Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1682: eye drops

  Chapter 1682 Eye drops

  Zhao Wenhua finally returned without success. Zhang Jing was the supreme military commander in the south of the Yangtze River to fight against the Japanese. If Zhang Jing didn’t order his soldiers, it would be useless for Zhao Wenhua to urge the battle. In the end, he could only snort angrily, turn and leave.

  Seeing the back of Zhao Wenhua leaving angrily, Zhang Jing twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain. He didn’t know why the Holy Majesty would send such a ignorant flatterer as the imperial envoy of the warlord. The strict party headed by Yan Song must have misled the Holy Majesty.

  Look at what Zhao Wenhua has done since he came here. Not to mention stealing, embezzlement, and accepting bribes all the way, when Ying Tian actually asked for bribes in disguise! He doesn't understand military affairs, he can only urge wars, and even tries to intervene in the plan to destroy the Japanese.

  Zhao Wenhua and his team can get a glimpse of the entire Yan Party!

   When I wipe out the Japanese pirates, I will definitely unite with people with lofty ideals, fight against the strict party, bring order out of chaos, and return the government and the people to a bright future.

  Zhang Jing strengthened his thoughts.

After Zhao Wenhua's back disappeared outside the door, Zhang Jing ordered, "Okay, according to my arrangement, I invite the Minister of the Ministry of War, the Garrison of Yingtian, and the Yushi of the Zhejiang Army to come and inspect the battalions with me." Troop training and preparations. For this inspection, there are two points to pay attention to, one is not to say hello in advance, and the other is to randomly select battalions for inspection."

  The purpose of inspecting the barracks is to check the training and preparation of each barracks, and then select outstanding generals from them.

   There are raging soldiers, and there are raging generals. Excellent generals are the indispensable mainstay for eradicating Japanese pirates.

  After the arrival of outstanding soldiers such as Shandong spearmen and Guangxi wolf soldiers, assign these foreign soldiers to outstanding generals and commanders.

   Soon, Mr. Huang, the right servant of Yingtian Military Department, and Xu Pengju, the Duke of Wei, arrived with two entourages each.

  Master Huang, the right servant of the Ministry of War of Yingtian, is newly appointed. The former right servant of the Ministry of War, Shi Pengfei, was convicted of harassing Yingtian by the Japanese pirates last time and demoted to the people. Huang Daren got this once-in-a-lifetime promotion opportunity.

   After a while, Hu Zongxian, the inspector and supervisor of Zhejiang Province, also came. However, Zhao Wenhua also came with Hu Zongxian.

  Zhang Jing first stared at Hu Zongxian for a full two seconds. Hu Zongxian looked as usual, smiled and bowed to Zhang Jing, "Governor Zhang."

  Zhang Jing frowned and nodded, then turned to look at Zhao Wenhua, with a worried expression on his face, "Didn't Mr. Zhao go back? Why are you here again?"

"I heard that Governor Zhang is going to inspect the military camp. I am an imperial envoy to supervise military affairs, so naturally I can't stay out of it. Moreover, this official can use this inspection to the military camp to select soldiers and guard and maintain the order of the sea sacrifice ceremony. The sea sacrifice is coming soon. I also ask Governor Zhang to help me. If you come uninvited, I ask Governor Zhang not to blame."

  Zhao Wenhua said with a smile, without any resentment on his face, as if he was not the one who bumped into a wall at Zhang Jing just now, turned around angrily and walked away.

  The so-called stretching out his hand without smiling, seeing Zhao Wenhua bow his head and pushing Ji Hai out again, Zhang Jing couldn't just push him away. What's more, he just followed the training and preparations of the military camps under inspection, and did not involve the command and other cores, so it would be okay to have one more him.

   "Hmph, everyone is here, let's go together." Zhang Jing snorted and walked out first, acquiescing to Zhao Wenhua to accompany him.

   "Thank you, Governor Zhang."

  Zhao Wenhua smiled and bowed his hands to Zhang Jing's back. If you look carefully, you will find that there is still an ink stain on Zhao Wenhua's finger.

  The reason why there is this piece of ink is because Zhao Wenhua just wrote a secret letter, a letter, out of righteous indignation after Zhang Jing went back angrily.

  Mizhe was presented to Emperor Jiajing.

  Speaking of Secret Zhe, a convenient and fast channel to contact the Holy One, Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but think of Zhu Pingan again. The appearance of Secret Zhe was the suggestion of this kid. With secret documents, it is much more convenient to impeach people.

  Zhao Wenhua has never been a person who resigns himself to doing things, never a person who can accommodate a big belly and a prime minister who can pull a boat.

   It’s one thing to welcome the wind banquet, one is to exclude the military command, and not to tell the military deployment. !


  I, Zhao Wenhua, have always been revengeful!

  After returning angrily from the governor's office, Zhao Wenhua laid out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone and began to write a memorial to impeach Zhang Jing.

"Zhang Jing is an old man, cautious by nature, prudent and cautious, and his art of war is not bad. However, he can't manage soldiers, and fears the Japanese like a tiger. Now when the Japanese pirates come forward, they can't do it. Today there are more than 40,000 Japanese pirates entrenched in Tuolinchuan, Zhejiang. In Shabao and other places, more and more people gather. Every day, the Japanese go out to plunder the surrounding cities, burning, killing and looting all kinds of crimes. The people suffer unspeakably. Crying and being displaced, but Zhang Jing has not sent a single soldier to suppress the Japanese since he took office. His ministers urged Zhang Jing to send troops to suppress the Japanese several times, but he refused to send troops because the timing was not yet. Wanting to wait for the opportunity for the Japanese pirates to plunder their feet and escape, to suppress the remaining pirates and repay their merits, or even worse, the people of Zhang Jing and Fujian are also worried about the thieves passing through their hometown, collaborating with the enemy, and raising the thieves to be self-respecting, and do not want to serve the court."

  After finishing writing, Zhang Jing checked it carefully to make sure that there were no typos, and was about to call for someone to send out the impeachment memorial.

However, Zhao Wenhua soon shook his head again, and said to himself, "It's not right, it's not right, I just came to Jiangnan, the sea has not yet been sacrificed, my foothold is not yet stable, and the time is too short for this impeachment memorandum." Now is not the time, At least wait until the sacrifice to the sea is over, and then urge the battle a few more times. Thinking of this, Zhao Wenhua crumpled the memorial into a ball and threw it into the wastebasket.

  In order to prevent the news from leaking, Zhao Wenhua picked it up from the wastebasket again, threw it into the furnace, and burned it to ashes.

  Fu took out another secret book and wrote again.

  This time, Zhao Wenhua did not directly impeach Zhang Jing, but mainly wrote about the situation of his arrival in Yingtian.

   Just added a sentence at the end without any trace, Zhang Jing received the order, talked about offering sacrifices to the sea, and walked away

  After receiving the order, Zhang Jing talked about offering sacrifices to the sea, and walked away angrily. This is a fact, and everyone present saw it.

   Can withstand investigation.

Based on my own understanding of Emperor Jiajing, after learning that Zhang Jing left in a huff after accepting the order, the Holy Majesty would definitely ask the factory guard to verify it. Uncomfortable, whether it is not respecting the imperial decree enough, or slandering the sea, it will make the Holy One feel grudges.

   Even, as the governor of Zhang Jingjiang, doing this behavior made the Holy One fearful, and it is not impossible for trust to break

  Anyway, put eye drops on Zhang Jing first, paving the way for the impeachment of Zhang Jing in the future.

After the secret book was written, Zhao Wenhua wrote another letter to his adoptive father Yan Song. In the letter, he tried his best to slander Zhang Jing, cited Zhang Jing's hostility in detail, and finally stated that he intended to impeach Zhang Jing after the sea sacrifice. , please ask Yan Song to help.

  After finishing writing, Zhao Wenhua called his confidants and ordered them to bring the secret booklet and letter into the capital immediately without any mistakes.

  (end of this chapter)

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