Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1692: question

  Chapter 1692 questioned

  The way the Zhejiang army practiced firearms really impressed Zhang Jing and others, and it can even be said to be very shocking.

The Zhe Army first launched a round of earth-shattering shelling. As soon as the shelling fell, they lined up neatly in nine rows and marched forward. After arriving at the predetermined location, the first wave of three rows opened fire together by squatting down, bending over, and standing upright. After firing, retreat to the last row to load ammunition, and then the next wave of three people stepped forward to fire.

   Wave after wave, like waves, continuous, the intensity of the firepower is jaw-dropping and shocking.

  This kind of firearm practice method, they have never heard of it, they have never seen it, it is the first time in history.

All the Ming armies they have seen used firearms as an auxiliary use, mainly cold weapons, and never relied on firearms like the Zhejiang Army. No, the Zhejiang Army is no longer relying on firearms. Yinggeng Shenjiying is already pure firearms, and the types of firearms used are also simple. At present, there are two types of firearms, one is a new type of small artillery, and the other is a uniform firearm.

  The general Ming army, no, all Ming armies except the Zhejiang army, are all mixed with hot and cold weapons. About 80% are cold weapons, about 10% to 20% are firearms, and there are many types of firearms, including rockets, three-eyed blunderbusses, fire blunderbusses, thunderbolts, thunderbolt poisonous fires, divine fire flying crows, etc. The use of rockets, arson, cannons, and thunderbolts are excellent for defending the city. The three-eyed blunderbuss and fire blunderbusses are powerful enough to break through armor. They are all auxiliary functions, and the combat is still dominated by cold weapons, and firearms are also mixed and used in the cold weapon battle formation for limited use.

Everyone practiced firearms, and it was the same. Firearms soldiers were mixed in the army, together with pikemen, archers, shield soldiers, etc. They had the same status as crossbowmen and their tactics were basically the same. The long-distance advantage, like the bow and crossbow, is used as long-range damage. Once in melee, the firearms soldier or the archer will retreat to the second line, under the protection of the melee soldier, fire coldly, follow or put down the firearm, and directly use the cold weapon to become melee soldiers.

   It is precisely because the Ming army has always been like this that the Zhe army's firearm drills are groundbreaking, which makes Zhang Jing and others so impressed and shocked.

  After the wave of firearms lasted for more than ten waves, the drills on the field came to an end temporarily, and the smoke filled the air and was pungent.

   "Zihou, what do you say about your Zhejiang army practicing firearms like this?" Zhang Jing asked Zhu Pingan with his head turned.

   "My lord, it's actually only four words." Zhu Pingan replied.

   "Which four words?" Zhao Wenhua, who was on the side, preempted Zhang Jing with great interest and asked Zhu Ping'an.

   "Without him, make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses." Zhu Pingan replied.

  Hearing this, Zhang Jing touched his chin, Hu Zongxian was also thoughtful, and the rest obviously didn't know why.

   "Tell me carefully, Zihou." Zhao Wenhua urged, he also didn't know why, he was not proficient in military affairs, and firearms are a relatively partial classification for the Ming Dynasty military map book, it is normal for Zhao Wenhua not to know.

"Returning to my lord, the advantage of firearms over cold weapons such as swords, bows and crossbows lies in their power. I have carefully studied the current firearms tactics, and found that all current firearms tactics have not been able to effectively exert the power of firearms. Firearms are only used as supplements to bows and crossbows. , Only a small part of the power of the firearms was exerted. I carefully studied the bow and crossbow battle formations, combined with the characteristics of the firearms themselves, and created the battle formations that our Zhejiang Army is currently practicing to maximize the power of firearms."

  Zhu Ping'an briefly introduced the reason and purpose of establishing the Zhejiang Army's firearms battle formation. In short, it is to exert the power of firearms.

   "Well, continue." Zhao Wenhua nodded, tapped his finger on the armrest of the chair, and signaled Zhu Pingan to continue.

"The battle formations that our Zhejiang army has just practiced are mainly two, or one tactic and one battle formation. The tactic is infantry coordination tactics, that is, artillery and infantry cooperate to fight. There are two points in this tactic. One is to use artillery to shoot first. , to attack the enemy from a long distance. When the enemy is destroyed by the artillery and falls into a panic, the infantry will charge to the effective range and fire, destroying the enemy's vital forces. The second point is that during the battle, the artillery will also fire at the same time. , The artillery fires to support infantry operations, continuously suppresses and strikes the enemy's deep targets, continuously destroys the enemy's battle formations, kills and injures the enemy, and damages the enemy's morale."

"Of course, because the Zhejiang Army is still familiar with infantry coordination tactics, and the artillery and infantry are still running in, we can only practice the first point at present. When the artillery is more familiar with artillery, the operation of artillery is more accurate, and the infantry is more harmonious. The second drill will be conducted to prevent the artillery from accidentally injuring the infantry. Now the artillery has almost met the requirements."

  Zhu Ping'an stretched out his hand, pointed at the gunners and gunners resting on the field, and said slowly.

  Of course, to achieve these two points is only a very simple infantry coordination tactic, which can be regarded as a fixed infantry coordination, and a dynamic infantry coordination will be practiced in the future. This also requires the infantry and artillery to be more familiar, especially the artillery needs to be more familiar and accurate, otherwise it is easy to accidentally injure the infantry.

   "Infantry coordination?"

  After hearing this new term, everyone couldn't help repeating it, then nodded slightly, and found that Zhu Ping'an was worthy of being the number one scholar.

   "This is a tactic, what about the battle formation?" Zhao Wenhua asked.

   This is someone whispering, "Isn't it just a row of rows, how can you see any battle formations?"

The person whispering was either Zhang Bao or Wei Liangyi. Both of them were hot-tempered warriors with straight guts. They had just eaten at the Yuanmen, and they were suffocating in their stomachs. He muttered behind his back, vented a little, and expressed his dissatisfaction.

   Immediately, there was a chuckle.

Zhu Pingan watched as if he heard about it, and pointed to the well-formed soldiers in the field with a proud face, and said loudly: "The name of the firearms battle formation practiced by our Zhejiang Army is: Yongji Formation. Only the discipline of order and prohibition can form such a battle formation, and the two are indispensable."

   "Isn't it just standing in a row? You can go up with just a two-legged soldier. How to rise to the level that requires the courage of the brave to win in a narrow road and the discipline of prohibiting orders is too exaggerated."

  Another mosquito-like muttering sound, which can be heard at once, is the same sound as before.

   Naturally, another chuckle was provoked.

  Indeed, in everyone's opinion, the firearms formation called "Yongji Formation" practiced by the Zhejiang Army is not a battle formation at all. Although the muttering just now was a bit exaggerated, it is the truth.

   Isn’t the Zhejiang army just standing in a row, walking forward together, and when they arrive at the ground, open fire and it’s over.

  How can it be related to the courage of the brave who wins in a narrow road, and the discipline of prohibiting orders?

  Master Zhu's words are indeed a bit exaggerated.

  (end of this chapter)

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