Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1722: The iron cannon is slow to reload, and I have the advantage

  Chapter 1722 The iron cannon is slow to reload, and I have the advantage

  After a round of intensive and neat gunshots, the Japanese pirates in front fell down a large area like cutting wheat.

   Some died on the spot, and some were seriously injured and dying. The screams and angry squawks resounded through the sky.

  Of course, it was unavoidable that a few unlucky Ming soldiers were shot. After all, guns have no eyes, so it is impossible to distinguish who is a pirate and who is one of them.

Although Zhu Pingan yelled in Chinese before firing, and the soldiers gave the scene about 2 seconds to react, and although Hu Zongxian also judged in time and loudly ordered the soldiers to get down, there were still many Ming soldiers who did not react, or because they were fighting He fought fiercely with the Japanese pirates, and did not lie on the ground in the first place.

   Fortunately, there were Japanese pirates blocking the front of the Ming army, and the Japanese pirates became the meat shields of the Ming army. As a result, not many people were shot by the Ming army, only three or four unlucky ones, and none of them were fatal.

  Comparatively speaking, the losses of the Japanese pirates were much more severe. At least forty or fifty Japanese pirates fell to the ground.

   Direct staff reduction by one-third.

Koji Nakamura was lucky. When the gunshot rang out, he killed the guards of the Ming army at the front, and was at the rear of the range. Moreover, there was a Japanese pirate behind him who blocked a shot for him, and survived the round of gunshots. .

Although Koji Nakamura survived, seeing the 40 or 50 Japanese pirates who fell to the ground and screamed, he couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of old blood, and veins like earthworms burst out on his face. He gritted his teeth and roared, "Baga! Lu! The despicable, cunning, insidious and shameless Ming army, die!"

He led one hundred and sixty-eight Japanese pirates to attack the camp of the Chinese army, murdered and set fire to them, pierced the Chinese army, and kept the imperial envoys of the Ming army in this square inch. Only nine people.

  However, the group of insidious, cunning, shameless, immoral, lowly and stealthy Ming troops behind them killed forty or fifty brothers in the blink of an eye, which directly reduced our army by as much as one-third!

  Koji Nakamura was angry not only that one-third of the staff had been reduced, but that one-third of the people had died. The reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty came again. His plot to capture and kill the imperial envoy of the Ming Dynasty, **** the imperial decree, and destroy the sea of ​​sacrifice failed!

  The plan to become famous and take advantage of the momentum has failed!

  How to make him not angry!

  At this moment, he wished he could swallow this gang of insidious and cunning Ming troops alive! To relieve the hatred in his heart!

   "The iron cannon reloads ammunition slowly, and it will take at least 30 breaths to fire the next round. Take this opportunity, rush over and kill this group of despicable, insidious and cunning Ming soldiers! Let them pay the price with blood and lives!"

Although Koji Nakamura was furious, he was not swallowed by his anger. He immediately thought of the shortcomings of the iron cannon (the Japanese called the firecracker as the iron cannon) to reload ammunition slowly and take a long time. After firing once, it takes at least 30 breaths to reload the ammunition.

  Now this group of Ming reinforcements is only more than ten meters away. We don’t need 30 breaths, only five or six breaths are enough for us to rush to the Ming people.

  Believe that as long as we rush in front of them, we can tear them apart! I have the advantage!

  So Nakamura Koji waved the Japanese sword decisively, and ordered loudly to the surviving Japanese pirates under his command.

   "Die, die, die!"

   About one hundred Japanese pirates, led by Koji Nakamura, rushed towards Zhu Pingan and others angrily.

  Seeing the Japanese pirates rushing over, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help laughing. He was worried that they would jump over the wall and kill the surviving Chinese army.

   "Change the gun and continue firing!" Zhu Pingan ordered immediately.

Then, Koji Nakamura, who was charging, looked desperately at the insidious Ming army who was close at hand. He left the firecrackers in their hands on the ground, took out another firecracker from his waist, and aimed again at the insidious Ming army. own side.

  Koji Nakamura's head suddenly "buzzed", he was so insidious and shameless, he actually carried two iron cannons with him! Daming Gouyue is too rich to be able to equip so many iron cannons!

  When all the Japanese pirates saw the Zhejiang army skillfully throwing and changing firecrackers, their complexions suddenly turned gray and yellow, and their pupils dilated sharply.

  Before they had any extra thoughts, they saw clusters of flames exploding in the night, accompanied by dense and neat gunshots of "bang bang bang".

Puff puff.

  The dull sound of lead bullets hitting the body sounded, and clusters of blood exploded, and the screams were endless.

  The Japanese pirates in the charge once again fell down like cutting wheat. Due to the short distance, the power and accuracy of the firecrackers were greater than the previous round. There were as many as sixty or seventy Japanese pirates who fell this time.

  It seems to be cleared,

   More than half of the more than one hundred Japanese pirates who charged fell directly, and there were less than forty Japanese pirates still standing on the scene.

  This time, good luck did not favor Nakamura Koji. He was furious and eager for revenge, and he rushed to the front. He was shot at least three times. He only screamed and fell to the ground, dying.

  The martial arts that he had practiced hard for more than ten years didn't have time to display it, so he was killed by a few lead bullets.

  The more than forty Japanese pirates who survived were also beaten by the two rounds of firecrackers of the Zhejiang Army, and they froze in place, as if they had died.

  On the one hand, their leader, Koji Nakamura, was on the street, and no one gave them orders, so they lost command.

On the other hand, the firepower of the Zhejiang army was too fierce, and the shock to them was too strong. They knew the power of the iron cannon, which could penetrate armor, but the lethality was just that. Without such a large-scale use of iron cannons, at most a row of iron cannons can be organized, and when a round of gunshots is fired, the opposite side is just falling down here and there. Formed into three rows, one row squatting, one row bending down, and one row standing, a round of gunshots, one's own side died like cutting wheat, this lethality exceeded their acceptance.

  One hundred and sixty people, after two rounds of gunfire, there were only about forty of them left, not enough for someone to fire another round of firecrackers.

  It is true that the Japanese pirates are fierce, but they are also flesh and blood. Facing such terrifying lethality, their morale is also crumbling.

   At this moment, the last straw that overwhelmed them appeared, and the Zhejiang army 50 meters behind appeared.

  Zhu Ping'an led one hundred and eight Zhejiang troops to change into Japanese pirate night clothes and go first, and the remaining Zhejiang troops trailed secretly 50 meters behind.

  After the first round of gunfire, these Zhejiang troops followed Zhu Ping'an's order and quickly followed up with support. After the second round of gunfire, these Zhejiang troops also arrived.

The morale of these surviving Japanese pirates was already on the verge of collapse, and then saw that hundreds of Zhejiang troops were killed, each of them was holding a firecracker, completely unable to hold back, and even lost the courage to die. Turn around and run back.

   But no matter how fast you run, can you outrun a gun? !

  The Japanese pirates who fled became living targets.

   bang bang bang

  After another round of gunfire, there was no longer any Japanese pirate on the ground who could stand still.

  (end of this chapter)

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