (end of this chapter)

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