Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1704: Zhurong Commercial Bank

  Chapter 1704 Zhu Rong Trading Company

  After bidding farewell to Shangzhi’s Mansion, Zhu Ping’an returned to a courtyard house on Fulu Street in Lumenli.

   That's right, this is Li Shu's house in Suzhou.

  Li Shu sent someone to buy it the day before yesterday and arranged it properly. The former owner of the house was a local official in Suzhou. Because of the rush to sell, the price was 20% off compared to the market price, but full payment was required on the day of the transaction. This is a large sum of money. There are many people who are interested, but no one has paid for it. Maybe it is waiting for the price to be lowered. In short, it has been on the market for nearly half a month, and there is no transaction.

   Then Li Shu sent someone to take it down.

  Li Shu has never wronged herself. Although the house was purchased the day before yesterday, it has been redecorated and furnished. The decoration is very elegant, warm and comfortable.

   Fortunately, if paint was not used in ancient times, there was basically no pollution such as formaldehyde. Moreover, Li Shu remembered Zhu Ping'an's reminder, and specifically told the people below not to use paint when decorating the house.

  So, it’s no problem to check in so quickly.

   Li Shu arrived half a day later than Zhu Ping'an, and arrived in Suzhou in the evening, and it was not long after she moved into Zhu's residence.

  It was very late in the evening, the evening wind was like a knife, and it was bitingly cold. There is no doubt that the winter in Suzhou is also very cold and humid.

  But compared to the humid and cold Suzhou, this house is much warmer, especially indoors, as if it is not in the same season.

  One in winter and one in summer.

  From the outside, if you look at the right angle, you can see that many rooms in this house are steaming white. It is produced by the liquefaction of the cold air outside when it comes into contact with the hot air coming out of the house.

"Wow, wow, miss, why is the room so warm? Along the way, people outside are almost runny noses, but the room is so warm, as warm as summer? I took off the fox fur, and even Bijia I took it off, but it’s still so hot that I want to sweat.”

  As soon as Hua'er opened the curtain, a gust of hot air rushed towards her face. Stepping into the room was like stepping into the summer from winter. It was so hot that she had to take off the fox fur, and then took off the bijia.

  At first, Hua'er thought that there were many braziers in the room to make it so warm, but after looking around, she didn't find a single brazier, so she couldn't help opening her mouth in surprise, and said with an expression of disbelief.

"Hua'er, do you see those iron pipes on the wall? That's why the room is so warm. This is the heating equipment that brother Zhu said, and he sent someone to install it yesterday. At that time, brother Zhu told me that it could When making the room as warm as early summer, I thought Brother Zhu was exaggerating. Unexpectedly, it can really make the room so warm."

  Li Shu took off the sable fur and put on a single shirt, looked at the heating pipe in the room with happiness and excitement, and said to Hua'er.

   "Heating equipment? Just these pipes?" Hua'er's eyes widened curiously. It was hard to believe that the pipes on the wall could make the room so warm, and then she couldn't help reaching out her little hand curiously to touch it.

   "Be careful it's hot." Before Li Shu could speak, Hua'er's little hand touched it.

   "Hot..." Hua'er suddenly cried out in pain, blew her little hands aggrievedly, and looked at Li Shu pitifully.

   "Stupid girl, it can make the room so warm, can it not be hot?" Li Shu felt distressed and amused.

   Fortunately, although the heating pipe was very hot, Hua'er's little hands were not burned, but were a little red.

   "It's clean and warm, and you don't have to worry about catching fire. Now the lady can expect to give birth comfortably. My uncle really cares about the lady." Qin'er walked around the room twice and said happily.

"Well, when Brother Zhu comes, I will ask Brother Zhu for the design drawing of the heating equipment. The north is much colder than ours, and we can enjoy the warmth of summer in winter. The rich people in the north will be crazy about it. "

  Li Shu's big eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, looking at the pipes in the room, they were full of golden light.

  This is not heating equipment, this is clearly a gleaming gold mine.

  Now is the coldest time in winter, and this year's winter is colder than usual. It is a good opportunity to sell heating equipment. When it's freezing cold, it's a godlike day to be able to enjoy the warmth of summer. Even a set of one hundred taels of silver or more will be snapped up by people.

  Brother Zhu needed money for his military training, so if he didn’t sell the heating equipment at a high price, he would be too sorry for himself.

  Well, let’s build a heating model house in the capital, and invite some stewards and nuns from rich and noble families to visit, which will definitely attract their masters.

  Then renovate the heating in restaurants and shops in the capital, and people who can afford to enter the shop will naturally feel the heating.

Forget it, the Hou Mansion should also install heating equipment, so as not to be gossiped, and they like to show off, they often hold handkerchief parties, tea parties, garden parties, etc. , I can just use them to promote heating equipment... Based on my knowledge and understanding of them, after installing the heating system for them, within a few days, most of the honorable families in the capital will know about the heating system.

  Honorable and noble families like to enjoy, and they also like to compare. Linhuai Hou’s house has heating, and winter is as warm as summer. Then we also need to install heating in Wei Guogong’s mansion.

  Brother Zhu said a word before, what is it called, oh, I remembered, advertisement, yes, it is advertisement.

   Once the heating equipment spreads in the capital, it will not be a problem to spread in the north. The capital naturally leads the national trend.

  There are so many rich people in the north, no one can refuse to enjoy the warmth of summer in the freezing winter, no matter men, women or children.

   This is a huge market, just like a gold mine, as long as you hold the key technology in your hands, it will be inexhaustible.

   I want to open a business that specializes in selling and installing heating equipment. Well, what should I call it? Let’s call it "Zhurong Commercial Firm". It specializes in selling heating equipment. Brother Zhu won’t have to worry about running out of money in the future...

  Li Shu narrowed her eyes happily.

   "Miss, miss, my uncle is back." The voice of the girl outside made Li Shu even happier.

Zhu Pingan did not stay overnight in Zhu's Mansion at night. He had dinner with Li Shu, took a walk, drew a heating design drawing for Li Shu, and explained the key technologies carefully, such as installing water tanks, height difference, decompression, and exhaust. Wait, after that, Zhu Ping'an returned to the Zhejiang Army's Fengqiao camp overnight to preside over military affairs.

  (end of this chapter)

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