Rise From the Humble

Chapter 501: The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, I can't bear to leave

  Chapter 501 The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, I can't bear to leave

  Starting tomorrow, be a happy person; feed horses, chop firewood, and travel around the world;

  From tomorrow, I will care about food and vegetables; I have a house facing the sea, where spring flowers are blooming.

   Haizi's dream at the beginning has now become Zhu Ping'an's life. Except for not feeding horses and traveling around the world, the rest has become Zhu Ping's current life. There is a cave facing the sea. The inside and outside of the cave are decorated with flowers and plants, and a winding path is paved with cobblestones outside the cave, creating a mansion facing the sea. Now it is spring and flowers are blooming.

Vegetables, wild fruits, fish and shrimp are collected every day. In addition to eating that day, Zhu Ping'an, Li Shu and Hua'er together string the surplus fish and shrimp with vines and hang them outside the cave, drying them into dried fish And dried shrimp, as a reserve grain.

  Chopping firewood is also essential.

  It has been three days on the island, and the three of Zhu Pingan have almost adapted to life on the island. When trying to adapt to life on the island, Zhu Pingan has never given up calling for help and saving himself.

Zhu Pingan believes that there will definitely be search and rescue ships outside looking for the three of them. Even if Linhuai Hou gives up, I believe that Li Shu's family and his own family will not give up. The Li family has enough financial strength to search and rescue. At that time, Emperor Jiajing suspended the sea ban again, which just provided an opportunity.

  If there is a ship to search and rescue, how can people pay attention to this island, how can people know that the three of them are on this island? This is a homework to be completed. The sea is vast, and there are countless islands, and many islands are not small in size. Even if there are hundreds of ships and hundreds of people scattered on the sea, searching and rescuing the three of them is no better than finding a needle in a haystack.

  So, the key is to let the search and rescue people outside pay attention to this island.

  It is completely useless to put out SOS and the like on the beach. Is there any GPS, Beidou or helicopter here, and the boats outside can’t see it at all.

  In order to solve this problem, Zhu Pingan thought of the ancient beacon towers. The beacon towers were an important medium for alarming and transmitting military information in ancient times. There is nothing better than beacons on this island to convey messages.

Zhu Pingan built a one-meter-high beacon tower with stones in the open space outside the cave, and then stockpiled a lot of firewood, some of which were picked up by Li Shu and Baozi’s maid, and some were chopped down by Zhu Ping’an with a simple stone axe. .

  Damp firewood and damp vines are piled into the beacon tower during the day to generate thick black smoke; at night, drier firewood is piled into the beacon tower to generate bright fire.

  I believe that if there is a boat nearby, be careful, and you can see the fireworks on this island no matter night or day.

  In addition, Zhu Pingan also jokingly appointed Li Shu as the head coach of Beacon Tower, and the little maid named Baozi as deputy head of Beacon Tower.

   The little maid of Baozi was bouncing excitedly, while Li Shu rolled her eyes in disdain.

  In addition to actively preparing to call for help, Zhu Pingan also worked hard to save himself while sitting. Simply put, he was making a raft.

  This is a little difficult. Zhu Pingan's self-made stone ax is quite inferior, and it is very difficult to cut down trees. Zhu Pingan found the tree trunks picked up on the island to be too weak after tapping and inspecting them. It would be quite dangerous to put them in the sea.

  In Li Shu's eyes, this kind of island life is still a lot of fun.

When making fish soup by himself, Zhu Ping'an would often help out, add fire, make a joke, such as the joke Zhu Ping'an said the day before yesterday, every time Li Shu thought of it, she would laugh in her heart and then blame, burn Qin boiled cranes spoiled the scenery.

  When making fish soup the day before yesterday, Zhu Pingan was staring at the pot in a daze, and even laughed at him that his eyeballs fell into the pot. Then, he raised his head and looked at himself in a daze for a while, and said a joke, Li Shu still remembers the scene clearly:

   "They are chatting in the pot, don't you hear it?" Zhu Pingan said, pointing to the tumbling fish soup in Gu Gu's pot.

   "How can they talk." I curled my lips and rolled my eyes.

   "Listen, the fish said in the pot, 'I keep my eyes open all the time so that I won't let you go'." Zhu Pingan looked up at himself and said.

   "What nonsense are you talking about?" My heart was beating so fast at that time.

  "The fish said, um, listen, the water also spoke, and the water said to the fish, 'I've been flowing tirelessly all day long to surround you and hug you well'."

At that time, when I heard Zhu Pingan looking at me and saying these words, my heart almost jumped out. At that time, my face was red, and I was a little at a loss when I was nervous. I thought it was this piece of wood. When the toad said about the pot and said, "It's almost ripe and still so stubborn", I really wanted to throw this stinky toad into the pot and stew it

   Goofy, wood! ! It's really burning pianos and cooking cranes, it's a big spoiler!

  However, it is quite interesting to think about it later.

  Actually, in the past few days on the island, there are many, many interesting things like this. For example, go to the west of the island with the stinky toad to catch birds, pick up bird eggs, catch lobsters, and pick up crabs.

The birds on this island are very stupid. The stinky toad said it was the reason for the sea ban. Because of the sea ban, there has been no one on this island for a long time. It must have been more than a hundred years. No one hunts here, and there are no birds here. I have seen people, so they are not afraid of people at all, and they are easy to catch.

   There are a lot of seabirds here, in groups, covering the sky and making them uncountable, with black feathers and white heads. Fortunately, they don't look good, otherwise I wouldn't have the heart to eat them. However, although the seabirds are not good-looking, they are delicious but delicious.

  Every time, the stinky toad asked himself and Hua'er to stand aside with grass seeds in their hands to lure the birds, and then the stinky toad quickly started to catch the birds. It would be three or five times out of ten.

   "Don't be weird, little bird, you are a dish in the world. Go early this year and come early next year."

  I didn't dare to do it myself, and it was often the stinky toad to deal with it. Every time Zhu Pingan dealt with the bird, he would say something like this.

There are a lot of seabirds here, and there are also a lot of bird eggs. It was discovered by the stinky toad. On the sunny beach, there are some protruding sand dunes. If you dig it, you can pick up several bird eggs. If you pick up half of the bird eggs in a nest, you can find them every time. I found dozens of bird eggs.

When the sea water ebbs, Zhu Ping'an will take himself and Hua'er to the beach to pick up crabs. The crabs here are very big, and sometimes we can even pick up lobsters. The lobsters here are very fat. Once I picked up a lobster It's as big as a duck.

  Sometimes, I even think that it is a happy thing for three people to live a lifetime on such an island.

  Sometimes, looking at the beacon tower that burns smoke during the day and burns at night, Li Shu has the idea of ​​destroying it several times.

  Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, I can’t bear to leave

  (end of this chapter)

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