Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1691: Coordination of artillery steps, bravery appears

  Chapter 1691 Artillery coordination, Yongji array appears

   "Zi Hou, how much does this cotton armor cost? How long does it take to make a set of this cotton armor?"

  After testing the cotton armor, Zhang Jing called Zhu Pingan to him and asked Zhu Pingan in detail.

Zhu Pingan knew that Zhang Jing was impressed by the excellent defensive performance of the cotton armor. to make.

  Although the armor penetration rate is not the decisive factor of the army's combat effectiveness, it is undeniable that the higher the armor penetration rate, the more chances of victory for the army.

  Historically, due to various reasons, the armored rate of the Ming army was actually not high. Although many people in modern times have concluded that the armored rate of the Ming army reached about 90% through various arguments, it is not accurate. Take the famous Songjin Battle in history as an example. After the war, the Qing army of Huang Taiji's Ministry counted the corpses of the Ming army and found that the rate of the dead was less than one-third.

  With the financial resources of the Ming Dynasty, it is not a problem for the officers and soldiers to popularize cotton armor. The Ming army with a close to 100% armor rate, at least the lower limit will not be too low.

This is a good opportunity for the butterfly effect, Zhu Pingan will not let it go, and strongly recommends to Zhang Jing: "Back to the Governor, to make a pair of cotton armor requires eight catties of cotton, twenty catties of iron and eight catties of copper, the total weight About thirty-six catties, and the cost is about a quarter of the iron armor. Our Zhejiang army makes cotton armor, which is divided into eight parts: helmet, body armor, shawl, sleeve, front guard, left guard, armor skirt, and heart mirror Part, ten processes, each process can be started at the same time, mass production of cotton armor, the more manpower, the greater the output, from cotton to cotton armor, a few days is enough if the weather is good, and the time-consuming is much lower than that of iron armor , suitable for short-term large-scale installation.”

   "Oh, save time, effort and money, not bad, not bad." Zhang Jing couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

The cost of a set of Zhejiang army cotton armor is only a quarter of that of iron armor, and the process is only ten processes, which can be completed in a few days; as for iron armor, not to mention expensive, the process is also very complicated, Moreover, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and cannot be mass-produced; in comparison, the advantages of cotton armor are too great.

"Cotton armor is good, but what to do when it rains. It's rainy in the south of the Yangtze River. Once it rains, the cotton armor is soaked, so let's not talk about it. What to do if the wet soldiers get sick, and it's easy to rot when wet." The official said.

   "Bring water."

  Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly, making people fetch several buckets of water.

   "Pour water on the cotton armor with a ladle, and pour a few more ladles on each pair of cotton armor." Zhu Pingan instructed the soldiers.

  The soldiers acted according to the order without any compromise. They poured water on the cotton armor, and each pair of cotton armor poured six or seven ladles, which was more pouring than heavy rain.

   Under the eyes of everyone, as soon as the water was splashed on the cotton armor, it flowed down, as if it had been splashed on linoleum.

   "My lords, please take a look." Zhu Pingan asked Zhang Jing and others to come forward and inspect the cotton armor.

   "It's waterproof?" Everyone checked the cotton armor, and found that the cotton armor was barely wet, and opened their mouths in disbelief.

"This is the cotton armor developed by our Zhejiang army. It is safe from swords, bows and arrows, rain is impenetrable, mildew does not rot, and bird guns cannot be injured. If the battle is fierce, the cotton armor is destroyed by sharp weapons and firearms. Just replace the broken part. If the cape is broken, replace the cape; if the sleeve is broken, replace the sleeve.”

  Zhu Ping'an continued to recommend to Zhang Jing and others.

   "That's right, cotton armor has great prospects. How many craftsmen do you have in the Zhejiang Army who are skilled in making cotton armor?" Zhang Jing asked.

   "Most of the soldiers in our Zhejiang Army Equipment Battalion can skillfully make cotton armor. In addition, the process of cotton armor is simple. A blacksmith can master the production process of cotton armor after several days of training." Zhu Pingan replied.

  After hearing this, Zhang Jing nodded, "I will organize a group of blacksmiths to come to your camp to learn how to make cotton armor later. You are not allowed to hide anything."

   "Don't worry, Governor, our army will never hide anything, and will definitely give it all." Zhu Ping'an assured.

"Very good." Zhang Jing nodded. Mianjia is much more valuable than the pigs raised in the camp just now. With this harvest, even if the Zhejiang Army went astray by relying on firearms, this tour is worthwhile. .

   Well, let’s take a look at the Zhejiang Army’s firearms drills, correct Zhu Ping’s erroneous thinking, and lead the Zhejiang Army on the right path.

   Take it as a reward for the farming and cotton armor of the Zhejiang Army.

  Therefore, Zhang Jing said to Zhu Ping'an, "Zi Hou, you continue to practice, let us see how your army drills firearms."

   "As ordered."

  Zhu Ping'an surrendered and ordered the Zhejiang Army to continue to drill.

   "My lord, please sit on the stage and watch." Zhu Pingan led Zhang Jing and others to sit on the temporary high stage.

  Zhang Jing and others sat on chairs on the high platform to watch the Zhejiang Army drill.

In the eyes of everyone, the soldiers of a battalion of the Zhejiang Army were displayed on the school field. The battalion commander raised his saber and swung it vigorously. Twenty soldiers came out of the battalion, and each of them carried a small gun-style gun with a novel style on their shoulders. artillery.

It is said that it is a Wankou gun, but it is actually very different from the Wankou gun. The body of the gun is thinner and thinner than that of the Wankou gun. There are five iron hoops on the gun body. The artillery is much smaller and simpler.

   According to visual inspection, each small artillery is about twenty or thirty kilograms, and it can be carried by one person.

There are two tiger-like brackets at the front of the muzzle. The brackets are not fixed, but can be moved at a certain angle. After the soldiers came out with the small artillery, they put the small artillery on the ground and adjusted the brackets so that the artillery pointed upwards obliquely. Sky.

  After adjusting the angle, the soldier took out a large oil-paper gunpowder bag from his waist, bit it open with his mouth and poured it into the muzzle. The gunpowder bag was mixed with black powder and pebbles, and then he stuffed a solid stone bullet into it and compacted it.

  The soldiers loaded quickly, obviously well-trained.

   "Fire!" A corporal shouted, and twenty gunners ignited the fuze almost simultaneously.

  In an instant, there was a loud sound of "bang bang bang".

Twenty cannons fired almost at the same time, accompanied by a burst of fire and smoke, large and small stone bullets flew together, and the ground was covered in blackness. The ground about 200 meters ahead was bombarded with potholes, and the twenty obviously large bullet craters were surrounded by densely packed small bullet craters. Covering a radius of nearly 100 meters, the bombarded ground resembles the surface of the moon.

Zhang Jing and others watching on the high platform couldn't help shrinking their eyes. The artillery of the Zhejiang Army is small, but it is powerful. Moreover, the Zhejiang army's artillery, large and small stone bombs, flew together, blasting a large area, causing great damage.

  If this artillery hits the Japanese pirates, a large number of people will die with one shot

Before Zhang Jing and others recovered from the power of the small artillery of the Zhejiang Army, the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army began to skillfully reload the ammunition, and then gave an order, another shot, and the interval between the two cannons was only a few breaths. time.

   Before Zhang Jing and the others came back to their senses, they saw the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army battalion rushing forward just after the second cannon blast.

   rushed more than 100 meters in one breath, and stopped about 50 meters away from the landing point of the shell.

Then, Zhang Jing and others saw the front three rows of soldiers of the Zhejiang Army. The first row squatted, the second row bent over, and the third row stood up straight. "Bang bang bang" sounded.

  Then, the three rows of soldiers retreated from both sides to the back of the camp, and skillfully began to reload. The soldiers of the fourth, fifth, and sixth platoons stepped forward. Just like the previous ones, one row squatted down, one row bent down, and one row stood upright.

   Such a rotation, after the fifth, sixth and seventh rows finished shooting, the first three rows of soldiers also quickly loaded their gunpowder, and after a few breaths, they stepped forward to fire again.

  Such a rotation, shooting several rounds in one go with almost no pause.

   Zhang Jing, Hu Zongxian and others on the high platform could not help but widen their eyes and mouth, watching this scene in shock, unable to recover for a long time.

  (end of this chapter)

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