Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1823: incredible

  Chapter 1823 Unbelievable

  As the Zhejiang Army galloped on horseback and ran desperately towards the East Gate, their uniform shouts of "General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, and the East Gate is advancing to support the Japanese pirates!" were heard by more and more soldiers with good ears.


  General Wang has defected to the enemy?! Are Japanese pirates entering the city?!

  These two earth-shattering news were more terrifying than the other, causing panic and confusion on the city wall.

   "Bastard! What time is it? You're still chattering and making noise in the city. Next time, you'll be treated according to military law!"

  Shang Zhifu saw the chaos on the city wall, his face turned dark all of a sudden, and he cursed at the noisy place.

  However, after Shang Zhifu scolded him, he felt that the scene was even more chaotic, and there were still many middle and low-level officers who left their posts without authorization and came to him.

   "Nonsense! What time is it, and you still think about flattery!" Shang Zhifu's face turned darker, thinking that these officers came to make friends with him and flatter him, he couldn't help being furious.

  Can I not be angry, this group of clinging people, how good it is to use this clinging energy to defend the city, so that I can worry less.

  However, what surprised Shang Zhifu was that these flatterers were really stubborn. They even came here after losing their temper like this.

   "It is tolerable, which one is unbearable, you are so simple."

  Prefect Shang only halfway through the reprimand was interrupted by what he saw as flattering and clinging to the powerful.

   "Fu Zun, Fu Zun, it's not good, the big thing is not good" the middle and low-level officers reported in a panic.

   "That's right, for you, it's really not good, the big thing is not good." Prefect Shang glared.

   One of you is one, and none of you can escape. I will make people write it down. When the war here is over, I will settle accounts with you one by one. I want to make friends with you. I will send you one by one far away!

The mid-level and low-ranking officers who squeezed over were stunned for a moment, and realized belatedly. The lord probably misunderstood them, and shook his head helplessly with a wry smile. The Zhejiang army coming at a gallop shouted, 'General Wang has defected to the enemy, and the Japanese invaders from the east gate'."


  Shangzhifu couldn't help staggering when he heard this. If the soldiers beside him hadn't helped him in time, Shangzhifu would have fallen to the ground.

   "You said that the Zhejiang Army is shouting 'General Wang has defected to the enemy, and the Japanese pirates entered the city at the east gate'?! Is it true or not?!"

  Shang Zhifu shook off the support of his own soldiers, walked up to the middle and low-level officers who reported, and asked in disbelief.

   "Yes, Mr. Fu, many people with good ears have heard it, and we have all vaguely heard "surrender to the enemy" and "Japanese pirates". There should be no mistake."

  The middle and low-level officers reported back.

"What do you mean there should be no mistakes?! That is to say, there may be mistakes?! Is this something that can be ambiguous?! What if the Zhejiang Army shouted not 'General Wang has defected to the enemy', but 'General Li has surrendered' What about "surrender to the enemy"?! What if the Zhejiang army shouted not "the Japanese pirates entering the city at the east gate" but "the Japanese pirates are chasing me"?!"

  For a while, Shang Zhifu could hardly accept the news that "General Wang has defected to the enemy, and the Japanese pirates entered the city at the east gate", unbelievable, or unwilling to believe it.

  People have preconceived subconsciousness. Shangzhifu saw with his own eyes that General Wang returned triumphantly by holding down the Japanese pirate captives and pulling the captured armor and weapons. Shangzhifu also personally identified and confirmed that General Wang was fine.

  However, now someone heard the Zhejiang army shouting "General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, and the Japanese pirates entered the city at the east gate"!

  One is returning in triumph, and the other is defecting to the enemy!

   These are two completely opposite situations. For Suzhou City, one is exciting news, and the other is terrible news!

  Anyone is willing to believe the good news and find it difficult to accept the bad news. This is human nature, and Shang Zhifu is no exception.

  In his heart, he was more willing to believe that General Wang had returned in triumph, and he was unwilling to accept the fact that General Wang defected to the enemy and deceived the family. What's more, he had carefully identified it himself, and there was no problem with General Wang's triumphant return.

Not to mention that it is not sure whether the Zhe army shouted "General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, and the Japanese pirates entered the city at the east gate." Is it a Japanese pirate? !

"Uh, because there are quite a few people with good ears who have repeatedly confirmed that what they heard was 'General Wang has defected to the enemy, and the Japanese pirates entered the city at the east gate'. Comparing the two sides, there should be nothing wrong." The middle and low-ranking officers whispered explained.

   also said it should!

  Soldiers, life and death are a major matter, how can you use the ambiguous word "should"? !

  Just as Shangzhifu was about to go on a rampage, he suddenly heard the Zhe army shouting at the top of his lungs, what surrendered to the enemy, what Japanese pirates, etc., and then Shangzhifu couldn't help but thumped in his heart.

   "My lord, the Zhejiang army seems to be really shouting, 'General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, and the Japanese pirates who entered the city at the east gate', I heard it."

   This is what a soldier behind Shang Zhifu said weakly.

Shang Zhifu turned his head, and the guard behind him shrank his neck, but straightened his chest quickly, and nodded again for confirmation, "That's right, my lord, what I heard is 'General Wang has defected to the enemy, and the east gate has entered. The city's Japanese pirates'".

   "Yes, my lord, I heard the same." Another soldier echoed.

Shang Zhifu's face immediately turned pale. These two soldiers came from his hometown, and they were distant descendants of the clan. They were loyal to him and would never deceive him about this kind of thing. These two soldiers used to be hunters. , hearing better than the average person.

   That is to say, the Zhejiang army is really shouting "General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, and the Japanese pirates who entered the city at the east gate" are really shouting.

   This is troublesome!

  Why did the Zhejiang army shout "General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, and the Japanese pirates entered the city at the east gate"? ! This is no child's play. Does Zihou have any evidence in his hand? ! You can't slander people's innocence out of thin air, and call a general who returned triumphantly a traitor who surrendered to the enemy, right? !

  Shang Zhifu was in a state of confusion, as if he had been struck by lightning, his brain was in a state of confusion.

   "I heard it, I heard it, the Zhejiang Army is really shouting 'General Wang has surrendered to the enemy, the Japanese pirates who entered the city at the east gate'."

  As the Zhejiang Army got closer and closer, more soldiers on the city wall heard what the Zhejiang Army was saying, and it was as if a pot exploded on the city wall.

   "General Wang actually surrendered to the Japanese pirates?! He also recognized the thief as his father and helped the Japanese pirates to open the city gate?!"

   "That means the Japanese pirates are entering the city now?! Isn't it? The Japanese pirates have already entered the city?!"

"How to do how to do?"

   "Hurry up, General Wang, no, arrest the traitor Wang."

   "How can the Zhejiang army say that our general has surrendered to the enemy?! Did they see it with their own eyes?! They are far to the south at the Fengqiao camp. How can they determine that our general has surrendered to the enemy?! Isn't this a frame-up!"

  (end of this chapter)

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