Rise From the Humble

Chapter 502: What a beauty snake

  Chapter 502 What a beautiful snake

   Qingming has been raining for days, and I can see the spring marks on the magpie's nest.

   Mingyue still invites me to meet you at night.

The moonlight is perfect today, the exquisite silver moon is like a sentimental girl, caressing the lonely island, letting wisps of soft moonlight penetrate into the woods, mountains and streams, sprinkled on every piece of land on the island, and the surroundings are illuminated brightly .

  The creek under the moonlight, the clear and soothing stream glows with silver light, flowing slowly, trembling slightly like a shy girl, making it even more charming and lovely.

   Ding Dong, Ding Dong

   Hurrah, huh, huh

  Under the soft and bright moonlight, Zhu Pingan was sitting behind a stone by the stream with a vine in his mouth. Hearing the sound of water rushing in the stream behind the stone, he felt hotter and hotter all over his body. In fact, the night on the island is not quiet. From time to time, there will be unknown animal roars and birdsong, but it is very strange, but the sound of rushing water behind the stones can clearly reach Zhu Ping'an's ears, which is very strange and unreasonable , but the fact is.

  Zhu Ping'an didn't sleep at night, what did he do by the stream? Could it be that poetry is flourishing? Still bored and can't sleep?

  No, if there is no special reason, Zhu Pingan would not come here to blow the wind and enjoy the moon. He is not so artistic.

   "Hello?" A female voice, like a lark, sounded suddenly behind the stone, and then Li Shu's pretty face, which couldn't conceal her natural beauty, poked out from behind the stone.


  Zhu Ping'an didn't look back, but lazily replied with a vine in his mouth.

   "I'm checking if you have peeked!" Li Shu raised her voice righteously, puffed her cheeks and looked at the back of Zhu Ping'an's head, and nodded, "Well, good, you didn't peek."

   "Boring." Zhu Pingan spat out the weeds in his mouth, shook his head, still didn't look back, and then continued, "Since you don't trust me, then I'll just go back to the cave, and save you from worrying."

   "No way" Li Shu's pretty face was flushed, and she rejected Zhu Ping'an's proposal, "Didn't you hear the screams of the wild beasts around you? If you leave, what should I do if Hua'er and I are eaten by wild beasts?"


   A roar of a beast came at the right time.

   "Listen, how terrifying." Li Shu looked at the place where the roar of the beast came from in the distance, trembling with fear, her voice trembled a little.

   "Isn't there still a painting with you?" Zhu Pingan stood on the spot and spread his hands.

"The wild beasts came out at night. Hua'er, that stupid girl, would roll her eyes and faint in fear. I'm a weak woman and I don't have much strength. A wild beast will definitely eat us both." Li Shu forcefully shook his head.

   "Then you come to wash during the day." Zhu Pingan shook his head, "It's much safer than at night."

"Daytime? You have a good idea! No, the daytime is so bright, if you hide somewhere to peek, don't Hua'er and I want to take advantage of you?" Li Shu looked at the back of Zhu Ping'an's head with contempt , shaking his head again and again.

   "Then don't wash it." Zhu Ping'an was a little speechless.

   "How can I do that?" Li Shu looked disgusted, as if not taking a bath was the cruelest punishment in the world for her.

  Since she came to the island, Li Shu hasn't taken a bath yet, this is simply torture for her. Today I couldn't bear it any longer, so I pulled the little maid who couldn't help it together to take a bath at night, but the roars from the surroundings made Li Shu and the little maid fearful, lest they would jump out while taking a bath A big white tiger with a hanging forehead swallowed them, and they had to drag Zhu Pingan, the only boy on the island, to protect him and take a bath.

   Uh, well, it’s all about cleanliness.

   "Miss, come down quickly, the water here is so comfortable." The voice of Baozi's little maid came from the stream, and the voice was full of comfort and satisfaction.

   "Here we come, here we come" Li Shu turned her head and responded, then turned her head and raised her voice to Zhu Pingan with her little tiger teeth showing, "You are not allowed to peek!"

  Then, the sound of small footsteps from near to far reached Zhu Ping'an's ears clearly, followed by the sound of entering the water, and then the sound of rushing water came over.

   Hurrah, huh, huh.

   This is the voice of two girls slapping water, unlike the voice of a girl slapping water just now, so Zhu Pingan was not surprised when Li Shu suddenly spoke to check behind the stone. If one person touches the water, there must be another girl who has not entered the water.

It's a strange feeling. Hearing the sound of Li Shu taking a bath, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but picture her playing in the water. It may sound abstract, but imaginary pictures come to Zhu Pingan's mind from time to time. Creamy fragrant shoulders, exquisite and embossed figure, white and tender waist without a trace of fat

  Perhaps, this is just wishful thinking.

  Zhu Ping'an sat on the grass with his back against the stone, looking at the intertwined wild flowers under his feet, and counting the petals of the wild flowers.


  The moonlight is surprisingly bright tonight. Under the bright moonlight, even the petals of small wild flowers can be clearly counted.

While Zhu Pingan was counting the petals, the two girls who were taking a bath behind the stone began to play in the water. The sound of coquettish laughter, frolics, and occasional screams of embarrassment mixed with the sound of water penetrated into Zhu Pingan's ears. , following the plucking of Zhu Ping'an's heartstrings, he played a melody, which boiled the blood and heated the body.

  See no injustice, hear no injustice, speak not inappropriate, and do not move inappropriate.

  Once and egg

   It's all because the night is too alluring

  Confucius also said that food and **** are also sexual.

In a very short period of time, Zhu Pingan found several reasons for himself to turn his head. Listening to the sound of playfulness and gurgling water, Zhu Pingan, who was thirsty, was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in his heart, um, "look" Still "don't watch", the two sides come and go, fighting each other. When the fierce battle is in full swing, the "watch" camp suddenly comes with reinforcements one after another, and then the "don't watch" camp is defeated steadily, and finally becomes A massacre by the "watch" camp.

   Just as the outcome of Zhu Pingan’s ideological struggle was decided and the curtain came to an end, a girl’s scream came from behind the stone

   "Ah, there is a snake." Li Shu's scream suddenly sounded in the creek.

   Then, the shriek of Baozi's little maid followed closely behind, thump, thump, and the sound of water.

  There are snakes!

  Zhu Ping'an quickly turned his half-turned head, and then ran from behind the stone to the creek without thinking.

  In the creek, Li Shu and Baozi's maidservant screamed, and ran out of the water in panic, running towards Zhu Ping'an.


   Sure enough, there is a snake

   What a beauty snake

  Zhu Pingan looked at Li Shu, who was running in the front, and felt his eyes bloodshot after just one glance, and the two eyeballs seemed uncontrollably trying to pop out of his sockets and stick to her body.

  In the past, Zhu Ping'an didn't quite understand the word "natural beauty"

  Now, Zhu Pingan knows what a natural stunner is, or a stunner among stunners.

  (end of this chapter)

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