Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1705: money capacity

  Chapter 1705 Banknote Ability

   Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you have the ability to make money.

Suzhou Prefecture in this era is the most money-capable state capital in the world, not one of them. In terms of the world’s economic volume occupied by the same era, modern New York, Los Angeles, London and Paris are all bundled together, oh , Tokyo and Singapore must also be counted, so that we can barely break our wrists with the Suzhou government of this era.

After the Suzhou government used its natural ability, the Fengqiao sentry fort defense line dug the foundation trench overnight and laid an extremely solid foundation. The materials required for green bricks, bluestone, lime, glutinous rice, sand, wood, etc. They were all pulled to the construction site, piled up like a hill.

  Early in the morning, before dawn, nearly a thousand people have already started construction on the site in full swing.

  Zhu Ping'an woke up early in the morning and saw this scene.

  The more than 100-meter-long cave and bank defenses have been built with five layers of green bricks, and the sentry fort has also been built with two layers of bricks.

  Military buildings don't pay attention to gorgeousness, but only to solidity, which is simpler than building palaces and civilian houses.

   Moreover, the overall scale of the Fengqiao defense line is not large.

   It seems that the river bank defense wall can be completed in one morning, and the anti-image post will be slower, after all, it is three stories high.

According to the director of the Suzhou Fu Workshop who presided over the construction, it takes half a day to dry in the sun when the construction reaches a certain height, and the lime and rice-polished concrete are stronger before continuing to build upwards. Moreover, the processes of erecting beams, roofing, installing capstones, and pillars also require a certain amount of work. Leave time.

   "Master Zhu, the three-story anti-Japanese fortress will take about six days at the fastest to be completed and put into use, but I will keep an eye on the progress and try my best to meet the construction period and strive for an earlier completion..."

  The owner of the household in Suzhou Fu said nervously to Zhu Pingan, worried that Zhu Pingan would dislike the slow progress.

When Shang Zhifu sent him to preside over the construction of the Fengqiao defense line, he specifically emphasized two points. The first point is that the Fengqiao defense line was built by Zhu Pingan, and Zhu Pingan's opinions should be listened to unconditionally during the construction process; The quality must satisfy Zhu Ping'an.

   Zhu Pingan waved his hands again and again when he heard the words, "It doesn't take six days, just finish it within ten days. The quality must be guaranteed. The stronger the fort, the better. Use more lime and glutinous rice to smear it."

  This is ancient times, not the era of infrastructure madness a few hundred years later. Zhu Ping'an is already very satisfied that it can be built within ten days.

   What I want is a solid military defense line, not a quick pile of tofu...

Moreover, this era is purely handmade, there is no machinery such as sending Gaozong, sending Huizong, fork sauce, shovel sauce, vomit mud sauce, etc. Excessive rush, it is bound to be difficult to avoid imperial envoys and even squeeze the people. The current people have worked hard enough and can no longer be squeezed up.

   In addition, after the river bank defense wall is completed today, Fengqiao is not safe to defend. With the end wall, Fengqiao can also be guarded.

   "Don't worry, my lord, it will be completed with quality and quantity."

  President Zhang was relieved when he heard Zhu Ping'an said that it could be completed within ten days, and he promised again and again.

  Zhu Pingan observed for a while, and found that Mr. Zhang was very capable. Under his arrangement, the entire construction site was busy but not chaotic, and orderly. So he confidently handed over the construction site to Mr. Zhang and returned to Fengqiao Camp.

  Zhu Pingan re-planned the Fengqiao Camp. The accommodation area, practice area, shooting range, breeding area, kitchen, bathhouse, toilet area, etc., except for the size and orientation, are almost identical to the Taohuaji Camp.

  After the planning was completed, Zhu Pingan ordered the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army to use the battalion as a unit to go out of the battalion to practice around Suzhou City.

  Zhu Ping'an emphasized military discipline to the soldiers, and they were not allowed to disturb the people, trample on the crops, or interfere with the production and life of the people.

  The reason why Zhu Ping'an ordered the Zhejiang Army to go out for training was to show the image of the Zhejiang Army and let the Zhejiang Army integrate into Suzhou, which was recognized by the people of Suzhou. To defend Suzhou well, we must rely on the Fengqiao defense line, and more importantly, we must rely on the local people. The experience of great men tells us that only with the support of the common people can the army be invincible.

  The second is to be familiar with the geographical terrain of Suzhou. Through training around Suzhou City, the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army will be familiar with the geographical terrain of Suzhou City, such as water, land, forest, and wood.

   Soon, people rushing to the morning market outside the gate of Changmen discovered the Zhejiang army who was out of the camp for training.

   "I am a soldier, I come from the common people, I am showered with the emperor's kindness... I am a soldier, I love the king and the people..."

  "All the officers and men of the Zhejiang Army must keep in mind that the four iron laws must be executed eighteen times; first, follow the command in all actions, and second, do not take the masses' needles..."

  A battalion of soldiers lined up neatly, singing loud military songs, and ran across the street.

At the beginning, people were a little nervous and worried, but seeing that this army was different from the Guards Army, they had strict discipline, committed no crimes, respected the old and loved the young, and sang military songs that loved the army and the people, so people gradually relaxed .

   "Oh, it turns out that this is the Zhejiang Army. You see, they are all wearing armor, and they are all young and strong."

   "I heard that their general was the champion of the year..."

  People looked at the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army who were fully armed and started talking, and gradually got used to the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army who were training.

   "Report, Mr. Zhu, there is an urgent official document from the imperial envoy Zhao Wenhua, Mr. Zhao." A cavalryman with a banner came outside the Fengqiao Camp of the Zhejiang Army and interrupted Zhu Ping'an's work.

  Zhu Pingan opened the official document, and the official document required Zhu Pingan to select 800 elites from the Zhejiang Army immediately after receiving the official document, and go to the Shazhou Sacrifice Sea Point to wait for orders without any mistakes.

  The sea festival is about to begin!

  Shazhou is a good natural port at the junction of Jiangyin and Changshu. It is connected to Changshu in the east and Jiangyin in the west. Changshu County belongs to Suzhou Prefecture. His own Zhejiang army was stationed in Suzhou Prefecture. Zhao Wenhua was transferred to assist in the sea sacrifice, which is also under regulation.

  Worshiping the sea is a major event that Emperor Jiajing, who is cultivating immortals, attaches great importance to. Zhao Wenhua is an imperial envoy for offering sacrifices to the sea. He can use a chicken feather as an arrow, so he can only obey orders.

  Zhu Ping'an had no choice but to put down his work, called Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and other battalion commanders, and announced Zhao Wenhua's official document to them.

Zhu Pingan ordered Liu Dadao and Ruofeng to go to the camp to select 800 elites, and follow him to Shazhou to obey orders. He asked everyone to be fully armed. There were losses such as the blasting of the guns, and twelve of the twenty-three artillery pieces in the battalion were also taken away.

   "This is my saber. You hold this saber and sit in the Fengqiao camp for me. If you don't listen to your command, you can cut it first and then play it."

  Zhu Pingan handed the saber to Liu Mu in public, ordered him to sit in the Fengqiao camp on his behalf, granted him the right to kill first and then play, and repeatedly explained to Liu Mu:

"The scale of this sea sacrifice is huge, and many officers and soldiers from the local area have been transferred to assist. The Japanese pirates will definitely not sit back and watch, or mess up the sea or the place. You have to be very careful and send soldiers to take turns to guard the river bank defense wall. There must be three hundred soldiers at all times

   Stand behind the wall. In addition, soldiers were sent to patrol the area from Changmen to Fengqiao to guard against Japanese pirates mixing in to make trouble. "

"During this period, send troops to check all the merchants and people passing through Fengqiao, whether they are passing on the bridge or sailing under the bridge, and tell them that they are not allowed to enter Suzhou with weapons, and all suspicious persons who hide weapons will be handed over to Suzhou. government screening.

   "Strictly tell all officers and men not to take advantage of the opportunity to extort money, blackmail, or harass the people. Once discovered, they will be severely punished."

  (end of this chapter)

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