Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1723: Divide the pot

  Chapter 1723 Divide the Pot

  From the beginning to the end, it was only a few breaths, but the situation on the scene has been turned upside down.

  A few breaths ago, more than 160 ferocious Japanese pirates were still controlling thunder and lightning on the battlefield, hacking up Zhao Wenhua and his party, crying their fathers and mothers, hanging their lives by a thread, killing Zhao Wenhua and others in minutes;

  However, after a few breaths, they became dead dogs on the ground, and only a few Japanese pirates could still groan before dying.

  The battlefield was full of gunpowder smoke, and Zhao Wenhua, who was lying on the ground, raised his head from the ground like a tortoise. He was choked by the gunpowder smoke on the battlefield, squinted his eyes, and saw the corpses of Japanese pirates lying on the ground through the firelight.

   "Is this the end for the Japanese pirates?"

  Even if he saw it, Zhao Wenhua couldn't believe it. These fierce Japanese pirates, who made him ashamed and desperate, were all killed in the blink of an eye.

   "Yes, my lord, the Japanese pirates are finished." Hu Zongxian's voice sounded in his ears, and the voice was a bit unbelievable.

   As he spoke, Hu Zongxian threw the shield in his hand aside, spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm, and got up from the ground.

   Then, Hu Zongxian bent down and stretched out his hands to help Zhao Wenhua get up, but after Zhao Wenhua relaxed for the rest of his life, he felt weak and had no strength to stand up, so Hu Zongxian didn't help him up for a while.

  At this time, a figure also came over from the pungent gunpowder smoke, and stretched out his hands to assist Hu Zongxian to help Zhao Wenhua up.

   After helping Zhao Wenhua up, this person cupped his hands and pleaded guilty, "Your Majesty Zhu Ping'an came too late to rescue him, please forgive me, Mr. Zhao."

   It was Zhu Pingan.

"Not too late, not too late, Zihou, you didn't come too late, this time thanks to you leading your troops here in time, and cleverly pretending to be the reinforcements of the Japanese pirates, you caught the Japanese pirates by surprise and saved our lives, otherwise I My life is over. I transferred you here before offering sacrifices to the sea. I originally wanted to give you a benefit of qualifications to assist in the sacrifices to the sea. I dropped the word 'generation', but I didn't expect this action to save my life, it's really unpredictable."

"If Zihou hadn't arrived in time, my life would have been over. I still have tens of thousands in my tent behind me. No, the memorials I wrote in the past few nights, and the most important thing is the imperial decree issued by the Holy Majesty. If Falling into the hands of Japanese pirates, the impact is unimaginable. It is really the wisest decision I have made to transfer you here before the sea sacrifice begins."

  Zhao Wenhua took Zhu Pingan's hand, patted it again and again with emotion, and said to Zhu Pingan very intimately.

   "Thank you Master Zhu for saving your life." Hu Zongxian also said.

   "Master Zhao and Mr. Hu are serious. This is a matter for the lower officials. I also want to thank Master Zhao for giving me the opportunity to participate in the sea sacrifice."

  Zhu Pingan bowed his hands modestly, took the opportunity to get rid of Zhao Wenhua's hand, and got goosebumps all over his body after being patted.

   I'm really not used to the ancients' way of showing intimacy. I really don't know how Guan Zhang Zhuge tolerated Liu Huangshu's feet and fell asleep.

"Oh, I regret not listening to Zihou's words yesterday evening, otherwise why would there be today." Zhao Wenhua looked at the fire in all directions, and heard the screams and screams coming from all around. He didn't know how many camps were burned and how many people died At this point, he couldn't help but shook his head with a sigh, and said regretfully.

   "Your Excellency is in charge of the affairs of offering sacrifices to the sea, taking care of all kinds of opportunities every day. It is impossible to consider all aspects and every detail. It is the lower officials who neglected their duties and failed to pay attention to Master Zhu's warning, which led to today's catastrophe."

  Hu Zongxian took the initiative to take the responsibility on himself, vying to blame Zhao Wenhua.

   "No, I am the imperial envoy of Jihai, presiding over Jihai. If there is a problem with Jihai, how can I stay out of it. This is my responsibility."

  Zhao Wenhua shook his head and said with a sense of responsibility.

"No, my lord presided over the sacrifice to the sea. The presider dispatched more than 10,000 elite soldiers, including Lord Zhu, to the sacrificial offering site for safety. He also mobilized tens of thousands of heavy troops in the east, south, and north directions, which is enough to ensure that the sacrifice to the sea is safe. "Your Excellency's decision-making and arrangements are definitely not a problem, but the leaders and generals below led the troops ineffectively, betrayed the trust of the adults, and failed to fulfill their responsibilities. The Japanese pirates mainly attacked the Chinese army, and the lower officials commanded the Chinese army. It is also hard to escape the blame."

  Hu Zongxian argued with reason.

"Meilin, I have noticed your performance. You are already vigilant enough. After the Japanese pirates broke into the Chinese army, you organized a personal guard battalion to resist the main force of the Japanese pirates. When Zihou leads the troops to rescue, you have no merit." Zhao Wenhua shook his head, patted Hu Zongxian on the shoulder, and said affirmatively.

"If you want to talk about responsibility, hmph, I think Yu Dayou, Tang Kekuan, He Qing, and Shen Xiyi are the ones to blame. They led heavy and elite troops to sit on the outskirts of the sacrifice site, but the Japanese pirates easily broke into the central army; a small group of Japanese pirates attacked their barracks , but it caused chaos in the camp, and it has not been able to clean up the chaos until now."

   Then, Zhao Wenhua snorted, and put the blame on Yu Dayou, Tang Kekuan and others.

  Zhu Ping'an was speechless when he saw this. The same camp was invaded by Japanese pirates.

  If I hadn't led my troops here in time, there would be Hu Zongxian, who has done nothing wrong, and you have both died

"Master Zhao, when the lower officials came with their troops, the vice commander of Jianghuai, Marquis Linhuai, also wiped out the Japanese pirates who attacked his Jianghuai camp. After division of labor, I led the troops to rescue the Lord, and he led the troops to rescue the people. .”

  Zhu Ping'an made remarks and credits to Marquis Linhuai at Zhao Wenhua's place, so as to prevent Marquis Linhuai from being kept accountable by Zhao Wenhua.

   "Shan, your uncles and nephews are all meritorious people." Zhao Wenhua nodded after hearing this, and verbally praised Linhuaihou.

   "Report, my son, after inspection, there are still eight Japanese pirates who are still alive. May I ask how to deal with these eight pirates?"

  At this time, Liu Dadao stepped forward to report.

   "Kill them, don't kill them, why not keep them for the New Year?" Zhao Wenhua said after hearing this, gnashing his teeth.

  The Japanese pirates almost asked for his name. He hated the Japanese pirates very much at this time. Hearing that there were still Japanese pirates alive, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and ordered.

"Master Zhao, although dead pirates are good pirates, don't rush to kill them. After the interrogation, find out who sent these pirates, etc., and then kill them." Zhu Pingan hastily He reminded me aloud.

"Yes, Zihou is right. While they are still alive, they should be interrogated quickly separately. There is no need to condone the Japanese pirates. What kind of torture is it? Meat and vegetables are not taboo, just use heavy handed interrogation. The interrogation is clear, yes Who sent them, for what purpose, and whether there are any accomplices."

  After hearing Zhu Ping'an's words, Zhao Wenhua suddenly realized, took back what he had just said, and ordered the surviving Japanese pirates to be tortured and interrogated.

  (end of this chapter)

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