Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1824: Seeking wealth and insurance

  Chapter 1824 Seeking Wealth and Insurance

  The shouting of the Zhe army threw all the soldiers on the city wall into chaos. Did General Wang return in triumph, or did he lure Japanese pirates into the city? ! Is the Zhejiang army inspiring, or is it fabricated and framed? ! Which one is true? !

  In fact, not only the soldiers were in confusion, but Shang Zhifu and the accompanying officials were also in confusion.

   "Fu Zun, if General Wang has already surrendered to the Japanese pirates, then it is the Japanese pirates who are entering the city now! Should we order that General Wang and the people who have already entered the city be controlled to prevent accidents?"

  An official said in a panic, trembling all over, and suggested to Shang Zhifu to immediately control General Wang and his party.

"No, Fu Zun, we can't act recklessly. Now it's just one-sided words of the Zhejiang Army. If General Wang is framed, wouldn't it make the meritorious soldiers bleed, sweat and cry, and chill the hearts of other soldiers. At present, the Japanese army is overwhelming , we can't let the soldiers be alienated from their virtues."

   Soon some officials put forward different opinions, disagreeing to immediately control General Wang and his party, so as not to frame good people and chill the hearts of the guards.

   "This won't work, and that won't work, so what should I do now?" The neutral official spread his hands helplessly.

  So, all the officials looked at Shang Zhifu, "Fu Zun, what should I do at this moment?"

   "What you said makes sense. At present, it is only a one-sided statement of the Zhejiang Army. You can't jump to a conclusion based on one-sided words. It controlled General Wang and his party and chilled the soldiers." Shang Zhifu looked at the conservative officials and said slowly.

   "But Fu Zun, in case what the Zhejun said is true." The other official became anxious.

"Of course, what you said is also reasonable. If General Wang has surrendered to the Japanese pirates and lured them into the city, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if it is just in case, for the sake of hundreds of thousands of people in the city, we cannot just sit back and watch this happen." Shang The prefect looked at the officials of this faction again, and continued to speak.

  The officials of the two factions were a little stunned, Mr. Fu, are you leaving this here and this here? ! What is the difference between saying this and not saying it? !

  Aren’t you and muddy? !

   But the question is, is now the time to get muddy? If you believe in the Zhejiang Army, you must quickly control General Wang and his party, otherwise something bad will happen; if you don’t believe in the Zhejiang Army, then you must appease General Wang and his party to reassure the army.

  You are the ruler of Suzhou Prefecture, you have to come up with countermeasures.

When the officials of the two factions were slandering in their hearts, Shang Zhifu issued an order, "To achieve the best of both worlds, prepare hot soup and hot meals as soon as possible, and invite General Wang and his party who have entered the city to remove their armor and weapons, and stand in the open space outside the city gate." Enjoy, and order two thousand elites to protect General Wang and his party with full armor, so that General Wang and his party can enjoy hot soup and hot meals with peace of mind."

"As for the soldiers outside the city who have not yet entered the city, I also ask them not to enter the city for the time being. Since the Zhe army has objections, they might as well wait until the objections are resolved before entering the city. True gold is not afraid of fire. The clean will clear itself, and the white will not be black. General Wang and his party are definitely not afraid of confrontation, for the hundreds of thousands of people in the city, I think General Wang and the others will understand."

  After Shang Zhifu issued the order, all the officials were stunned for a moment, and then they all gave their thumbs up for Shang Zhifu.

   Powerful, powerful, Fu Zun deserves to be Fu Zun, unexpectedly came up with such a golden mean that has the best of both worlds.

  Ordering General Wang and his party to remove their armor and weapons, enjoy hot dishes and hot soup, and send two thousand elites to protect them. It is not only to appease General Wang and his party, but also to monitor General Wang and his party. Compared with directly controlling General Wang and his party, there is more room for maneuver.

  If what the Zhejiang army said is true, there are two thousand elites sitting on the sidelines, the Japanese pirates who have removed their armor and weapons are nothing to worry about.

  If what the Zhejiang army said is not true, then it can be explained.

  As for the soldiers outside the city who have not yet entered the city, don’t enter the city yet, and wait to confront the Zhejiang army and resolve the misunderstanding before entering the city.

In this way, if what the Zhejiang army said is true, then the risk will be kept out of the city; if what the Zhejiang army said is not true, then the responsibility can be shifted to the Zhejiang army. It is the Zhejiang army who said that you are Japanese pirates of.

  Suddenly, Shang Zhifu issued an order, and a group of officials and soldiers actively carried it out. The lieutenant general mobilized two thousand elite soldiers to go down the city wall to protect General Wang and his party who had already entered the city. enjoy.

  While the officials and soldiers in the city were actively carrying out the orders of Shang Zhifu, the Japanese pirates pretending to be the Ming army outside the city also made moves.

  In fact, Xu Hai and other Japanese pirates under the city heard the shouts of the Zhejiang Army almost at the same time as the generals in the city. At first, only the Japanese pirates with sharp ears heard them, and soon more and more Japanese pirates heard the shouts of the Zhejiang Army.

   Nearly 40% of the Japanese pirates under Xu Hai's command are real Japanese, and 60% are local fake Japanese. The real Japanese can't understand, but the fake Japanese can understand.

  Xu Hai, a native of the Ming Dynasty, naturally understood it.

   Moreover, Xu Hai's hearing is not bad. Although he failed to hear the Zhejiang Army's shouting at the first time, he also heard the Zhejiang Army's shouting at the second time.

  After hearing the Zhe Jun shouting, Xu Hai couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Damn Zhu Pingan, how did he guess the truth? ! This damned little thief came to ruin my good deeds again, I really wish I could tear him to pieces!

  As soon as he heard the Zhejiang army shouting, Xu Hai almost gave an order to remove the disguise and change from swindling the city to seizing the city.

  However, Xu Hai quickly suppressed this idea.

   Too late!

The speed of the Zhejiang army is too fast, and they can rush to the east gate at the latest at the time of tea. At this time, there are only more than 800 Japanese pirates entering the city, and the city gate is not fully opened. Completely moved away, only four people can enter the city gate at a time.

  When it was time for a cup of tea, Xu Hai was not sure that he would be able to seize the city gate and control the Suzhou prefect and other officials on the city.

  Due to the influence of the Zhejiang army, the prefect of Suzhou did not go down the city wall to greet General Wang, which led to his plan to capture the thief first and capture the king aborted.

  If officials such as the prefect of Suzhou cannot be controlled immediately, the Ming army in the city will resist endlessly under their command.

  In addition, the Ming army knew that reinforcements from the Zhejiang army outside the city would arrive soon, and their belief in resistance would be infinitely strengthened.

  These will hinder the Japanese pirates from seizing the city gate.

   After Xu Hai pondered, he suppressed this thought.

   As for the idea of ​​withdrawing troops, Xu Hai immediately passed it.

  Half of them are in the city. It took so long to enter the city, and it will not be fast to leave the city. Moreover, once they withdraw their troops, it will confirm the Zhe army's propaganda in disguise. The Ming army in the city will definitely not sit back and watch them withdraw their troops safely.

   Moreover, the cavalry of the Zhejiang Army are heading here, and their Japanese pirates can't run a four-legged horse with two legs.

  Once they withdraw their troops, they will soon be overtaken by the cavalry of the Zhejiang army. If the Ming army in the city comes out to support them, then they will be in danger. You must know that Xu Hai only brought 2,000 people on this trip to defraud the city.

  Now I can only seek wealth and danger, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains of tigers.

  Anyway, Xu Hai can be sure that Zhu Pingan has no evidence and everything is just his guess.

   If you insist on this point, you can make a fuss. As long as they enter the city, they will close the city gate as soon as possible, and shut the Zhejiang army out of the city gate. Two thousand elite Japanese pirates are enough to deal with the defenders on the city and control the city gate.

  At the same time, the signal was sent out to call on the Japanese army to attack the east gate.

   In field battles, Xu Hai has ten thousand chances of crushing the Zhejiang army, which relies heavily on firearms. Then everything is under his control.

  (end of this chapter)

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